
Biden and his rotten Empire that lies, cheats, steals and kills

 Biden, when he initiated all those projects must already be suffering from hallucinations, just spouting nonsense whatever enters his mind. With all the so-called top advisers at his disposal, no one tells him about the dangers of shooting the USA's own feet.

That is the beauty, or ugliness, of USA politics. With all the shouting about being best in everything, but when it comes to strategy, nothing works. How could the USA be said to be leading others, when it is itself totally blind as a bat. And worst of all, allies are not pointing out its errors and just following its dictates that is leading them into the gutters. See no further than Europe.

I really am stunned by the European foolishness being lectured right in the face by African leaders and having no answer to rebut or respond and looking on sheepishly. Why are Africans so brave to fight back, while Asians like Japanese and South Korean leaders remained quiet as a mouse despite being dragged over the coals. They only know how to threaten China and North Korea to no avail.

Suffice to say, the bravery of Africans is something to be admired. This auger well for Africa to progress without restraints by the evil Satanic State and its cronies and affords Africa the capability to chart its own destiny like China. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Africa is the next big thing. And China and Russia are betting on Africa. Strategically, both China and Russia are betting on the right horse, as Africa has rich resources that China needs for its manufacturing and a big market for Russian agriculture. China is also helping to build up Africa's infrastructures that will see the continent move up the economic ladder and eradicate mass poverty. Africans know that only China is capable of helping them achieve this goal. Apart from giving such help, the long relationship built up between China and some African states dates back several decades when these African states were fighting colonial rule, and this will be further consolidated.

The USA and the West are betting on India. Both Africa and India have the same huge population and equally mired in poverty. The USA and the West are betting that India can generate the consumer market for the USA and the West. But are the USA and the West helping to build the infrastructures for India to compete with the likes of China in cheaper goods? We never know as India may do what the EU is doing to itself, cutting its nose to spite its face. You will be surprised that Indians may choose to cut their noses to please the USA and the West for the sake of countering China.