
Americans and the Jews plannining to annihilate Iran. American warships are all ready to fire

 You see how the USA is using propaganda and twisting the position in the Middle East to make Israel the victim now, with the coming retaliation by Iran.

The USA is asking the UN to put pressure on Iran not to escalate the Middle East conflict. The UN cannot be seen to be blind as to why Iran needs to retaliate when the Israelis are the ones wanting to expand the war in the Middle East to include Iran and Lebanon.

Iran is the main target of the USA and Israeli attempt to drag it into the conflict so that the USA and Israel can target Iran from going nuclear. If that assassination of the Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh on Iranian soil is not provocation, what else is? The reason for his assassination is clear and doing it on Iranian soil is just plain desperation to drag Iran into the conflict and gives the USA a reason to target Iran's plan to possess nukes. Now Iran must take that route of having nukes at all costs, just like North Korea to be safe.

The biggest irony is that Ismail Haniyeh was the material negotiator of the ceasefire deal between Hamas and the Israelis, and his assassination had been called 'madness' by some leaders. This clearly goes to show that the USA and Israel do not want peace in the Middle East by taking him out and instead wants to widen the war against the Islamic States.

Iran and other Islamic state should not be un-nerved by the Israelis talking about more intense retaliation should they attack Israel. This is just more of a rhetoric than substance. Ten months into the war in Gaza, and in spite of its military superiority and USA support, Israel has been unable to put Hamas out of business. Hamas is still alive and providing resistance. How many Hamas leaders have been reported killed, and yet others are rising to take over.

Iran has already proven well enough its ability to overcome the 'Iron Dome' myth, having put it to shame earlier. Israel should be worried this time around, with Hezbollah and the Houthis adding to the equation.

In my wild opinion, it is time for Iran and its allies to sink one USA carrier to put its invincibility to rest, just like putting the Israeli 'Iron Dome' boast into tatters. This is the time to do it, since the USA is posturing around the Gulf region once again with its aircraft carrier on standby. Leaving the job to the Houthis would be ideal.



Anonymous said...

The Israelis, USA and UK are the real axis of evil, with France becoming the quartet of evil, should realize that this is not the era of the 1967 Six Day War, where they were able to ride roughshod over the Arab states, primarily Egypt, Syria and Jordan, which were all militarily very weak in every quarter at that juncture.

The Six Day War was actually the Arab States fighting against the might of USA, UK, France and Israel, with all their aerial superiority, not just Israel alone. The USA's axis of evil must not forget that this is the era of missiles and drones, needing no pilots or planes, which Iran, in particular is no pushover.

Trying to annihilate Iran and control a region as wide and diverse as the Middle East is a pipe dream. Like China in the last century, there will be widespread uprising to get rid of Israel for good. This will be like stirring a hornet's nest. Arabs and Islamic states do not forgive or forget so easily. Just look at Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda and ISIS. They fight on against all odds and cannot be killed just by taking out their leaders. When death is no deterrent in Islam, the danger is even more difficult to endure.

This will be a multi-front war against Israel, unlike the Six Day War fought mainly over the Sinai Desert. Missiles and drones will land on Israel proper and will overwhelm the 'Iron Dome's' ability to defend. Israel needs the airpower support of the USA and its allies to help its defense as it did in April 2024 against Iranian missiles and drones.

Meanwhile, Russian is now stepping in to support the Arabs as reported. This changes the complexity of the game. Russia has a presence in Syria already since September 2015, a thorn in the side of the USA trying to get at its oil. God knows what will happen if Israel or the USA were to hit Russian Military targets over there in retaliation. This will be further escalation.

Anonymous said...

Russia's National Security Council head, Shoigu, has arrived in Iran. In recent days, several Russian military cargo planes were seen landing in Iran.

Egypt announced that it will not participate in a regional coalition to defend Israel against an Iranian attack.

Anonymous said...

Why would Egypt or any Arab or Muslim state be defending the Israelis when the Israelis were massacring the Palestinians and robbing them of their land?

Let's see which stupid Arab or Muslim state would betray the Arab and Muslim world to defend Israel from a revenge attack by Iran.

Would there be such an Arab and Muslim state to do so?