
Parking fees - Pay to serve and defend nation

When everything is reduced to dollar and cents, everyone will become mercenaries, money minded. The notion of nation and state, of loyalty and honour, selflessness, devotion and duty would not count any more except in monetary terms. How much is loyalty, honour, duty? How much is defending the country, dying for the country? Who would be stupid enough to want to defend the country and die for a few hundred dollars when others are grabbing in the millions?

With the introduction of parking fees in military camps and even in schools, the financial burden to pay for parking in these premises would bear on the soldiers and teachers who often than not, volunteer extra time, their own time, to do more, to remain in camps and schools, to serve and to do that little bit more for the nation and students.

When time spent in schools and camps is now being charged, by parking fees, would the soldiers and teachers still want to stay in the camps and schools, feel so free and willing to go back to the camps and schools, to do more, to walk that extra mile?

Why would people want to pay to do more, to serve the people and defend the nation? The amount may not be big, but it is the same story of being penny wise pound foolish. Do not forget, going back to schools and camps burns petrol dollars as well. Now the teachers have to think of money burning away plus paying parking fees to do extra. How many teachers and soldiers would be put off by these increases and rather stay at home and enjoy their own private time? When everything is about money, in this case it is an extension of the desperation to find more money for the govt because somewhere there is a big hole to be filled, and a big crack that is leaking money, so finding more money in taxes and fees at all cost becomes the rule of the day.

The well being of school children and national defence take a backseat, not as important as finding more money. In such desperation, even the pockets of teachers and soldiers are not spared. The consequences could be lesser teachers and soldiers remaining in schools and camps than necessary to volunteer their services to the children and the nation. What for when such noble acts are not appreciated, probably regarded as being daft?

Stupidity has no cure despite the rubbish they spurt from their anus which they think are good reasons, sound logic, wisdom for doing so. They would not know that they are talking nonsense and sounding silly. For a few dollars, they are killing the initiative and drive of those who want to volunteer to do more for nation and people.


Anonymous said...

Rb, I totally agreed. Knn I also becoming very calculative. In the past we were thinking of setting a scholarship at the Uni in memory of our Father. We were also thinking of donating to the university and asking our university graduated kids to donate. But we cancelled everything as we think that we have already been squeezed enough by all taxes and charges. So now when given few dollars by the Govt, we make sure we utilised them fully.πŸ˜°πŸ˜€πŸ˜€knn

Anonymous said...

Pay n Pay really lives up to its name & brand. A Merchant of Sinkieland has led the India PM & comrades signed some trade agreement & if that bond is broken Shylock Sinkieland Long Ah is gonna come after your 'pound of flesh (aka monies)', India r not stupids & will flip prata like wat they did. Collect parking fees to punish the soldiers & teachers in the name of 'clean wage' or self disciple is just a disguise to tax the people till they dropped. Anyway staying in schools or camps longer isn't that productive & it might even 'torture' or tagan the students or Nsf thinking they r chao keng or act blur . So in contrast may be good for students & Nsf soldiers too, ni more extra lessons or extra PTs or confinement. What's wrong with collecting more monies? Aiyah vto these vampires then they know la.

Virgo 49 said...

Otard King said Self-Dispiscline!!!

What's farking Discipline?? Discipline in paying parking charges.

Teachers supposed to be respected educators and the children looked to them as Mentors ans even Idols.

At one time, Teachers were so well respected that even after retirements, they were Greeted with love and pride by the old students.

My Bro in-law, ex-Teacher after retirement for first five years had to appear in public well dressed in the case any ex pupils or students met him in public.Have still to maintain a Good Image for the Teaching Profession.

How can they levied parking charges against the Teachers.

Anonymous said...


Sg is like that lah......

No money no talk society.......

No turning back for Sg......

So must 3Ms!


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

Are you living in an alternate reality?

>> When everything is reduced to dollar and cents, everyone will become mercenaries, money minded. The notion of nation and state, of loyalty and honour, selflessness, devotion and duty would not count any more except in monetary terms. How much is loyalty, honour, duty? <<

The only 2 issue I have is the use of the words "WHEN" and "REDUCED". We have long shot past your assertion lah. EVERYTHING---for a long time already---in Singapore is EXPRESSED (not "reduced") in dollar or quasi-dollar terms.

Money prices are just "signals". There is no place which that statement is truer than Singapore. In Singapore the prices tell the story. Hi price ==> scarcity.

For e.g.: Ministers and senior govt folks come at a high price. Of course dummy...it's scarcity. That's why they are elite, a minority. And we know how important it is to make minorities feel 'inclusive" πŸ˜‡πŸ€£

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right. Political clowns are a scarcity and with a high price to match.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB:

>> the rubbish they spurt from their anus which they think are good reasons, sound logic, wisdom for doing so. They would not know that they are talking nonsense and sounding silly. <<

Many years ago I brought I was one of the folks who brought in the bad news, but the REALITY of CPF, because it came to a point where all this wishful and magical thinking was annoying me too much. CPF only appears to be your money. In reality, it isn't. They cannot take "your" money (i.e. the amount in your account) without your permission. But they can prevent you from having it, or directly controlling it.

OK, back to being the bearer of bad news. As we roll into the future, nation states in general are going to grab more money from their taxpayers...mostly to service DEBT or to struggle to pay BIG PROMISES of their various cuntry's SOCIAL PROGRAMS.

Singapore however is on a crazy nation building trip. Never mind "mega projects". This forward thinking government is going to need shit-tons of MONEY (your money lah, who else?) to create a dazzling Singapore of the near future.

Got ballot-remorse? πŸ˜‚πŸ€ͺ

Anonymous said...

Will Pakatan Harappan Singapore version take place in the next election. Jolly well it does. Otherwise we are doomed forever. Let every Singaporean man and woman do its duty and responsibility and see that it really happened.

We have been deceived and cheated for far too long.

Anonymous said...

PAP elite just cannot get down from their high horses . . .

Anonymous said...

Sinkie teachers and NSF men ordered by PAP to pay for own parking, but for Trump-Kim summit June 12, US planners are considering asking the host country of Singapore to pay for the North Korean delegation's bill for lodging at North Korea's preferred five-star The Fullerton luxury hotel.

Will PAP obey the US planners?

Anonymous said...

You see, our leaders are very smart and cunning. Their so-called talent is in this area. First they ask for feedback on certain things, which in fact is asking you people to complain. Letting off test balloons is always for a purpose.

Like the free parking given to teachers. That small privilege has been there for decades, without any issue, because we know that sometimes teachers have to carry loads of exercise books for marking at home, so a car is necessary.

Some complaints may be orchestrated to get rid of certain unprofitable business that could be turned around to bring in more revenue. In this case, it works and they say teachers have to practise 'self discipline' and pay like everyone else.

When they paid themselves millions, where was the 'self discipline' evident when compared to politicians elsewhere in the world?

Anonymous said...

Most of our politicians & paper general are of limited talents but took disproportionally compensation out of public money. As students on scholarship ie public money. As soldiers on fast track to paper generals on public money. On early retirement to GLCs as top executives, a fake private sector, indirectly on public money. As politicians on near monopolistic power on humongous public money. This definitely is not proper market pricing for academic talents on public money all their lives. Its shameful & disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Sinkies have chosen leeders to screw themselves. They are enjoying it very much and will be voting for more Pay and Pay Party Members.

Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY agree with govt charging car park fees for teachers & SAF regulars.

Another method can be don't charge upfront fees, but to apply it as income taxable benefit.


Coz they are already receiving higher-than-normal salaries, compared to both national as well as international basis.

Similar to ministers / senior civil servants / president, once your salary exceed an unconscionable & unjustifiable level, you LOSE all moral right to argue about your "rights, benefits & entitlements".

MOE teachers are getting HIGHER salaries than ALL other developed countries such as US, Japan, UK, Oz, NZ, Canada etc. And yet Singaporeans lose out to Ah Nehs & Cheenas in terms of establishing international-level companies, innovation, entrepreneurship, patents, R&D etc. Even WORSE if we compare to developed countries like US or Japan.

SAF regulars salary are similar to US armed forces, yet no need to be send to Afghanistan or Africa to fight. In fact those Maj & above, plus WO2 & above, are getting higher salaries than their US counterparts.

If all other people (including visitors, contractors & suppliers) need to pay parking whenever they drive to schools or SAF camps, why not the teachers & SAF regulars?!?!

If EVERYBODY including other civil servants, staff, ministers, president etc have to pay for parking at ALL other govt properties such as ministries, stat boards, govt agencies, Istana etc, why not teachers & SAF regulars?!?!

For conscripted NSmen getting the few hundred $$ allowance, maybe can offer them 50% subsidized season parking.

If they are not happy with being civil servant teachers & soldiers having to pay carpark fees, they are more than welcome to resign & go into private education or private mercenary where they can aim for minimum monthly $20K or higher (million dollar contracts for black ops).

Anonymous said...


Virgo49 said...

Ministers,MPs TOP silver serpents paid parking at their work places or not??

Understand MPs, exception of Military Police who also had to pay parking for the military patrol vehicles and their RC Grassrots and Grass Loots members NO NEED pay parking.

They have a disc to park anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line is that we need more money and charging parking fee on our own land is bopian one. Desperate mah!

Anonymous said...

Stop Temasek Holdings and GIC from losing $Billions of taxpayers' money and CPF members' money!

Anonymous said...

Stop building MEGA Projects when you have not budgetted for.

Anonymous said...

Reduce PMO and People's Association budgets by at least 50%. They are too extravagant and too fat, which possibly will lead to high degree of abuse and misuse.

Anonymous said...

Cut defence budget by 2/3.

Stop promoting bookwormed scholars to be Generals too fast. They have become a Sore and Shameful Bloated Face and Belly Fat Cats in public image. Not good for the reputation of Singapore.

Moreover, they have proven themselves to be INCOMPETENT and Out of Touch from Reality!

Anonymous said...

Stop giving generously to foreigners freeloader-scholarships like there is no tomorrow. Cut foreigners' scholarships by 90%.

Anonymous said...

Stop behaving like a fucking rich country that money is printed by you (like USA) to spend without limits. You still have to EARN the money FIRST before you start thinking of spending.

A person who grew up in good times, in a powerful and filthy rich family, with plenty of money to spend anyway, anyhow, you like is bound to have adopted the habit of over-spending without regard to consequences down the line.

Such a person, when in a position of the highest power in the land, with unfettered authority, is bound to abuse or misuse his authority to spend money anyhow, anyway, he/she likes. With husband and wife as a team to in total control, expenditure and disbursement of all available moneys in the country, the consequences would be exponentially disastrous for all and sundry, rich or poor. The middle class will be the hardest hit.

So, best for the country is to stop the ones who behave like fucking rich British Aristocrats.

Anonymous said...

With parking fees implemented in army camps and schools, wives and husbands can expect their spouses to be more punctual coming home. Not a bad move after all. Very clever and smart.

Anonymous said...

Dotard Trump changed his underwear again and again.

WASHING-UNDERWEAR-TON — President Trump will fly to Singapore this month for a landmark summit meeting with North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, but he now anticipates a more drawn-out negotiation than once envisioned and indicated that he will stop increasing pressure on the regime while talks proceed.

Eight days after abruptly canceling the June 12 meeting citing North Korea’s “open hostility,” Mr. Trump just as abruptly announced on Friday that it was back on, the latest head-spinning twist in a diplomatic drama that has captivated and confused much of the world. After complaining of North Korean bad faith, he said, in effect, never mind.

So, change mind like changing underwear. How to trust such a person?

Anonymous said...

11.31pm anon, Knn Lor

Anonymous said...


FL said...

If they allow free parking in schools & army camps for teachers and soldier(incl NSmen)who can afford to own their cars, what about the non-car owners for these 2 groups without any benefits ? Both groups are taxpayers,too. The common reason or argument is that if you can afford to buy a cars and pay the high cost of COE, you should have no problem paying carpark fees likes the rest of Singaporeans in other professions. I may not be right, but just sharing only.

Anonymous said...

FL with million dollars pay ministers they should provide their own cars, security, ...since they are paid millions. Hahaha

Anonymous said...

A good govt to the people is one that paid themselves modestly & keep taxes low n not keep hiking rates, tariffs, etc every now n collect lots n lots of money for their cronies n even wives to speculate.

Anonymous said...

Singapore used to have a good thrifty, considerate, compassionate and caring government. That is now a children's fairy tale story to lull the kids to sleep.

Anonymous said...

rid car 1st b4 going 2war.

Anonymous said...

In response to whether Singapore will be shouldering the bill for the Summit, which is scheduled for June 12, Singapore Defense Minister Ng Eng Hen said that "it is a cost that we're willing to bear to play a small part in this historic meeting," Reuters reported.

Very generous to spend on foreigners indeed !

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 1.30

Singapore Leaders are egotistical in Behaviours. But chow kar Gian Png with big egos.

All the while they are taking the Singaporeans back side flesh for putting on their faces.

One cents from their pockets they will shout MURDER.

The whole hall vibrated with cheers and claps when this HEN announced this spending.

They want Prestiges but on others expenses.

Anonymous said...

Ego & stupidity.
And majority voted for this kind of leadership.
Sinkies have to sink & sink deeper, while leeders continue to draw millions yearly, and act with reckless ego & stupidity.