
India, the superpower pretender

‘Recession plagued Russia needs India more than before.’ This is the subheading of an article, Old bedfellows, but commercially disjointed, by Sreenam Chaulia. Other than this catchy subtitle, the whole article was all about how great India is, and about India’s super power ambition, about India’s zone of influence, which are understandable, just like the award of Modi with the Asian of the Year Award for doing nothing except hurling rhetoric of how great India could be.

Back to the subtitle, Russia needs India more than before, or is it India needs Russia more than before? What is it that Russia needs from India other than money which India has very little? The truth, as Sreenam elaborated in his article is that India needs a lot of things from Russia and not the other way.

India is aspiring to be a super power but lacks everything a super power has except making hollow speeches of greatness and potential of greatness. What India needs from the Russians are weaponry, nuclear power stations for the high grade plutonium for nuclear weapons, of course the energy potential, the natural gases, fighter aircraft and aircraft technology, the submarines, aircraft carriers, cutting edge technology, not low budget engineering.

What can India offer to Russia? The minuscule trade figures tell the whole story. Putin is pushing for a US$100b trade with China next year. India is talking about a US$10b trade with the Russians. And Russia is willing to sell, can the Indians afford to buy? What is there for the Indians to sell to the Russians, maybe some foodstuff.

So, who needs who more? Russia needs India more? What can the Indians offer the Russians? Maybe the next article will be Singapore needs India more than India needs Singapore.

Kopi Level - Blue, thank you.


Anonymous said...

Never trust Ah Tiong and Ah Neh

Anonymous said...

Fake degrees can? kekekeke......

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

WOW redbean. You got good style lah. Hide that xenophobia, but try to write on the borderline.

Steady lah. Boleh tahan!

Anonymous said...

"...just like the award of Modi with the Asian of the Year Award for doing nothing except hurling rhetoric of how great India could be."

If that's true, then that's how Modi could win the election and become PM mah.

Maybe our Sinkie opposition can learn something from Modi? Of course must modify a bit to suit Sinkies lah.

Anonymous said...

Indians are the biggest bluffers! Only SG govt can be easily fooled by signing the CECA trade agreement after India grounded the whole WTO to a halt over trade issues.

Anonymous said...

MS, you stinking IB, how much are they paying you to attack RB?

Hope the next hostage to be shot in Australia would be you. You are a racist pretending not to be one.

Yellow culture? Why not white lies? Bastard, smelly chap cheng.

jjgg said...

So singapore is going to help a superpower get wired up n become smart..somebody's delusional..is it the superpower pretender or the wanna be..or is it something else..who's benefitting from the hooha..

Anonymous said...

Got money, offer money
No money, offer strength
No money, no strength, offer backside!

Anonymous said...

The media in India just like to compare between China and India. Compare when China and Pakistan developed a jet fighter jf-17.

Compare Bramos missile With Chinese cx-01

According to India Times nov2014-

'Exactly like the Brahmos, the CX-1 purportedly has a range of 280 km and can achieve a speed of up to Mach 3. It is also supposed to fly in low and quick to its target in the final stage, like the Brahmos. The CX-1 is believed to be targeted for the export market by China, a market that the Brahmos has not been able to exploit yet despite orders for hundreds of missiles already in place by the Army, Air Force and Navy.'

compare compare compare why like that
separated by Himalayan mountains

Anonymous said...

They are still spreading the rumour that the 1962 rout by the PLA was because China attacked them first and refused to admit that it was the Indians that planned to seize Chinese territories. Until today they are still claiming that China is nibbling at their territories when the land was China's in the first place but grabbed by the British when China was weak.

If China wanted to take their rubbish land, China would not have withdrawn after the 1962 war. These snakes are telling lies everyday.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Bean I see you are starving that prick of it's oxygen by not giving it the dignity of a response. Nothing snuff out the flame of an attention seeker than ignoring the sucker.
Got oxygen?

Anonymous said...

One kopi with everything for Mr Bean. Salutation to you sir.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Thanks everyone, for the kopi.

b said...

They are very good at scams lah. Another shameless abu neh neh scam here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/ukip/11285916/Natasha-Bolter-Oxford-University-deny-sex-scandal-Ukip-candidate-ever-attended.html.

Anonymous said...

India is acting like a superpower especially in the south asia region, the small countries there cannot tahan the kaypoh their large neighbour anymore.

Sporeans, do you really think that India got NO geo-polictical ambitions in this part of the world?

Anonymous said...

India deepening its influence in Spore anyone???

news letter from a local U

Dr Duvvuri Subbarao, former Governor of the Reserve Bank of India and former Finance Secretary to the Government of India, will be appointed as Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School with effect from 2 May 2014, for a period of one year.

A career civil servant with some 40 years' experience in India's state and federal governments, Dr Subbarao will take part in various activities at NUS Business School, the Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS), and Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). He will share his wealth of insight and expertise at seminars, forums, workshops, lectures and meetings with policymakers, academia, students and the business community.

Dr Subbarao will also deliver a series of lectures on central banking, co-sponsored by the MAS. Three of the lectures will be held at NUS Business School on 30 May 2014, and one at MAS on 2 June 2014. During these sessions, Dr Subbarao will mentor academics in conducting in-depth research on central banking challenges.

Anonymous said...

Also a member of the BBC (Bombay Bicycle Club).

Anonymous said...

Are u not a great pretender yourself?

Trying to be critical of papigs to lure others

U are a disgrace to all others papigs IB..

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 7:43, why don't both of us stand in Raffles Place and let the people judge who is more disgraceful?

You don't even dare to face up to your wild accusations and hiding in the dark to take pot shot at me. Are you a disgraceful man without balls in between your legs?

Come on, be a man. Don't be a disgrace to manhood.

Anonymous said...

Peppa is a loveable, cheeky little piggy who lives with her little brother George, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig.
Peppa's favourite things include playing games, dressing up, days out and jumping in muddy puddles. Her adventures always end happily with loud snorts of laughter. Hehe.

Anonymous said...

With this Dr Subbarao, Singapore's financial system will be as good as the Indian financial system. Singapore got a lot to learn from India.

Anonymous said...

A member of the prestigious Bombay Bicycle Club (BBC) and the All India Open Sewer Society (AIOSS).

Anonymous said...

RB, don't be like that lah. That shameful pig looks exactly like a pig you think he will dare to show his face?

Even Matilah Singapura at his worst is more handsome than him.

Anonymous said...

A member of the Kerbside Open Toilet Society. (KOTS).

Anonymous said...

Wah lao, red bean, u very the fast, removing my reply

Fast hands fast legs... very the on, like army boys charging up pengkang hill in safti

OK.. for the benefits of those who missed my earlier reply

EUNUCH.. lah, your vocabulary so powerful, u dun know?

Quick remove... b4 your supporkers laugh