
This is Compassion - Singapore style

'SINGAPORE: The Ministry of Education (MOE) on Tuesday (Nov 26) clarified why a student’s original PSLE results slip was withheld after viral Facebook posts claimed she would need it to apply for secondary school admissions.

The withholding of PSLE original results slips due to school fee arrears is “a long-standing practice”, MOE said in response to CNA queries.

In a Facebook post on Monday, activist Gilbert Goh said a student had received only a photocopy of her PSLE results slip because she had "backlogged" school fees of S$156 due to financial reasons.
It went on to claim she would need the PSLE "certificate" to apply for admission into a secondary school....

"In the case highlighted by the FB (Facebook) posts, the parents did not pay miscellaneous fees for two years despite several reminders, and did not put in any application for MOE or school-based financial assistance which would have covered all the costs," the ministry said.

"The child will still receive a copy of the results, just not the original results slip, and she can still apply for secondary schools and will progress like all students."

MOE explained that its funding for each primary school student comes up to about S$12,000 each year and that each student co-pays S$13 of miscellaneous fees per month.

"Further, students from lower-income families can apply for financial assistance that covers their miscellaneous fees, uniforms, textbooks, transport and school meals," the ministry said in its reply.
"If it is about money then the easier solution would be to reduce subsidies and financial assistance."
It added that the issue was "not about recovering the money".

"MOE’s consideration stems from the underlying principle that notwithstanding the fact that the cost of education is almost entirely publicly funded, we should still play our part in paying a small fee, and it is not right to ignore that obligation, however small it is," the ministry said. "We hope parents support us in reinforcing this message."....

In one post, he acknowledged that MOE would “do their level best to assist all needy students and “will not leave anyone behind", but added that some do "fall through the crack".'

The above article from CNA is a good example of what compassion means in Singapore. It is compassion within the rules of administration. In short, if one has to pay a fee of $1.00 but paid only 95c, short of 5c, the rules applies and one would be treated as not having paid the fee and all the penalties would apply.

In the above student case, there are so many ways that someone or the school could offer a helping hand. Passing the hat around to raise $156 is not as difficult as going to the moon. And there are other financial assistance schemes that the student could avail. Just because the parents did not apply for it, maybe due to ignorance or whatever, it does not stop the school or teacher to put in a case for the student to be spare the agony and humiliation of her result slip being held back.

We will not leave anyone behind, but we have rules and rules must be observed. A crime is a crime no matter how small is the crime. Please understand, this is Singapore, a rule by law country. And we hope the parents will support us in reinforcing this message. What to say?

Anyone in this blog would be most willing to cough out the $156 for this student if asked. But the state, the school, the teachers etc etc would not or did not in this case.

This is Compassion, Singapore style, when $600,000 is peanuts and anyone earning less than $500k is mediocre. What is $156? For goodness sake, do something right for once. Remember Benjamin Lim?

And read this as reported in theindependent.sg
'In a Facebook post yesterday (Nov 26), social activist Gilbert Goh shared instances of many others, along with Aqil and Aqif. Goh wrote that the twins were “hit with a pay-first ultimatum by MOE or else their exam result will be withheld”. 

The mother of the boys is a single-parent who, as TISG understands through Gilbert, has been working part-time since April, making a monthly salary of only S$600 to S$800. Both boys have an unpaid school fee balance of S$310 each and their mother said that the boys’ father did not provide information necessary for them to complete their application for the Ministry of Education’s Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS)....'


Anonymous said...

Aiyah, the parents of the photocopy PSLE shud know that this cuntry under the old man times is already said "What's wrong with collecting more monies?" The parents and kids shud know under the white party is Pay And Pay & Poor Also Pay la, so the next time when u all cast ur vote better think thrice ho boh?

Anonymous said...

November 27, 2019 at 6:23 pm (Quote)

The whole idea of withholding the student’s original certificate is to shame and embarrass the innocent student in front of her peers in the school. I mean how could they (the authorities) do such a a horrible thing to the innocent student. Some students are by nature meek, quiet, and do not know how to react to such a situation by their school staff (withholding his/her certificates). They demoralized the student at a tender age of 12 years old. I hope the education authorities stop this practice immediately, and think of a better solution to resolve or mitigate this problem. You are paid civil servants salaries to serve and help the students and parents in difficulties. We are so called a first world country but the leaders and their followers are lacking in compassion for others in difficulties. Sigh !

Comments from TRE

Anonymous said...

<< The withholding of PSLE original results slips due to school fee arrears is “a long-standing practice”, MOE said in response to CNA queries.>>

Just because something is a long standing practice, this does not mean that it is a correct practice.

Anonymous said...

"What's wrong with collecting more money?"
- Lee Kuan Yew
(From beyond the grave)

Founder's Memorial Motto
- "What's wrong with collecting more money from a poor PSLE child."

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't MOE withold the degree of foreign scholars who graduate until they finish serving their bonds?

Foreigners ... PAP/MOE dare not bully.

But 12 year old PSLE child who is too poor ... PAP/MOE dare to bully.

Anonymous said...

/// The Ministry of Education (MOE) did not do enough to ensure that foreign students who received scholarships but failed to serve their bonds were reminded of their obligations and paid up liquidated damages, the Auditor- General's Office (AGO) said. ///


imho said...

The top 1pct hoarded too much. Its time to wealth tax them. If gov can go after so many poor people, its not difficult to go after a few top 1pct to make sure they do not hide their assets.

Anonymous said...

The Unprincipled Principle Of The Ministry For Education / Uneducation

The Machiavellian Machinery that LKY had cajoled, corralled and crafted to his image continues to function so efficiently - in fact, over-efficiently - that normal common sense can no longer prevail over nonsensical, coughed-out, absurd, irrational rationale to ridiculously and unjustly justify for the insanity of a few highly certified but nevertheless still uneducated nincompoops hibernating in the Ministry of Experiments, oops, I mean Education.

Holding back the original certificate that rightly belongs to the poor innocent primary student (irrespective of whether this has been a long or prolonged WRONG Practice of "Who is the boss" mentality) is at the very best a despicable act of human indecency; at worst a criminal act of violation of intellectual property laws.

This is, I sincerely believe, only the tip of the iceberg. There must be countless cases of such despicable bullying practices that went unreported / unexposed. Poor parents usually suffer in silence because they do not even have the wherewithal to seek help through the maze of blanks in the various application forms to be filled, nor the knowledge of where to seek help even.

If supposedly educated public SERVANTS failed to serve, but instead act like a mortgage agency for loan-sharking banks, how can anyone expect the uneducated or lowly educated, busy trying-to-make-ends-meet poor parents to serve themselves against the backdrop of officialdom?

From now on, such unthinking unprincipled "principle" should be abolished forthright and whoever made-up this ridiculously absurd unprincipled "principle" years ago (might have been promoted very high up the tower of incompetence) needs to be censured and shamed in the national interest.

The Ministry that is in-charge of educating the children and the masses cannot and must not display, through its unprincipled principle of self-indulgence, examples of bullying, intimidation and ransom holding to these very people it is supposed to educate. This only reflects the poor mentality and questionable qualification of those sitting in the Ministry for Education.

Virgo 49 said...

In a way, they taught the young innocent twelve year olds that No monies no talk mentalities.

They will grew up with likes like Matilah, WSGs and the Papies with only their living is to plough as much as they could.

No compassions for others.

The the lifes in Sinkieland.

Anonymous said...

That is why I never believe in whatever assistance scheme, which are mostly for comforting the naïve, but in reality applying for assistance from those schemes are as difficult and complicated as you can imagine. There are so much information to be revealed and that is why some people rather not apply for such assistance.

Perhaps the parents, for this reason, did not want to go to avail themselves of such assistance. But despite all the bragging of how high Singapore ranked in per capita GDP, this shows there are still many unable to cope with cost of living. How sad!

As always, both sides have their reasons and we need to know the full facts to say who is right and who is wrong. Arguments will always be about saying the right things, but ignoring things that are detrimental.

Anonymous said...

So long as Daft Sinkies remain daft,
they shall be exploited and bullied.
ln every society,
the elites need a big pool of people to work for them, serve them and be at their command and order. How to breed and generate such a pool of subservient and docile people, if all are helped to be independent and successful ?
For the last two decades or more, Sin Leeders are only interested in money which they show to love so much that the Sin Founder Lee Kuan Yew had no qualm to proclaim what's wrong with collecting more money, a favourite slogan that's oft-quoted nowadays to show that this has become a signature pursuit of the Ruling and Elite Class.
So how ?
Remain daft and be exploited, bullied and betrayed ???
The plebeians have the Choice to change the Regime,
it is up to them to make the Change.
This is the Question.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

RB, the old fool who should know better by now, at his age, cannot or refuses to distinguish between compassion and pity.

The SG.GOV are surprisingly "compassionate". Everytime they "subsidize" something, they make sure the recipients have skin in the game by taking personal responsibility and making a SMALL contribution.

Why is this "compassionate"? Because it fosters an attitude of responsibilty instead of dependency, victim-hood and the worst one: entitlement. Once people go in those directions, it is all over...they do not own nor can they control their lives anymore.

Being poor doesn't make you a loser. Most people in Singapore who are well-off today came from very humble beginnings.

Singaporeans like to criticise each other and complain, but one thing is certain, as a CULTURE, Singaporeans are extremely CHARITABLE and GENEROUS. I am willing to be that by the weekend, those kids will have their school fees paid and by Monday, they will have their results.

Everyone has to pay something. Even if they are poor. Even Jesus said so in the Bible. (aka "The widow's mite")

patriot said...

须 to replace
需 in above comment.
My apology.

Anonymous said...

Hi 932am

You are 1o8% correct!

You are 1o8% correct!

Sad! Very sad! Very very sad!

Why Sg is like that now?

This is bad! Why do this to a small innocent student!? Why?

Really No Money No Talk!

You die your business!

Why like that? Why do this to a small innocent student? Why ? Why? Why?

What else can I say!

Very very very very very very very very sad!.

Anonymous said...

Rod Stewart....I Don't Want To Talk About It.......

Anonymous said...


Being poor doesn't make you a loser, but some people here always equate the poor with being losers.

The fact that most who are well off today comes from very humble beginnings and who made it rich are now calling the poor losers, is even more sad.

One Tall Tales spouter even branded those earning salaries blow $500K as mediocre. Or peanuts!And that the hurt even worse to bear.

Anonymous said...

"Holding back the original certificate that rightly belongs to the poor innocent primary student (irrespective of whether this has been a long or prolonged WRONG Practice of "Who is the boss" mentality) is at the very best a despicable act of human indecency; at worst a criminal act of violation of intellectual property laws."

MOE, for goodness sake, the Primary Six PSLE Result Slip is the very first intellectual property that the child, an up-and-coming future leader of Singapore to replace and take over you. He/she paid and say for this particular examination and you are obligated by law to issue him/her the original certificate (not photocopy, and you cannot copy it without his/her expressed permission). Yet you civilized public servants have no qualms to withhold it for the ransom of $156 of unpaid miscellaneous fees!!!???

Don't you know there is the Criminal Procedure Code, the Intellectual Property Law, the Harassment Act and other related laws such as Contract Laws, etc???

Or MOE thinks you are King of Education, a Law Unto Yourself? Or simply a lawless entity, worst than the Mafia


Anonymous said...


MOE, for goodness sake, the Primary Six PSLE Result Slip is the very first intellectual property that the child, an up-and-coming future leader of Singapore to replace and take over you, has worked hard and earned it. He/she paid and sat for this particular examination and you are obligated by law and by contract to issue him/her the original certificate (not photocopy, because you cannot copy it without his/her expressed permission).

Yet you, civilized public servants, have no qualms to withhold it for the ransom of $156 of unpaid miscellaneous fees!?

Don't you know there is the Criminal Procedure Code, the Intellectual Property Law, the Harassment Act and other related laws such as Contract Laws, etc.?

Or you think you are the King of Education, a Law Unto Yourself? Or simply a lawless entity, worst than the Mafia


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The wickedness of man is that when they have made it they sneered and despised those that did not. They really think that they are very clever and deserving of their success and good fortune. So it is their right to spit at others they deemed as losers.

Wait till their luck ran out, when their good fortune becomes misfortune.

Look at Hong Kong's superman, now going to be a man without a motherland and may have to lead a life as a wanted man, a cursed man.

Anonymous said...

“Our educators, parents and members of (the) public will have to decide whether MOE’s action is fair and educationally sound, and what the lesson of this teachable moment for our children is.”

Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/psle-results-slip-certificate-withheld-school-fees-arrears-moe-12127930

MOE bully a PSLE student from a poor family.
- and still can ask the poor PSLE student (12 years old) what is the lesson of this teachable moment here.

Maybe Singaporeans should ask PAP and MOE ... What is the lesson of this teachable moment for PAP & MOE?

Anonymous said...

The lesson for our PSLE student is:

PAP government does not want to help Singaporeans who are poor.
PAP government just want to collect more money from Singaporeans who are too poor to pay.

Anonymous said...

Compassion from scholars and elites is an elusive word.

These are the people, educated using public money, and afterwards came back, are often than not, helming the ministries and are helping the Government to think up schemes to fix the voters. Helping the common people will be the last thing on their minds. Oh, fixing the opposition is also one of their forte!

Anonymous said...

For whatever reasons....... Never never never never never never never never do such a thing to a very very very very very very very very young and innocent student lah!

Anonymous said...

When there is continuing moral rot within a nation and the authority displaying no accountability, no transparency, no moral responsibility and a arrogant attitude toward oppressing the poor, its government topples easily.

But with wise and caring leaders, there is stability.
Your voting right matters.
Vote wisely!

Anonymous said...

Same like go mountain climbing.minister

Don't know what is happening in school.

But want to take salary for being a minister over seeing ministry.

Virgo 49 said...

I always believe that you can be a Prince today but a Pauper tomorrow when events took a different turn in your life.

So, do not be too arrogant that you are invincible.

Circle of life mysterious and unpredictable.

This MOE case is NOT the first time this issue is brought up.

Holding ransoms of the small child and family and teaching them to be Monsters of the New Generation where they will also have no qualms in doing the same to others.

Monkeys see monkeys do.

Anonymous said...

Why? Why? Wny?

Why so unkind unkind unkind unkind unkind unkind unkind unkind towards a young young young young young young young young and innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent student innocent innocent student?!!!!

Anonymous said...

ln Sin, there are only ego, avarice reads greed, vanity and evil.
about honesty, propriety and integrity ?
Plenty in the Mouths of the Pretender, Charlatan and Hypocrite. They make empty and false promises everyday that no one will be left behind. They do not see the sickly elderlies clearing their table, cleaning the toilet, collecting recyclable when no one wants to employ them.
because the Mandatory Healthcare Scheme covers ONLY A SMALL PORTION OF THE BILL.
not all blames go to the Rulers, as they are HANDPICKED BY THE DAFT VOTERS THEMSELVES.


Anonymous said...


Govt & semi-govt educational institutions withholding certificates / diplomas / degrees is something that has been in place since 1965. No need to be surprised.

In this Pri School case, they could have given the results slip, but withhold the subsequent PSLE certificate.

For local polys & unis, that's what they usually do --- you otang $$$$$$$, they just give you your yearly transcripts (which are actually MUCH MORE VALUABLE!) but withhold your diploma / degree toilet paper.

A piece of certificate or degree doesn't tell me much.

A few years' of transcripts or report book showing subjects & grades & pertinent remarks over the years tell me a whole lot more about the person.


Anonymous said...

This is Compassion - Singapore style

This is Compassion - PAP style

PAP does not equal Singapore.


Anonymous said...

"The withholding of PSLE original results slips due to school fee arrears is “a long-standing practice”, MOE said in response to CNA queries."

"A long-standing practice"!

That means over the years, from one minister handing over to another minister, not a single one in the whole Ministry of Education, the School Principals and the thousands of teachers has spotted this unspeakable, horrendous, unethical, indecent, shameful and disgraceful practice?

Everyone of them took it for granted that this is a correct way to teach the young innocent 12-year-old child a lesson in responsibility of paying for what her parents failed to pay through being shamed publicly in school in front of all her classmates and schoolmates?

You are so smart, you guys at the Ministry for Education. You have led by example. But wrong example.

Force, intimidation, coercion and bullying should not be taught in school by MOE through the Principals and teachers.

You are actually sending a message to the voters to without their votes for you, in the next GE, because you have failed to educate the children by setting good examples.

Anonymous said...

I curse Lee Hsien Loong and his PAP Ministers ... that their families will suffer poverty for 7 generations in Singapore.

Anonymous said...

We have been robbing and lying to you all the time. So it is ok. It is now just a habit.

Anonymous said...

Amendment for 1:09 pm:

You are actually sending a message to the voters to withhold their votes for you, in the next GE, because you have failed to educate the children by setting good examples.

Anonymous said...

//that their families will suffer poverty for 7 generations in Singapore.//

Below poverty line in S'pore is tough, but not as bad as many other countries.

My ex-colleagues from Myanmar & Philippines in SGH & IMH are AMAZED at how SG govt pays for very poor patients (using Medifund) in C Class wards.

In their home countries, these people will be left on the streets or thrown into jungles. Family members may even quietly kill them just to end misery for both parties.

Anonymous said...

Hi 220pm

So..... Sg is world bestest?


Anonymous said...

@Anon 2:26pm

///So..... Sg is world bestest?///

Better than shithole countries can liao. At least you don't have to slit your mother's or father's throat to end their misery just becoz you cannot afford hospital.

That's why majority Sinkies keep voting PAPies!! What to do?!?!?! LOL!!!

Another reason why PAPies will get 75% in March GE:-

Half of the people you see on the streets / MRT earn more than $4,500 per month.


Anonymous said...

Myannmar & Phillippines
- what is the salary of the Ministers there?

Versus Singapore
- the salary of a PAP Mninster is more than 1 million dollars.

Anonymous said...

@ anon 2:40 pm,

Audacious assumptions without basis, simply conjured up in the twisted mind, to deliberately deceive others into believing in his hallucination, is not only stupid but cruel and wicked.

Anonymous said...

Yes! WSG is correct!

Many many many many many many many many people predicted pap 75%-80% with 100% parliament seats at the next GE!

We shall see!

Anonymous said...

KNN! One IB trying to support another IB.

Come on. People here are not fools that can be so easily influenced or believe in your crystal-ball fantasy. Go on masturbating.

Anonymous said...

At 1:03 pm:

/// Govt & semi-govt educational institutions withholding certificates / diplomas / degrees is something that has been in place since 1965. No need to be surprised. ///

If your grandpa has been screwing his children again and again, repeatedly over a very long period of time, and has become a long-standing practice, but unfortunately or fortunately it has now been exposed. And the Court of Public Opinions are shouting "Immoral! Sexual Abuse! Emotional Abuse! Horrible! Charge him!"

You quickly come out to defend him in Court, when he is being charged. You tell the Judge, "in my family, this practice has been in place since 1965. No need to be surprised. It's a long-standing practice in my family. Nothing wrong what. We want to teach our children to be responsible for our grandpa's failure. That is the lesson to be learnt."

Is that not what you are implying?

Anonymous said...

@Anon 5:18pm

///Is that not what you are implying?///

Your words speak for themselves --- they imply that you are a LOSER.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 5:34 pm:

/// Your words speak for themselves --- they imply that you are a LOSER ///

So that is the only word obssessed in your wicked mind!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ cry babies

MOE is 100% correct with this policy. It is fair and just and moral.

Everyone is obliged to PAY THEIR DEBTS. If you try to escape paying what you owe, you are a "chow kah" person.

The parents of these kids need to go to "re-training" to become better parents. Shame on them.

Anonymous said...

Feeling proud and sneering at the downtrodden who fell into the crack.
the able could do better to help the weak and less able than to jeer at them.
for the conceit, they probably does not have much humanities in them and void of sympathy.

Anonymous said...

@ Incorrigible Deviant Pseudo-Australian Matilah Singapura, who takes Singapore as a Hotel for his pleasures and entertainment,

MOE is 100% WRONG in this case!

No one is saying owe money don't want to pay. You are the only one.

MOE already stated clearly and openly that money is not the issue. The issue is about teaching the child a lesson in responsibility (to shoulder the consequences of what her parents did do, or failed to do in this case)

The majority of the online voices are saying that withholding the original result slip from the child is wrong. There are other so many other ways to teach the child responsibility, and at other instances and time. Not at this particular crucial time in order to shame the child. Such a method is not only not conducive but also counter-productive. It gives the wrong message. The child will take this incidence as intimidation and bullying instead of responsibility. The child will grow up thinking that an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth is an acceptable medium of exchange in our society. In other words, vengeance and revenge are good practices and okayed by even MOE, the highest authority for Education in the land.

Everyone here already know that to you, anyone who comment negatively against the PAP or government is either a cry baby or a loser, nothing else. So, you are simply trying to rub more salt into other people's wounds. That is your character. You are entitled to it. We respect your views even though they are usually twisted and deliberately offensive

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ another crybaby

12 year olds are tougher than you give them credit for.

They can take a bit of shame and learn the BIGGER lesson of responsibility, so that they might be BETTER PARENTS later on.


Anonymous said...

Digging himself deeper into his own bigotry.
A leopard can never changes its' spots.
A born conceit is incline to sneer and jeer. The Sad Thing is that the Conceited is not capable of empathy and sympathy. Devoid of Conscience, like those in the Sin Regime.

Virgo 49 said...

Talk cock!

With your sadistic ways of shame, no wonder now so many young committed suicide in Sinkieland.

Must be one with a sadistic history of background of tortures and abuses from your guardians or kena chiak lat chiak lat from the Aussies.

That's why you had a devish mind with vocab of filifty languages.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you, Matilah. You are a real Bastard. A traitor who ran away to Australia yet still keeping Singapore passport. Shame on you!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ In Singapore there are more crybabies than I imagined

Personal responsibility is:

Taking responsibility for EVERYTHING which happens in your world; which affects ==>> YOU <<== even if you are not at fault, or to blame.

My observation tells me that the PAP has a lot more work to do in the social engineering department. Obviously too many Singaporeans have "missed the memo" on what being personally responsible is.

At aged 12 my grandfather was shovelling shit in the horse stables of the British having a good old time in the Crown Colony of Singapore.

Although current generations of Singaporeans live more "abundantly" than their forebears, there are still too many who hold onto an ENTITLEMENT MENTALITY, and react like no-backbone,no-responsibility motherfuckers expecting "somebody else" to change the world, so that they can be happy and get what they are "entitled" to. (The world owes them a living)

Like I said, being poor doesn't make you a loser. Not being able to handle the vagaries of life which affect ALL of us makes you a BIG TIME LOSER.

You matilah, your business 🤓👍👍⚰️⚰️☠️☠️

Anonymous said...

It has been revealed that the 12-year-old girl whom MOE withheld her Primary 6 Result Slip (because her parents failed to pay $156 of Miscellaneous Fees accumulated over 2 years) her mother is cancer-striken and unable to work. Her father has been retrenched and still unable to find work. Their daily expenses come from borrowed money.

The school or MOE did not even bother to send someone to her home to investigate, or at least notify the neighborhood social services to investigate. This is called IRRESPONSIBILITY!

If MOE does not understand what RESPONSIBILITY is, how can it even tries to teach a 12-year-old RESPONSIBILITY, through such a callous, cruel and heartless way!?

Simply don't care. Just bull-doze through as usual?

And instead of thanking Gilbert Goh for giving the feedback, MOE tries to accuse Gilbert Goh of questioning MOE's intention and values! WTF!

Get Out Of That Elite Uncaring Mentality said...

@Questioning the intention and values of MOE.

There is no need for Gilbert Goh to question the intention and values of MOE, not is it necessary for MOE to openly suggest that.

In this case, based on MOE's own indefensible defence of its "long-standing" wrong, cruel, unethical and unthinking practice of punishing the kid to teach a lesson to her parents, MOE's sadistic intention is clearly laid out for all to see. And MOE's values, whatever they may be, are of no value whatsoever.

Firstly, the cruel bullying act belittling a child at a crucial time in the child's development, will make the child hate MOE and the teaching profession for the rest of her life.

Secondly, the parents are still unable to pay (no t that they don't want to pay) the $156 miscellaneous fees because of their financial difficulties. Mother is suffering for cancer. Father has been retrenched and jobless. Unless some kind soul pays for them to defuse this cruelty inflicted by MOE up in the child.

Thirdly, as MOE has said, money is not the issue, then why the hypocrisy of kicking up a fuss to shame the innocent kid who is legally entitled to her result slip (which she has earned by her own hardwork and ability) through sitting for the primary six exam?

Fourthly, the exam few has been paid, which means by mutual contract, MOE has to honour the obligation of issuing her the original result slip, irrespective of whether she failed or passed in the exam she sat for.

Last but not least, since MOE has so many financial assistance schemes, and it is MOE that imposed and enforces the compulsion in the compulsory education, why can't MOE write off the arrears or by tapping into the financial assistance schemes?


1. How many such cases are there? Is the situation so bad that MOE has to resort to such cruel, crude and curse-able punishment upon the innocent kids, instead of their parents, for such a long-standing period of time?

2. Why can't MOE go after the guilty parties (parents), instead of the innocent parties (kids)? Isn't this highly improper and unethical principle and practice?

3. Is MOE so lazy or devoid of intelligence and ability to think of other methods of teaching the lesson on responsibility to the kids or parents?

4. This cruel practice is counter productive and does not drive home any good lesson to the party intended. It is not educational but a reflection of an uneducated person's mind. So, why can't MOE review this stupid practice and stop practicing it altogether henceforth?

5. According to Singapore's laws, as long as a child is below the age of 17, his/her parents are responsible for his/her actions. Not the other way around. A child is not responsible for his/her parents actions. Does the Ministry responsible for Education not know this common law?

Get Out Of That Elite Uncaring Mentality said...

Amended version for typo errors:

@Questioning the intention and values of MOE.

There is no need for Gilbert Goh to question the intention and values of MOE, nor is it necessary for MOE to openly suggest that.

In this case, based on MOE's own indefensible defence of its "long-standing" wrong, cruel, unethical and unthinking practice of punishing the kid to teach a lesson to her parents, MOE's sadistic intention is clearly laid out for all to see. So MOE's values, whatever they may be, are of no value whatsoever.

Firstly, the cruel bullying act belittling a child at a crucial time in the child's development, will make the child hate MOE and the teaching profession for the rest of her life.

Secondly, the parents are still unable to pay (not that they don't want to pay) the $156 miscellaneous fees because of their financial difficulties. Mother is suffering for cancer. Father has been retrenched and jobless. Unless some kind soul pays for them to defuse this cruelty inflicted by MOE up in the child.

Thirdly, as MOE has said, money is not the issue, then why the hypocrisy of kicking up a fuss to shame the innocent kid who is legally entitled to her result slip (which she has earned by her own hardwork and ability) through sitting for the primary six exam?

Fourthly, the exam fee has been paid, which means by mutual contract, MOE has to honour the obligation of issuing her the original result slip, irrespective of whether she failed or passed in the exam she sat for.

Last but not least, since MOE has so many financial assistance schemes, and it is MOE that imposed and enforces the compulsion in the compulsory education, why can't MOE write off the arrears or by tapping into the financial assistance schemes?


1. How many such cases are there? Is the situation so bad that MOE has to resort to such cruel, crude and curse-able punishment upon the innocent kids, instead of their parents, for such a long-standing period of time?

2. Why can't MOE go after the guilty parties (parents), instead of the innocent parties (kids)? Isn't this highly improper and unethical principle and practice?

3. Is MOE so lazy or devoid of intelligence and ability to think of other methods of teaching the lesson on responsibility to the kids or parents?

4. This cruel practice is counter productive and does not drive home any good lesson to the party intended. It is not educational but a reflection of an uneducated person's mind. So, why can't MOE review this stupid practice and stop practicing it altogether henceforth?

5. According to Singapore's laws, as long as a child is below the age of 17, his/her parents are responsible for his/her actions. Not the other way around. A child is not responsible for his/her parents actions. Does the Ministry responsible for Education not know this common law?

(My apology for the errors.)

Anonymous said...

The Sin System has gone awry for decades,
the Daft Citizenry likes the Way Sin is run and stays oblivious to the Insidious Development taking place over the Years. They voted whelmingly for the Charlatans a d keeps them in power to lord over them, the Masses.
Sinkies have chosen to be manipulated, exploited and pawned. The People themselves are as culpable and guilty as the Scoundrels in the Sin Cabinet.

Anonymous said...

The only Lesson learned from MOE's teaching in this case:

When PAP millionaire ministers and their MPs failed to honour their promises made to the voters, or when they made a mistake, shame their children and grandchildren.