
Do we trust our children are among the best in the world?

In an article today by Sandra Davie, entitled “It’s OK to be No. 2 in academics, but aim to top student well-being”, she raised a few chSingapore has done it again by securing 2nd place in Pisa. It means we are still operating at the top level (China was 1st, Macau was 3rd, HK 4th in some subjects) when it comes to excelling in Maths, Science and Reading. Also, at the last three occasions (beginning at 2009), we were top.
Mind you, Pisa is a gruelling assessment. The benchmark is against 600,000 students from 79 countries and economies. We had sent at random 6,676 teens, most of whom were in Secondary 4. It is a reliable gauge of how far we have come and what we have done right to hone our future generation’s critical thinking skills and personal resilience.
Mr Sng Chern Wei, MOE’s deputy director-general said: “We are pretty happy with the 2018 Pisa findings because they show that our students are equipped with the critical skills and the resilience to cope with the challenges of a rapidly changing world.”
ampagne toasts to our educators for the results. She noted that we are heading in the right direction when it comes to critical thinking. “Remembering formulas or chunks of content won’t do. Pisa’s questions require students to use their knowledge and skills to solve problems in unfamiliar contexts.”....

The above is posted by a Michael Han in TRE.

I just want all of you to ponder, why would these world best students, for many years we were top, being treated as useless and untalented and consistently being replaced by CECA Indians that were unplaced in the PISA test? PISA is an international organisation and tested and deemed our students as world best. But our very own idiots in Singapore are treating our world best students as daft and systematically replacing them by third world fakes and conmen!

What is the scheme of things? Is there a master plan behind this cleansing of Singapore's DNA? Who is the mastermind behind this anti Singaporean scheme?

I feel very sorry for the younger Singaporeans, that with their PISA performance they would only end up as Grab drivers and security guards. All the top positions in Singapore are increasingly filled by CECA Indians and third world fakes. Their PISA scores are only good for gloating for a day or two and would soon be forgotten.  

Can you believe this, Singapore idiots replacing our world best own children with third world fakes and cheats they called them talents?


Anonymous said...

I feel very sorry for the younger Singaporeans, that with their PISA performance they would only end up as Grab drivers and security guards.

These Singaporeans are a minority lah, maybe 30% or less of all Singaporeans.

Just like the 30% who did not vote for PAP in the last election.

So looking at the big overall picture, I think PAP is not too worried.

And which is why smart Sinkies, unlike Tan Cheng Bock who has become not so smart after being made ineligble by PAP to stand for Presidential Election, did not join the Sinkie opposition to fight a losing battle with PAP in election.

Smart Sinkies know they will sure lose if they can only get minority % votes in election.

Anonymous said...

“At any one time our unemployment rate is maybe about 3 per cent. Now even with a resident workforce of 2.3 million, 3 per cent is still about 60,000 people. So, for 60,000 people to tell you that they haven’t seen the jobs, it’s not so surprising itself. But weigh that against the 97 per cent who are in jobs, you also can reflect their views.”
Josephine Teo, Manpower Minister

Hahahaha, Josephine Teo will win her election to become minister again and drawing million dollar salary, despite 60,000 unemployed people.

Anonymous said...

And which is why smart Sinkies, unlike Tan Cheng Bock who has become not so smart after being made ineligble by PAP to stand for Presidential Election, did not join the Sinkie opposition to fight a losing battle with PAP in election.
9:29 am

U mean even Tan Cheng Bock can lose election?

Chee Soon Juan lose election I can understand but Tan Cheng Bock?

Anonymous said...

Hi 943am

Don't be angry lah!

All opposition parties will lose lah at next GE!

Not I say.....many many many many many many many many on the ground predicted pap 75% with 100% seats at next GE!

They say.....the masses will DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE vote for pap! They will only TCSSssssssss and kpkbssssssssss when ever they are not happy! The masses are very kwai kwai kwai kwai kwai kwai kwai kwai peace loving people!

This is Sg! Sg is like that liao. Very very very very very very very very difficult to U-turn and change!

Hahaha ���� Hahahahaha.....

Anonymous said...

《《 Can you believe this, Singapore idiots replacing our world best own children with third world fakes and cheats they called them talents? 》》
- redbean

Who are these Singapore idiots that are getting rid of our Singaporean children with CECA Indians?

- PAP lah!
- Lee Hsien Loong lah!

Anonymous said...

I summon the 7 most evil demons from the depths of hell to curse Lee Hsien Loong to eternal bad luck and death.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ all

If you think that being excellent at school "entitles" your butt-ugly children a guaranteed "success in life", then you out to consider suicide to remove your bad genes from Singapore society.

Everything in life that matters is a CONTEST, and no one cares about you because they are too busy COMPETING to worry about your whiney entitled-victim mentality.

EXCELLENCE AT SCHOOL DOES HAVE A PLACE. It encourages kids to take competition as part of life, in the right spirit----no guarantees, sometimes you win and other times someone who is better than you will beat you. Fortunately, there's an infinite number of "games" you can play, and if you are persistent (don't quit and become a "victim") and continue "training to win", eventually you will win.

Smart parents (of which there are only a few), will head to the nearest online store to buy SPURS so that they can stick these sharp objects into their kids for some "negative reinforcement" and get the little fuckers MOTIVATED to get better, do better and stay HUNGRY.

....because if they don't some other kid from India or China...wherever...is going to BEAT THEM every time.

Got "tough love" for "majullah"? (Lee Kuan Yew was right. Singaporeans are complacent)

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Take it from The #1 "Action Man" of Singapore

Stick them with spurs you complacent fucks!

What every parent needs to "motivate" their children with

The Lee Kuan Yew Principle of Human TrainingπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» (no matter what you think, IT WORKS!)

jjgg said...

Bollocks.. can't train own children can trade others? What if your children turned out like that ah..

Anonymous said...


///At any one time our unemployment rate is maybe about 3 per cent. Now even with a resident workforce of 2.3 million, 3 per cent is still about 60,000 people.///

Actually it's closer to 70,000 .... 69,000 to be more precise. But then Josie isn't known to be a maths person, even when just out of Uni as a 23-yr-old chiobu EDB scholar.


That's just human reality.

For example, China's official unemployment rate of 3.6% --- assuming 2/3 of their 1.4B population of working age .... that means 33 MILLION UNEMPLOYED.

Officially China lists 9.5M as registered unemployed, but this is only for their big cities (tier 1-3).

But nobody is accusing Xi Jinping or Li Keqiang of being hopeless rulers of China.

And if 69,000 Sinkies are unemployed .... that means 2,231,000 Sinkies are employed.

OK, some of them are Grab drivers, taxi drivers, foodcourt cleaners, toilet cleaners, office cleaners, dishwashers, security guards.

But 50% of Sinkies earn OVER $4.5K PER MONTH.

Yeah when you go to shopping mall or MRT station or hawker centre this weekend, throw a stone & chances it will hit someone earning more than that.

So that means many Sinkies who claim they are drivers or cleaners or security guards ... MAY IN FACT be biz owners of transport companies or cleaning companies or security agencies ... making FULL USE of LEGS-OPEN-WIDE Sinkie policy to hire cheap matland, ahneh, banglah & chinese workers.


Anonymous said...


63 yr old uncle withdrawing $24K INTERESTS every year from his CPF.

And he gets his $24K within a few SECONDS.

Read the short blog here: http://createwealth8888.blogspot.com/2019/12/return-my-cpf-paynow.html

This is the method I taught to 2 of my older relatives, as well as one of my neighbours.

In fact my old neighbour did it on Wednesday on his HP while having breakfast with me at the coffeeshop opposite our block. He blanja me makan that morning LOL!!!


Anonymous said...

Dun do tat lah. Wat goes around comes around lah. PM will hv to answer to his beloved dad once he up the lorry ho boh?

Anonymous said...

How To Accumulate $1 million in Your CPF Special Account

With effect 1 July, 2019, Ordinary Account gets 3.5% (instead of 2.5%) and Special Account gets 5% (instead of 4%). Those above 55 gets an additional 1% interest on their Special Account, which means they get 6%, instead of 4%.

Based on $3000 salary per month:

Monthly contributions of 20% (self) + 17% (employer) = 37%.
That means your monthly contribution is $1,110. Transfer this amount from your Ordinary Account to your Special Account every month.

Your yearly contribution in your Special Account = $1,110 x 12 = $13,320.
Interest of 5% pa = $666.
Therefore, your 1st year Special Account = $13,986.

Your 2nd year Special Account = 1st Year balance + $13,320 = $27,306.
Interest of 5% on $27,306 = $1,365.30.
Therefore, your 2nd year Special Account = $28,671.3

Your 3rd year Special Account = 2nd Year balance + $13,320 = $41,991.3
Interest of 5% on $41,991.3 = $2,099.565
Therefore, your 3rd year Special Account = $44,090.865.

Based on the same basis of calculation,

4th year = $60,218.408
5th year = $77,281.478
6th year = $95,131.552
7th year = $113,874.130
8th year = $133.553.836
9th year = $154,217.528
10th year = $175,914.405
11th year = $198.696.125
12th year = $222,616.931
13th year = $247,733.778
14th year = $274,106.466
15th year = $301,797.790
16th year = $330,873.679
17th year = $361,403.363
18th year = $393,459.532
19th year = $427,118.508
20th year = $462,460.434
21st year = $499,569.455
22nd year = $538,533.928
23rd year = $579,466.625
24th year = $622,404.956
25th year = $667,511.204
26th year = $714,872.764
27th year = $764,802.402
28th year = $816,818.522
29th year = $871,645.448
30th year = $929,213.721
31st year = $989,660.407
32nd year = $1,053,129.427! Hooray! You are a millionaire!

(Note: The calculation is based on compound interests per annum. CPF stated that the calculation is monthly but credited annually. Therefore, the total amount of interests accrued would definitely be more.)

Let's say you started working at the age of 23,
your salary remained stagnant at $3000 per month for 32 years,
and there is no change in CPF contribution rates,
as well as CPF interest rates of 5% for the Special Account,
then you will become a Millionaire at the age of 55.

However, the above is an artificial scenario.

Normally, you would progress up the ladder and your salary would change from $3000 per month to maybe $5000 per month, after working for 15 years, on the average (or maybe more than $5000 per month?).

So, whenever your salary change, your CPF contribution should also change. Whatever the case, you calculate according to the change. Therefore, in reality, you may hit $1 million even earlier. You don't need to work for 32 years to retire. The moment you hit $1 million, you can retire.

At $1 million, with interest rate of 5% (or 6%, if you have reached 55 years old), you get $50,000 or $60,000 per year based on the interest alone. You don't have to touch your $1 million at all!

If you get $50,000 a year, that means the monthly amount for you to spent is $4,166. You can retire comfortably on today's cost of living with $4000 per month.

However, 30 years down the road, the cost of living will likely be going up and up. So, if you are a young guy just starting work now, you have to aim for $2 million in your CPF, to get a return of interests of $8,333 per month.

Anonymous said...

All these is Wipe out when a person is dead prematurely, maybe due to overwork, or provided a person jobs never be stolen, no retrenchment & others etc..

Anonymous said...


Are you a Singaporean? Coz you don't really know much about CPF...

Firstly your "plan" is totally unworkable for retirement before 55. Coz you cannot withdraw anything from CPF till at least 55.

If you want to retire before 55 (like me) you need to accumulate & grow your money outside of CPF.

2ndly you cannot keep transferring from OA to SA for 30 years. Your SA will hit the FRS way before the 20th year & you won't be able to do anymore transfer.

But one thing your "plan" has illustrated is that when used PURELY for long-term retirement, it is actually a powerful tool to enable most working people to be able to retire at 55-60, without having to depend on children for handouts or work in low wage jobs.

Unfortunately most sinkies destroy their CPF by using most of it for property. And usually quite early in their 30s, which further destroys the ability of compounding to turbo charge growth of their CPF savings exponentially.


Virgo 49 said...

Hi Anon. Not only this.

When they discover that the CPF kitty is in fact ZERO.

That's when their mirage figured goes up in smoke.

Many will die in shock.


Anonymous said...

"Firstly your "plan" is totally unworkable for retirement before 55. Coz you cannot withdraw anything from CPF till at least 55."

You are partially correct. We cannot withdraw any CASH before 55 yo. However, we can use the money from the Ordinary Account as well as the Special Accounts for INVESTMENT. From the investment, dividends and profits can be channelled into your Investment Account in your bank, where you can withdraw out and use?

"2ndly you cannot keep transferring from OA to SA for 30 years. Your SA will hit the FRS way before the 20th year & you won't be able to do anymore transfer."

FRS is Full Retirement Sum. This chameleon was known as the Minimum Sum. But because of many complaints and unhappiness about the Minimum Sum, the Master Magical Wizard chanted a spell to transform the chameleon into a colour that it can camouflage with the background. So, FRS really means Minimum Sum, NOT MAXIMUM SUM. There is no Maximum Sum. (This is to allow Ministers and Top Civil Servants to benefit from their huge CPF savings?)

The only limitation is the yearly contributions must not exceed $37,740 pa.

Stupidity Got No Cure = 87 (Paitt Qi)? said...

///Can you believe this, Singapore idiots replacing our world best own children with third world fakes and cheats they called them talents?///
Chua Chin Leng aka redbean at 8:53 am


The quoted comments below could shed some light on some possible reasons (why..... going to the dogs..... and.... abyss...)?

Anonymous December 06, 2019 8:55 am
///Rb time to celebrate with local gals. A few Canon shits to relax will be nice.///

AnonymousDecember 06, 2019 8:53 am
///RB don't push yourself too hard in case u get a heart attack. I am enjoying my plentiful war stock dividend and private moment with China Mei Mei.///

Uncle RB,

They poured scorn when others are doing the right and good stuff.

The 假料bee, many silxxr serpxxts and their cronies (IBs) are exhorting you to live their eveLEEday decadent and rotten routine of indulging in promiscuous CCAs during working hours?

Innately such pple could be similar or worst than the Indian rapists who constantly cannot restrain their primate sexxxxl xxxx and whack the xxxxxx like animals such as male lions and reshaping (and resizing or upsizing) the anatomy of the xxxxx after countless abuse and even xxxxxx mutilation?

How is the state of affairs to improve when the sole preoccupation is to constantly being possessed, obsessed and blatantly seeking pleasure and destroying the very social fabric so cherished by our forebears?

When you speak up, they will gang up, assassinate your character, label you losers and what have you, accuse you of KPKB tcss and writing nonsense eveLEEday?

How are the oldies (EVER) going to (be able to) close their eyes when their time comes?

Anonymous said...


Obviously you're NOT Singaporean LOL!!!!

///From the investment, dividends and profits can be channelled into your Investment Account in your bank, where you can withdraw out and use?///

Profits & dividends from CPFIS cannot be withdrawn for use. They go into your CPFIS account & eventually back into your CPF.

///So, FRS really means Minimum Sum, NOT MAXIMUM SUM. There is no Maximum Sum. (This is to allow Ministers and Top Civil Servants to benefit from their huge CPF savings?)///

Obviously you've NEVER achieve either the MS nor FRS in your SA before, and tried to transfer from OA to SA. LOL!!! PLEASE DON'T DISPLAY YOUR IGNORANCE IN PUBLIC.

For those below 55 .... if your SA already is at or above the current FRS ($176K), you can no longer do OA-to-SA transfer. Next month in Jan 2020, the FRS will be increased to $181K --- so that's the limit you can transfer from OA to SA in 2020.

Contributions from work salary & voluntary cash contributions into CPF can continue to go into SA, BUT only a smaller portion ---- the majority portion still goes into your OA and Medisave.

Bottomline is once your SA has hit the FRS ($176K this year & $181K in 2020), you can NO LONGER do OA-to-SA transfer. You can only put in more $$$ into your SA from salary CPF or doing cash CPF contribution (which NOBODY on this blog will do).


imho said...

Sggov got a lot of investment in china and india.
Sggov is very kind.
Help sinkies also help ah tiong and ah neh.
SO they can all prosper and help sggov makes more money.