
The innocence and naivety of Meritocracy and FT talks

My hair stands every time these two topics were raised or discussed even by the supposedly intelligentsia. Most of the experts or naïve experts were talking in a vacuum, meritocracy regardless of race, colour or creed or nationality. Immigration is good, it is good to bring in the talents to boost our economy. It is also good for Singaporeans to work overseas, no need to come back. Fill up the island with more talented foreigners, 6.9m or 10m, the more the merrier.

As a country, meritocracy must not only be spoken but practiced within the framework of nation and citizens. Meritocracy to pick and groom the best among Singaporeans is theoretically a sound concept. We need to nurture and bring out the best among our people. To extend this meritocracy concept to other nationalities is idiotic at best and criminal at worst. When the interest of nation and citizens are exposed to be raped by foreigners in the name of meritocracy, it is as good as allowing an economic holocaust on the citizens.

Let our citizens work overseas and bring in more foreigners, talented or fake talented never mind, to work and live here in their place. Stretch this example to the extreme, with 70% of the citizens working and living abroad and 30% left in the country, what kind of country would it be? Look at it simply, at 6.9m with the citizens, the original citizens reducing to less than 40 percent, an absolute minority, it is a matter of time when they will become inconsequential and insignificant as a people of this country.

While the innocents and naïve preached and worshipped meritocracy unthinkingly, they forgot that the newcomers would not be as idiotic as them and practice meritocracy like these idiots do. What if the newcomers practice their own form or meritocracy to exclude the true blue Singaporeans? When they become an absolute majority, would they kick aside the original Singaporeans to favour their own kind? While we are a majority here, we can still impose some kind of order to protect the interest of the citizens. When the foreigners become new citizens and become the majority, will they be as innocent and naïve as our daft Sinkies and practice meritocracy and free immigrations like what the daft Sinkies are doing? Even today, when they are still in the minority, their practices are all about them and us and they have no qualms or reservations to get rid of us in favour of their own kind.

When Sinkies become a small and inconsequential minority as the population grows, as the number of migrants becoming new citizens grows, would there be a place for the original Singaporeans? Or would they be history and be at the mercy of the new Singaporeans?
A country is not a corporation that can hire and fire regardless of nationality. A country is about the interest of its citizens first and foremost. Even then, many corporations are practicing hiring the same kind against the others.

Can our innocents and naives think and talk meritocracy and immigration without thinking about the interests of the citizens? They cannot afford to as the mistake or sin against the citizens will be irreversible. There is no room for such idiocy.

We cannot talk about meritocracy and foreigners like we are a big country with a big local population like India or China. These countries cannot have enough of foreigners to turn themselves into a minority in their own countries. They have the critical mass to ensure they will not be history. And they will not be traitors to their own people even if they are daft enough to do so. The critical mass itself will protect their people, identity and interest.

We can lose our country and our place in the sun if idiots take charge of this country and bring in foreigners to replace us citizens in big numbers.

Kopi Level - Yellow


Anonymous said...

We cannot afford to lose our country. We have no where to turn to. The foreigners would not be as kind as us. They may get rid of us when they are in charge like they got rid of PMEs to replace with their own kind.

Anonymous said...

We can lose our country and our place in the sun if idiots take charge of this country and bring in foreigners to replace us citizens in big numbers.

True lah, but even if no foreigners come, Sinkies will also become extinct anyway because their birth rate is already below replacement level what.

So PAP, with 60% Sinkie support, is basically choosing the lesser of 2 evils lah.

Anonymous said...

Several ministers have stated the tightening of foreigners into spore but does anyone know whether this is true and are there confirmed stats to support their statement.

Anonymous said...

Tightening is subjective. 1% can be considered as tightening. So is it 1, 5, 10.... if there is no transparency how can there can be trust. Additionally, tightening must be stringent on sectors which rob sporeans of their job.
HR is but one of the root cause in my humble opinion.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The "spur" has been planted into the sides of The Singaporean worker. There is no denying that.

Gotta hand it to the old fart Harry Lee, whatever he says he's going to do, is followed through without the slightest regard on whether you like it or not.

If Singporeans "lose" their cuntry, they didn't deserve such a priceless jewel anyway.

The PAP is doing things it take VERY BIG BALLS to do: they are exposing Singaporeans to the FREE MARKET -- a market which is unpredictable, often unfair, unforgiving, brutal and occasionally prone to failure...but in some way is THE BEST system so far to ensure not only the survival of our species, but to aspire to "higher values" -- like art, music, "engineered experiences", "cultural festivities" which are to be enjoyed as "bonuses" for society's productivity and growth. i.e. you've earned your money by individual enterprise -- whether in your job or business -- you've paid for family and personal expenses, now you have extra for your own "enjoyment" -- be it your passion, hobby, leisure, etc.

CAPITALISM is not only about amassing and allocating money-capital to earn more money. In today's world there are other forms of capital -- like social capital and cultural capital -- but they all require similar principles in acquisition. Similarly too, other forms of capital can be mixed with money capital and other factors of production to produce "stuff".

Capital -- in whatever form -- is best administered by private citizens pursuing their own interests, passions and "happiness". The principle of profit and loss is a signalling mechanism (feedback) to inform the entrepreneur (user of capital) of the veracity of their past choices and decisions. If they make bad choices, they lose capital.

Govt. should not be allowed to touch private capital. When govts do so, they tend to lose capital. But when a govt loses, it still stays in business -- instead of firing people, people get bonuses and are promoted. Lies are told to cover-up the truth, and anyone who dares challenge the govt is sued for libel or defamation.

Another reason is that govts have all the LEGITIMATE POWER, backed up by their own UNELECTED JUDICIARY, supposedly independent, but rarely so in reality. To hand over capital (any form) to the authority will all the power is just asking to be fucked in the ass not only from cradle to crematorium, but generation to generation.

Singapore govt policies with the open borders, until-recently free immigration -- were all "designed" to urge Singaporeans to be more "entrepreneurial" -- even the workers. These days the job market is a buyers market -- i.e. bosses have lots of choice.

You have degree holders in the rich western cuntrees pulling beers, flipping burgers and brewing cafe lattes. You have degree holders in emerging economies emigrating to rich western cuntrees to put even more downward pressure on local wages AND CONDITIONS.

Since bosses have a lot of choice, they will pick the "best person" for the job -- not a "local" or a "minority" just to be politically correct, but the best person for the job -- i.e. the candidate who'll make them the MOST MONEY, or contribute to the biggest return on capital.

So like it or not, we are all in a meritocracy. So you might as well fucking go for it like a warrior, and keep chopping away until you WIN. As the saying goes: "Living well is the best revenge".

There is no level battlefield. The ground is always skewered in someone's favour. Also, everyone has strategy and tactics they think will give them an "edge". So you too must have.

Got fighting spirit?

3 kopis for RB. Coffee is the fuel of meritocracy ;-)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Thank you for your kopi. So not going to tekan you. Can I politely point out two points?

One, survival of specie, what specie, Sinkie specie or Matilah specie?

Two, pushing Sinkies to be more entrepreneurial. The bell curves apply no matter how hard you push, only a small percentage got that entrepreneurial dare. And many of them still fail. Stuck 1 spur or 100 spurs, the majority will still not be entrepreneurial.

Anonymous said...

Knn matilar, your comment is even longer than RB post. U very free is it? Nothing better to do except sprouting your fucking nonsense each day to waste people's time.

Go write your fucking book lar, you fucking motherfucker moron.

1) how to boast about sexual power when both tiny are missing
2) the art of incest
3) the guide on how to bull shits
4) how to irritate people and waste their time daily
5) learning to be thick skin and flameproof
6) how to tahan when your ass kena fucked
7) how to act as patriot when you are a traitor
8) how to act and look normal when you are actually insane
9) learning to speak when a cock is stuck in your mouth
10) how to con your sisters and daughters to continue having sex with you without reporting to the police.
11) How to develop multi tasking skill. Sharing of secret on Learning how to type on keyboard posting commentary on blog when there is a hard cock pushing in and out in matilar mouth.
12) How to cook two tiny to be delicious enough that the pigs would eat them.
13) How to brag about your intelligence when you have none and how to tahan when both mouth and ass kena screwed at the same time.
14) How to inflate two flat tyres when the holes in the tires have not been mended!
15) How to boast to women you have a rolls Royce when you only have a Mini Cooper with four flat tires and running out of petrol!

oldhorse42 said...

Recently the minister for home affairs said that the Govt would not be reducing the absolute number of new immigration. He said the number stay but the intake would be slowed. He did not say by how much.
So you are going to have 6.9 million people a little slower but it will be there.

Anonymous said...

The Papies thought they are ruling a big country with huge natural resources and land mass. They paid themselves the world highest salaries. They created redundant positions paid by tax payers such as elected president, mentor ministers, senior ministers, emeritius ministers, mayors, nmp, many mp, ministers in pmo, etc. They forgot that citizens voted them in yet they audaciously scoulded citizens daft, xenophobes and sued citizen who questioned their policies. The 6.9m population white paper is a suicide policy for sinkapore and sinkees. There are not many good jobs and open spaces left and yet they want to bring in more immigrants to compete with sinkees.

Anonymous said...

Look at the fly wheel? The next expensive monument that would go the way of the fly wheel would be the garden by the bay.

Botanic Garden is the best garden in Asia and one of the top gardens in the world.

Anonymous said...

Meritocrazy: you ignore your own son and daughter and invest your family money earned by your son and daughter on the neighbors' sons and daughters who scored 1 point more in their PSLE.

b said...

Its not meritocracy. It is globalization. In this era, it is the big business owners that own those politicians. They call the shots. They issue orders to Obama to carry out. Small countries cannot fight them, can only join them. Every gov can only make sure that their own people are not being disadvantaged by this globalization force by providing a fair playing field. Unfortunately, the pigs here are only interested in installing fair playing field for themselves and not the people. They even go to the extent of installing unfair playing field to their own people e.g. using taxpayers monies to process foreigners requests that come here to replace the people, allowing prs to enter and exit easily, allowing prs to buy up public housing and hence inflating housing etc.

Anonymous said...

The PAPigs can talk cock & sing song all they want.
The question that determines my vote is simple;
How does it benefit me to vote PAP?

If I cannot see the benefit, I vote Opposition.
Never mind if Opposition candidate is a monkey.
Although quite frankly, Opposition candidates are looking better and better.
And it is PAP candidates that are monkeys.

Anonymous said...

Hi RB, this is speedwing again. Meritocracy has been practised since the current government took over the country. It was a good way to build the country and to bring out the best in Singaporeans. It is still a good system now, albeit it needs a little adjustment. The world is full of talented people and to encourage such people to come to Singapore would diminish the opportunities for the locals. If meritocracy is practised with the whole world in mind then Singaporeans will not stand a chance. Therefore meritocracy should be tampered with a slight bias in favour toward the locals. That way you get the best of both world, getting the best from the world talent pool and also encouraging the local Singaporeans to excel. Just my 2 cents worth.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We all know what is the problem. Million dollar ministers did not, could not or would not. That is the problem.

What should be done?

Anonymous said...

Sinkies Fate is sealed.
Kpkb no use wan.
Find a better place
for yr children.
Even if old and single,
dying in Sin is not worth.
Sinkies 不能入土为安.

Keeping them in Sin
is a sin in itself.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Speedwing, you are still in UK?

All Singaporeans must never forget that this is our country and our home. Don't ever lose it or you will never find another home like this. Anyone thinking of selling the country away to foreigners must be sent packing.

All Singaporeans must fight to keep this country as our country. Do not listen to any snake oil sellers and their false truth. Anything that is against the interests of Singaporeans must not be accepted.

Anonymous said...

/// The world is full of talented people and to encourage such people to come to Singapore would diminish the opportunities for the locals. ///
June 25, 2014 4:12 pm

Since PAPigs support meritocracy.
And since this diminishes opportunities for me.
Therefore I vote opposition.
Because voting PAP clearly does not benefit me.

Very simple.

Anonymous said...

Foreigers could just convert their citizenship b4 the elections and being elected to be an MP, any unthinkable thing can just happen.

To safeguard our interests, the only solution is establish a two-party systems, n let's give the opposition party an opportunit to be the co-pilot.

I, in my late 50s, dont trust the current system.

Anonymous said...

All Singaporeans must fight to keep this country as our country.
RB 8:43 pm

But fight who? Fight what?

Fight can win or not? And if win, can make money or not?

If don't fight can also make money, why fight?

Anonymous said...

But fight who?
A: PAP lah!

Fight what?
A: Fight to protect my self interest lah!

Fight can win or not?
A: Don't know lah!

And if win, can make money or not?
A: This is not about money. This is about doing the right thing.

If don't fight can also make money, why fight?
A: We fight because it is the right thing to do.

Anonymous said...

PAP Chicken Joke
Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because it was the right thing to do.

Anonymous said...

How to fight ?

Any suggestion ?

With ones shadow?

Forget about it.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> Two, pushing Sinkies to be more entrepreneurial.

Think of just randomly slinging mud at a wall. Some will stick, some will just fall away. The more random "slings" you can throw, the more "chance events" of sticking will happen.

>> The bell curves apply no matter how hard you push, only a small percentage got that entrepreneurial dare.

Yes, under "ideal" conditions, you get beautifully shaped curves -- every point, dead on point.

In reality, there's a jagged curve with outliers on either side.

Some of those outliers (taken collectively) are just enough to give your entire political economy a globally competitive edge, and propel your cuntree forward.

I do agree that in any given group, only a certain number with an entrepreneurial bent will present. Not everyone can be Mr/Miss Universe, similarly not everyone can be an entrepreneur. However...

If you've got no entrepreneurs, you've got no civilization. Period.

Anonymous said...

buy new hdb must ownself check for defect. worst than buy new car. fight for who u tell me? govt promote so many good values. what the impact of checking for hdb defect when check after check and after check and nth is being done while paying for pub bill, town council bill but not incur by owner.

hdb ask us check defect and write on form. bsc say write so brief, must paste masking tape. after paste masking tape, nth is being done. what the point of pasting. what the point hdb ask us check defect. might as well dont check. cos check already. also tell us it not a defect. than in the first place ask us check for what. ridiculous.

how hdb liase with msf to promote good life style in singapore. when we waste time check defect but not done. when we pay money but still must do work for ourself. where is the peace. no peace why go msf? and 71 year uncle no help.

Anonymous said...

newspaper say fun, games trail for ipt. what so fun about. give us back the 10 times cycle but complete 8 times can already.

what every year increase band. how to keep running faster when u become older. where is msf. donate for what. keep your money and help ppl around u when emergency. donate to religion, all money go where?

Anonymous said...

@ June 25, 2014 10:20 pm
How to fight ?
A: Vote Opposition lah!

Any suggestion ?
A: See above

With ones shadow?
A: Only idiots do that.

Forget about it.
A: That's what I say about PAP's policies.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Anon 11:10pm, Mistrust is the new normal.

Anonymous said...

The foreigners would like to encourage all the daft Sinkies to work overseas so that they can take over this island as theirs.

Virgo 49 said...

I am in my 60s and am one of the beneficiary of the Pioneer Generation Package and I am going to vote for any Opposition candidate not just to be co pilot but to be the new ruling government.

Please True blue Singaporeans, do not just have the option of just giving the Opposition as opposition MPs and to check and balance the PAP.

Let them bring a New DAWN to us for the sake of the younger generations which the old generation had created the mess voting the tratitous PAP as the government.

b said...

Maybe they will resort to giving the maids here citizenships in return for their votes. WHo can stop them from doing that?

b said...


If there is really meritocracy, the PM position will not belong to LKY son who neither has the looks or brains to begin with.

Anonymous said...

The leaders and top brass in civil service and state-owned organizations are said to be based on meritocracy.
Believe it at yr own risk.