
PMET situation top priority to Swee Say

Swee Say is looking at the PMET problems quite seriously. Credit must go to him for as much as I know, no minister had dug hard enough on this matter. Swee Say is looking at different angles, concentration of foreigners by location ie enclaves, company, industry and department. If he is serious, hope this is not just election talk, things will be moving for the good of Singaporean PMETs. Don’t ask me how the situation can get to this sorry state of affair.

The strange thing that he said is that there is a ‘need to speed up the transfer of knowledge and expertise from foreign PMEs to Singaporeans so that local workers will be able to drive the economy in the future’.  I can believe that in some top level jobs in some industries there will be a need for such transfer to knowledge and expertise. But at mid level, what is there to transfer or how much to transfer when most of these foreigners are new or fresh graduates, new to the jobs. In many cases they are here to learn on the job and Singaporeans are the ones doing the transfer.

There is a false assumption that the transfer is always from foreigners. Is that true? How many of the foreigners really have the expertise and knowledge that Singaporeans from world best universities did not have? And doesn’t anyone know that many of the foreigners came from 3rd World villages, with fake degrees or from degree mills, you mean Singaporeans are so daft that need them to transfer their knowledge and skills to them?

Let me see, what kind of skill sets that these half baked foreigners have to transfer? Cheating, how to get fake degrees, how to gang together to cheat Singaporeans, or how to beat up Singaporeans for fun?

Sorry for the digression. Let’s hope Swee Say will do a good job and report some of his achievements in the media, where are the concentration or enclaves of foreigners, which industries, companies and departments where there is no Singaporean core. He needs to know these first before he can set up to clean them up. Hope the main media would report on them, the before or now and then, to let the people know that something real has been done. The results will tell if Swee Say and his MOM are real in what they said they are doing. Sekali like the Jobs Bank, no data leh, cannot tell leh. Or like some minister said, it is not good for the people to know. Then how?

The GE is over, and the Singaporeans have given the PAP a bigger mandate to look after their interest. Would the PAP forget this and turn against the Singaporeans and continue with its pro foreigner policies and leave the Singaporeans in the lurch? The PAP has another 5 years to prove that it is pro Singaporeans. Or it may take the big mandate as Singaporeans telling the PAP to do what it thinks best, like before, with more zeal?


Anonymous said...

"But at mid level, what is there to transfer or how much to transfer when most of these foreigners are new or fresh graduates, new to the jobs."

True lah, but this should also not stop Lim Swee Say from saying there is a ‘need to speed up the transfer of knowledge and expertise from foreign PMEs to Singaporeans so that local workers will be able to drive the economy in the future’, tio bo?

Remember, as a minister, Lim Swee Say is talking about the big overall picture, and as politician, must also know how to talk swee swee mah. If not, how he could have won East Coast GRC against the 2nd strongest WP team, u tell me lah?

Anonymous said...

Singaporeans and Singapore should be condemned to the 3rd World if at middle level management we need to learn from 3rd World fakes. We built a first world and we need to learn from people from the 3rd World that cannot turn their country to first world?

If Sinkies think like you, then we deserved to be screwed by the 3rd World fakes. And this minister must be an idiot to think that we need to learn from the fakes.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing difficult for them to change tack about what they promised to do. Just undo and spin and Singaporeans will go round and round and eventually accept their fate.

The 6.9m population or more will be a forgone conclusion if they blame the downturn on the foreign manpower shortage. Not on rentals and cost of doing business. The increase in GST will come about when they argue about the need for additional funds for all those grants, subsidies and proposals they promised.

Anonymous said...

Those in power have two mouths. That is an ancient Chinese saying that was relevant then and still relevent today and tomorrow.

We put them there, we have to live with it.

But, fortunately, nothing is permanent. Not dynastis, empires and dictatorship and autocracies.

Anonymous said...

Will LSS be the Manpower Minister in the to-be-announced new cabinet is a question.

If LSS is in, I m sure he will do something for PMET.

How much can he do will also depends on the very very uncertain world economy.

It will not be easy going for PMET in Singapore from now on.............

It will not be easy to get back same level job with same pay if you lost your job.

Hope for a better tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

buy more 4d and toto !

Anonymous said...

This is how the Aliens take over our Singapore employment
First an Alien Manager is hired to manage the Sinkie.
After a while, the Alien Manager hires another Alien at the same level as our Sinkie.
This lower level Alien's hidden agenda is to learn from the Sinkie.
At this stage, both the Aliens will treat the Sinkie very nicely.

But once the lower level Alien feels that he can perform the job as well as the Sinkie.
Then during the next performance appraisal, the Alien Manager will give the Sinkie a bad appraisal.
And give very high marks to his Alien subordinate.
Then the Singaporean will be made to report to the high performing Alien subordinate because of the Sinkie's poor work performance.

So now you have the original Alien Manager.
Then you next have a new level of the newly promoted Alien supervisor.
Then you have the Singaporean.
After this stage, the floodgates start to open up.

True story.
It happened to my wife.
She was the project manager that delivered an IT project (involving 7 countries) on time and under budget for an European bank many years ago here in Singapore.
The Alien Manager and his Alien subordinate got all the credit.
My wife did all the work.

The Alien Manager could write very nice e-mails.
But he knew nothing about project management.
And the Alien subordinate he hired had zero people skills and knowledge.
My wife did both their jobs.

If my wife so good, then why nobody else hired her?
This was her sin.
She stopped work for two years to raise my son.
She was over 35 years old.
Very few Singaporean employer will ever give her a chance under this sort of circumstances.

But no use complaining.
70% Singaporeans have indicated very clearly that they want a PAP government.

Anonymous said...

The Alien Manager could write very nice e-mails.
But he knew nothing about project management.
And the Alien subordinate he hired had zero people skills and knowledge.
Anon 10:37 a.m.

To add insult to injury, maybe the alien Manager and subordinate had even been made new citizens by PAP?

And part of the 70% that had voted for PAP on 11 Sep?

So even if your family all voted opposition, definitely numbers no enough, % no enough, tio bo?

If so, so sad, for Sinkies like your wife. That's all I can say.

Anonymous said...

We thank all the Singaporean patriots in the Alternative Parties who answered the call of duty to save our country.
We are so sorry that you have been betrayed by the Singaporeans you were trying to save and serve.
You represent all that is good in the Singaporeans that we knew.
We would not be surprised if we lose half of our Singaporean patriots in the Alternative Parties after GE 2015 because of this betrayal.

You should be leading and serving people who are far more courageous and righteous than Singaporeans.
We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

Anonymous said...

All I read here are complain and bitch about how unfair you Singaporeans have been treated. Why? You have given the PAP 70% of your votes. You get what you sow. Don't complain, just accept your fate and live quietly for the next 5 years. By then more new citizens would have been minted and the circle goes round again. Poor Sinkies, what to do, you have no guts. You have missed this opportunity.

Anonymous said...

How many of you believe we have the right people in govt now and for the future?

Anonymous said...

Kee chiu, kee chiu.

Anonymous said...

How many of you believe we have the right people in govt now and for the future?

Don' say right, say "less wrong" people for the new cabinet to be formed soon by Hsien Loong.

Where got right people now? You mean Chee Soon Juan, Tan Jee Say and Low Thia Khiang together forming govt will be right or more right than the PAP?

Anonymous said...

Based on GE 2015:
It looks like only FOUR types of political parties will survive in Singapore:

1) PAP - who will represent
- the interest of the rich and powerful people
- the interest of business corporations

2) WP - who will represent
- the middle class Singaporeans
- the PMETs

3) SDP - who will represent
- the underprivilege e.g. single mothers and their children who face discriminatory PAP laws in HDB housing and Baby Bonus
- the elderly
- the poor
- all the "strays" who are not represented by PAP and WP in parliament.
- all the "strays" who do not have a voice in parliament

4) The "one-person" political party
- may be best exemplified by Chiam See Tong
- who gave Potong Pasir a unique place in our political landscape
- but was not able to build a political machinery that can carry on without him
- Jeanette Chong Alduross seems to be going down this path

PAP has gotten everything they asked for and more in GE 2015.
- a 70% mandate
- LHL's leadership will now be unchallenged in PAP
Now let's hope PAP can deliver on its GE 2015.
Time is running out for our country.

Nothing has changed.
The Singapore Titanic is still sailing towards the iceberg.
The MRT trains will still breakdown ... and etc.
We have re-elected the same people who got us into this mess in the first place.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again.
And hoping for a different result.

Anonymous said...

What to say?

Much more than 30% think we do not have the right people in govt, but, just like in Parliament, it does not matter how we think when the whip is cracked, and candies, lollipops and pork are thrown in front of their faces. They just go for it.

Even at, one time long opposing, Potong Pasir is gone forever, sudah potong dan tidak buah lagi! Next GE probably no need to potong what remains when it merged with Toa Payoh GRC. Gone, habis like Anson and Cheng San and Raffles losing his founder status.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The minister is wasting his tie and the states resources.

These entitled arseholes are a lost cause lah. They're too fucking arrogant to learn anything new. These clever cunts think that they have The Monopoly on ALL knowledge and skills in the entire universe.

Fuck them.

Anonymous said...

Talking about yourself again cockle smeller?

Anonymous said...

Chin Leng, Next National Day you should be given a, "Most Loyal To Singaporeans" medal. Hope President Tan will take the initiative. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

PM Lee might do a very pleasant surprise to all Singaporeans for his likely last 5 years in power as PM. No GST increase, no ERP increase, more COE, more welfare, more protection of PMET, etc.

He ends his legacy, as the kind 3rd Singapore PM.

Father legacy: Build the foundation & delivered.
Goh legacy: Gave Singaporeans high asset inflation cost of living.
Loong legacy: Kind PM? Outdoing Goh, and got out of his dad's shadow?

Anonymous said...

GST and minister pay will increase very soon.

Instead of 6.9 million, it will be 10 million population, as PAP will now have the mandate to accept ex HDB chief Liu Thai Ker's suggestion.

Sinkies voted and ask for it, so kpkb no use.

Anonymous said...

Sinkies did not vote for it....the new citizen did.

Anonymous said...

If Sinkies did not vote for it, how did the PAP get a landslide? Now that they have proven to have voted for it, the PAP is saying that Sinkies have given them a big mandated and agreed with what they are doing. In other words, more of the same and Sinkies have no cause to complain.

Anonymous said...

I just would remind PAP voters that if they get screwed with bleeding arses, please don't blame the WP or the opposition for not being able to speak louder in Parliament. Blame yourself and pray to your ancestors for forgiveness for letting them down.

b said...

pap is not bad lah. those selfish, greedy pmets have to be screwed. furthermore, they are the minority (estimated around 30%). there are not many segments to target. cannot target the poor (60%) or the very rich segments (top10%). this is what democracy is - its a majority game - winner takes all.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ right back at ya, 408:

>> I just would remind PAP voters that if they get screwed with bleeding arses, please don't blame the WP or the opposition for not being able to speak louder in Parliament. Blame yourself and pray to your ancestors for forgiveness for letting them down. <<

I would like to remind PAP voters that if they make lots of money, have an increasingly marvelous life and do not have to sell their women folk to the Saudis, please thank the WP or the opposition for not being able to speak louder in Parliament. Congratulate yourself and pray to your ancestors for luck, and more luck.

Joking only ah...

What is true: The People Get The Government They DESERVE, especially when the facts are crystal clear after an election.

Don't listen to me. Go ahead Kenny boy, you tell 'em! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Anonymous said...

Lucky PAP got a strong 70% mandate.
If not, today's haze will be even worse.
PAP has many years of international experience dealing with foreign govts.
For sure can guaranteed that haze for the next 5 years will not be worse than today.

Anonymous said...

70% Singaporeans say NO to Regime change.
Tan Jee Say was so wrong.
I wonder if Tan Cheng Bock will dare to run for President again?

Cheng Bock.
Better stay at home and play with grandchildren.
Sekali you lose your deposit then how?

Anonymous said...


As in the straits times. 2015.....2.3 million cast votes

Anonymous said...

give away our dignity to beg? no way.

Virgo 49 said...

Right Anon 4.08.

Not only the Opposition and true blue Singaporeans were bewildered.

The PAP is bewildered that sinkies can be so easily conned and naive to give them another five years to Lord over them

How can they compete with the street wise scheming new citizens???

Time to apply more spurs to their hides.

Virgo 49 said...

Anon 6.59

If pap can handle the foreign government internationally, we have blue skies today.

WP, then you have blue skies.

Anonymous said...

For those of you who attributed the stinking defeat of the oppositions to the new citizens, you are only partially correct. Another major reason is the betrayal from our own kind. The risk-adverse type and those who treat elections as a time to get goodies.

Oppositions will never be able to counter the army of new citizens. Neither will it be able to change the psyche of the typical kiasu kiasi singaporeans.

The cause is lost. Totally.

Anonymous said...

The 70% would not know what to do, how to think and would feel lost if they are not dictated by whites. As the recently departed esteemed leader once used a very wise word to describe this group of 70% Dafts.

Virgo 49 said...

The sinkies had screwed their last screw into their coffins.

Just for a few thousand bucks they had sold their children and grandchildren lifes and future to the Pro Alien Party.

Let's them enjoy their retribution in lesiure not for the next five years but perpetually.

Like our bro anon said you had misssed your opportunities to save your live hoods and future.

Time to look for a heavenly place to retire and not in hell.


Virgo 49 said...

The luke warm water gonna be boiling real hot the next few years when their masks of deceit are down.

The daft frogs gonna be boiled alive.

New employment and recession on the way with the Sibor rates up ans up.

See how you siew thiam froggies gonna survive.
