
Anglo-Saxon Whites throughout the centuries have been keeping the non-Whites divided

 What the Anglo-Saxon Whites have been doing throughout the centuries is keep the non-Whites divided - the Muslims, the Africans, the Asians so that they can continue to be the supreme race controlling them. Just look at history in Africa, Middle East and Asia - between the two Koreas, between China and India, between China and the Japanese, Philippines and Australia, between the African states and the Anglo-Saxon instigated wars of division. Even ASEAN is being threat of fragmentation if not careful.

The only fortunate thing is that China did not suffer fragmentation during its humiliation at the hands of the eight nations. The Anglo-Saxon White's intention was to split China up into various concessions for easier control like Africa, to be shared among the eight. Had that succeeded, there would not be any China to speak of. Five thousand years of civilization would then have been destroyed by the White barbarians.

China did not disintegrate when the Mongols conquered and founded the Yuan Dynasty under the rule of Kublai Khan. In fact, it was to prosper under his rule. The Mongols did not rob China off its resources and thousands of years of heritage, because the Mongols were content to be assimilated into Chinese culture and civilization. Suffice to say, the Mongols were more civilized than the Anglo-Saxon Whites, who were out to destroy China.

It is perhaps heaven's will that Russia is now closer to China than before but facing greater instigation by the USA and the West to face confrontation with Japan and the Philippines, with Australia playing a pivotal role as its White attack dog in chief. 


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