
UMNO leaders claim that they are natives of Malaya is utter rubish.

Like Chin Peng, Lim Chin Siong was at the forefront fighting against the British Imperialist for the independence of Singapore and Malaysia. Whether he was a communist or not  is immaterial and as many suggested he should rightfully be considered a hero and one of the founding fathers of independent Singapore.

Malays were not the first arrivals in Singapore and Malaya. The Indians and the Chinese were in Singapore and Malaya long before the Malays. The Chinese and Indians came as traders or travellers for the discovery of geographical knowledge although some Indians stayed to found small Hindu states in which they did not prejudice against other races. The Chinese in the hay day of its wealthy and mighty civilization could have occupied and colonised all the lands she discovered but she did not and that reflects the true nature of benign Chinese Civilization which always respect other people or other countries big or small. The Malays who came from different parts of Indonesia, like the Bugis from Celebes, the Boyans,Mingnankerbaus and Javanese from Java and the Bataks and Achinese from Sumatra which all came later after the Chinese and the Indians on the contrary share similar aggressive traits as the barbaric White Men - The Europeans for their chieftains were no more than pirates and robbers who occupied different parts of Malaya and founded domains or enclaves and called themselve penghulus or temenggongs . There was never a Malay state until the British Imperialist came to the scene in the late eighteen century when it occupied all the lands south of Thailand and consolidated them into one political unit called Malaya for convenience of control. So to say that the Malays are sons of the soil is all rubbish and hogwash. The original natives of the peninsula south of Thailand are the Sakais who are of Mongoloid race and they came from Southern China about ten thousand years ago.

After the Second World War the British sold out the interest of the Indians and the Chinese when it granted independence to Malaya without protecting the political rights of the Sakais, the Indians and the Chinese. Of course the Indian and Chinese leaders of the time during the negotiation for independence were downright stupid and idiotic because they cared only for their own personal narrow interest and did not consider the dire consequence of not securing the political rights of the Indians and the Chinese as well as that of the natives, the aborigines.

The second set back for the Indians and the Chinese was during the negotiation for merger with Sabah and Sarawak in 1965. At the time there were not many Malays in Sabah and Sarawak. Other than the natives who are the dayaks and the Ibans there were actually more Chinese than the Malays in the two territories prior to the merger. Why were the Indian and Chinese leaders of the time outmaneuvered by the Malay leaders to deprive the Indians and Chinese of equal political rights. As a result not only the Indians and the Chinese but also the Ibans, the dayaks and others are now suffering at the mercy of the highly racist and corrupted UMNO leaders. Generally speaking the ordinary Malays are simple,kind ,sincere and decent people. It is the pseudo  Malay leaders in UMNO  who are tainted with Pakistani, Javanese and Boyanese or Bugis blood who are ultra racist and extremist  that are now creating havoc for other races.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Veritas and Southernglory, be sensitive. there are fake Malays and fake Chinese, both equally bad and out to do mischief. You will have to discuss this issue objectively and not go overboard.

Whatever you say, got to back up by facts and use facts intelligently unlike some fakes anyhow grab facts to distort truths or propagate half truths.

Veritas said...

Hi RB,

Mine is facts. But there are so much fake Malay out there that my hands got crippled if I provide you the link one by one. Readers can trace it with google one by one.

b said...

They can claim anything they like but whether people will believe them is another thing. In fact, only stupid people will believe whatever that is claimed by any politicians. If politicians can be trusted, pigs can fly.

Anonymous said...


To be critical as you want your readers to be. You make many statements without backing it up. Even if you could it's debatable.

Its like asking does god exist?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Ok, does God exist? Anything or anyone to back up this one?

There are things called opinions that are neither right or wrong and need not need facts. You either agree or disagree.

The more problematic part is when an opinion becomes 'sensitive' to some, with good rational reasons or without, but pure emotional or stupidity.

Anonymous said...


I am surprise you ask the question I posted.

Sorry bro, I'm not going to get involve. Been in too many such heated debates. In the end everyone get upset. I'll be watching. -:)

Veritas said...

Ok I will provide the links to the ancestries of Malay leaders.

1) Tunku Abdul Rahman - Mother Siamese,

1.1) Tunku only son is issue form a Chinese woman.

2) Mahathir -Father 100% Indian.

3) Abdullah Badawi. Paternal Grandfather Arab. Maternal grandfather is Hainanese Champa. (Champa got shit from Vietnam and China is kind to shelter them)

3.1) Abdullah marry Portuguese Jean Danker

4) Razak and Son Najib are Bugis (Nevertheless Razak gangs are still better than all the rest, least his ancestors came from Sulawesi - still Malay)

5)Tun Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman's grandfather was a Chinese who converted to Islam and he is also part Bugis.

6)Mohamamad Fatmi Che Salleh is part Chinese.

7) Tun Hussein Onn is part Circassian.





Anonymous said...

Whatever lah, they have a political party that won majority seats, although not necessarily majority votes.

With majority seats, they form the govt, and of course the powers of the police and military will be behind the govt. This is what really matters. And those not happy will emigrate, and which they did.

And some came to Sinkieland, and even become MPs and even ministers in Sinkieland because they join the right party, the party which won majority seats as well as votes.

So fake or not, greedy or not, or whatever lah, what really matters is the party which win majority seats form the govt.

Sinkie opposition parties, until now and unfortunately, is still nowhere near to achieving this, which of course is politically much worse than those in Matland.

Veritas said...

Malaysia support South Thailand insurgence (only low level such as Quasi government level).

But Malaysia support of Philippines Moro rebellion is high level. The MILF and MNLF of Moro land in Philippines are supported by Malaysia at government level and -- Lybia's Gadaffi.

And Malaysia Malay elites ship all the wealth from Borneo to KL enriching themselves. Today, the 2-3rd most oil rich state Sabah is the poorest state in Malaysia.

In addition, Muslim Malay flooded Sabah with Muslim immigrant from Pinoy land and Indonesia, doing a demographic engineering.

If Malaysia Malay Muslim do not change their ways, Karma will strike Malaysia somehow.

b said...

-'does God exist? '

Of cos God does exist else why are we still living. But God can also mean different things to different people. Some think it is money like papaya. For many, God is the creator of the entire ecological system.

b said...

'the 2-3rd most oil rich state Sabah is the poorest state in Malaysia.'

- Sabah is not poor, the people are poor because the way the money is distributed screwed up so the most money goes into the pockets of some elites. Thats why they invented communism to address that but communism itself is not perfect and highly depending on who is in charge.

Hermit said...

I find it laughable that years ago, the Nanyang idealist Chinese in Singapore was so sensitive and suspicious that Malay Singaporeans may be more filial towards their abang in Msia than being filial to SG.

Today, it is clearly exposed that the Nanyang idealist Chinese Sporean shows no shame in displaying their fidelity towards Msian Chinese more than towards Sg. And towards a known terrorist too!

How laughably ironic the hypocrisy is exposed, yet they can't see themselves. :)

Chin Peng is dead, get over it.

Anonymous said...

A short true story about "god." In my first year college Physic 1, on the first of class my professor said to the class. "I am god.” We all believe him. Why? He said I will decide you fate. For those who are in the top need not worry. However, for those in C or D. I can pass or fail you. I passed!

BTW, found out later. He’s a gay. I was a slow learner, before I left Singapore. Never know or told about gay except the word "Ah Kua" which was meaningless to me. Disclaimer, I have no ill feeling against gay or any sexual orientation. I respect everyone regardless..... I understand this is not one choice but something you are born with, we should not make fun or persecute them.


Veritas said...

I find it laughable that years ago, the Nanyang idealist Chinese in Singapore was so sensitive and suspicious that Malay Singaporeans may be more filial towards their abang in Msia than being filial to SG.

Today, it is clearly exposed that the Nanyang idealist Chinese Sporean shows no shame in displaying their fidelity towards Msian Chinese more than towards Sg. And towards a known terrorist too!

How laughably ironic the hypocrisy is exposed, yet they can't see themselves. :)

Chin Peng is dead, get over it.

I do not respect anyone. I respect truth. Chin Peng has caused casualties in his career. So are people like George Washington, Lawrence of Arabia Arab gangs, Pot, Southern Thai militants, Ho Chi Minh, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams...etc

These are all insurgence. Nevertheless, its stupid to link every insurgent to the deprave level of Pot of Southern Thailand separatist.

Anonymous said...

U men are damn confused and gilarrr. Not to mention maciam bagusss.
Morning glory too much free time to do this article n Veritas forever digging _____ (feel free to insert yr choiced watevers)
RB you on this island, get yrself concerned with yr surroundings here. U hypocrite posting it n telling them be sensitive. The Medi Life is foremost in bold red letters hanging over each n every Sinkies - white, brown, yellow n watever hues imaginable) n u concerned with the Malaysians. Tolonglah kasi credit sama itu Malaysians. Mereka not idiots OK. Their homeland they jaga.
U think upnorth dont know umno shennanigans that this morning glory must be so kayu to point out as if its a new discovery not to mention bodoh not to understand politics.
U like helpless in this red dot n you want to kaypoh the bigger upnorth n spread racism. Pls lah remove the log here b4 that speck upnorth. U telling Sinkies to unite at the same time u insult the Malays. Going by yr 'Chinese is so superior' rhetoric, arent u ashamed that the very people that is so proud of 5000 yrs culture is the one that destroy the very core of this red dot inhabitants.

Some chameleon u r!

Anonymous said...

U must b morning glory or else dont be kaypohchi

Can post anything even people rear ends but .. use yr brain use yr brain ahh doit

Veritas said...

Morning glory too much free time to do this article n Veritas forever digging

You are right, I like to dig shit. Thats y I am call Veritas. Check it out if you do not know the meaning.

I hate lies. When I see people preach lies, I get angry.

Shit digging will make people more clever. Shit digging will expose shit of elite in day light, so that they cannot fool people.

Hermit said...

Veritas posted:
>>I do not respect anyone. I respect truth. Chin Peng has caused casualties in his career. So are people like George Washington, Lawrence of Arabia Arab gangs, Pot, Southern Thai militants, Ho Chi Minh, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams...etc
These are all insurgence. Nevertheless, its stupid to link every insurgent to the deprave level of Pot of Southern Thailand separatist.

Still does not address the point I made. My point is the inconsistency of the Nanyang mindset. Years ago, the Nanyang idealists were so suspicious of Sg Malays when there's the slightest hint they were more filial to Msia than Sg.

Today, these Nanyang idealists show no shame, openly displaying their preferred affiliation towards a Msian Chinese, ie Chin Peng and his ideals, rather than loyalty towards Sg.

Veritas said...

Still does not address the point I made. My point is the inconsistency of the Nanyang mindset. Years ago, the Nanyang idealists were so suspicious of Sg Malays when there's the slightest hint they were more filial to Msia than Sg.

Today, these Nanyang idealists show no shame, openly displaying their preferred affiliation towards a Msian Chinese, ie Chin Peng and his ideals, rather than loyalty towards Sg.

This is the same as some people here blog a lot about Israel, Palestine, Najib, Malaysia, Rohingya...etc.

Face it, this is human nature. The Malaysian supported MORO insurgencies even though it got nothing (it actually has a wider Malay Muslim causes) to do with Malaysia. The MORO are Muslim Malay. Philippines are dominated by Christian Malay.

Hermit said...

I do not know those who blog about Israel, Palestine etc here. I do not really come here often, except once in a while.

That said, you just confirmed the inconsistency and hypocrisy of the Nanyang idealist. That's right, while such idealists yell about how the Sg Malay should not be too filial towards Msia, they have no shame when they themselves openly display their loyalty to ideals that are also foreign to Sg.

Yep, shout warning calls when such loyalty is from other parties, celebrate it as human nature when it comes from yours within.

Veritas said...

I do not know those who blog about Israel, Palestine etc here. I do not really come here often, except once in a while.

That said, you just confirmed the inconsistency and hypocrisy of the Nanyang idealist. That's right, while such idealists yell about how the Sg Malay should not be too filial towards Msia, they have no shame when they themselves openly display their loyalty to ideals that are also foreign to Sg.

Yep, shout warning calls when such loyalty is from other parties, celebrate it as human nature when it comes from yours within.

Who shouted that? I dont. I say it is natural for people to identify with supra national identity.

Sometimes, national loyalty may take precedence. It depends.

Many Chinese in this comments are do not resent Chin Peng. Malay here resent Chin Peng. Chin Peng work was Malaysia and not Singapore.

Why Malay here resent him so much?

Hermit said...

This is a case of Msian govt seeing CP as terrorist, hence no go for his ashes to come home.

You, are seeing it as Malay not allowing CP, the Chinese, to come home.

You also see many Chinese don't resent Chin Peng. I see it as only Nanyang idealist don't resent Chin Peng.

In reality, many Chinese don't give a hoot about Chin Peng bcos they don't know his terror acts. But when they do, they will also resent Chin Peng.

Why must you see everything through your racist lenses and divide Chinese vs Malays, when the real issue is pro-CP and anti-CP?

Veritas said...

This is a case of Msian govt seeing CP as terrorist, hence no go for his ashes to come home.

You, are seeing it as Malay not allowing CP, the Chinese, to come home.

You also see many Chinese don't resent Chin Peng. I see it as only Nanyang idealist don't resent Chin Peng.

In reality, many Chinese don't give a hoot about Chin Peng bcos they don't know his terror acts. But when they do, they will also resent Chin Peng.

Why must you see everything through your racist lenses and divide Chinese vs Malays, when the real issue is pro-CP and anti-CP?

I saw a lot of Malay wrote in comment Chinese communist kill Malay. These people are bigots. They are fooled.

Rahim Noor the top cop make the below comments.

“There were others (ex-communists) who were allowed to come back and they were mainly Malays. Abdullah CD was allowed to come back to Malaysia and was even given an audience with the current Sultan of Perak.

“Rashid Maidin, I was told, performed his pilgrimage through KL with the help of the Malaysian authorities. What’s all these?” Abdul Rahim said in an exasperated voice.

Abdullah CD was CPM chairperson while Rashid Maidin was a CPM central committee member.

The government had justified its decision by declaring that Chin Peng was responsible for the deaths of countless members of the security forces, most of whom were Malays.

Abdul Rahim lamented that the people do not seem to understand the context of the international communist struggle and instead perceive that the over 40 years of communist insurrection in Malaya was “Chin Peng versus the entire government machinery”.

Asked by the radio station how he thought history would remember Chin Peng, Abdul Rahim replied: “They (historians) should be able to analyse Chin Peng as a communist leader – his role and his party’s role – in battling the British, in getting rid of the British.

This is how Thai PM and general view Chin Peng

Paying tribute, former Thai army general Pisarn Wattanawongkiri said Chin Peng is the Malaysian equivalent of Ho Chin Minh, Aung San and Kusno Sosrodihardjo or Sukarno, for his ceaseless efforts during the battle for independence.

Pisarn said Chin Peng had fought ceaselessly and sacrificed a lot for the cause of the Communist Party of Malaya.

Although the Malaysian government, vilified Chin Peng, Pisarn said he was a kind, honest and principled individual.

"He was like a father figure to his men and I looked up to him like a big brother. He has been like a relative of mine for the past 20 years and I will always appreciate the time that we have spent together," Pisarn said at the Wat That Thong temple memorial hall.

Chavalit, who was the Thai premier between 1996 and 1997, said he never viewed Chin Peng as a guerrilla, but as a friend.

"Chin Peng was not someone who was fighting for personal glory or interests, but fighting for the people.

"In the hearts of many Thai people, especially the soldiers, Chin Peng was a hero who was much admired for his dedication, perseverance and resourcefulness. Despite the insurmountable obstacles he faced, Chin Peng was never deterred, he did what he felt was right," Chavalit added.

Veritas said...

Since 1958, MCP mainly based itself in Thailand Betong -- for 40++ years. Malaya Emergency lasted from 1948-1960, around 12 years.

The Thai has clash with Chin Peng as well. Betong was firmly was MCP. Why Thai did not view him as terrorist?

Not only that Thai PM and generals who see their men killed by MCP paid him respect.

Why Why Why?

If you want me to point to a terrorist group, the South Thailand Malay insurgency look more like it, than MCP. The S Thai insurgency conduct too many indiscriminate killings.

If they mainly attack military target, I will give them due respect.

Anonymous said...

How to talk sense to a racist?

Anonymous said...

If Lee Kuan Yew can claim to be the founder of Singapore;
Why cannot the UMNO leaders claim to be natives of Malaya?

Anonymous said...

they r not called

puki xxx .... for no reason!!!

referring to umno

not address to my brethen mat here

Anonymous said...

f Lee Kuan Yew can claim to be the founder of Singapore;
Why cannot the UMNO leaders claim to be natives of Malaya?

October 02, 2013 8:54 pm

.... my idol kuan yew claimed to be god too ....

long live kuan yew ...

Anonymous said...

verita waste time with an extremist.

Anonymous said...

How come S'pore's Chinese majority government don't want Chin Peng's ashes? How come I don't hear many people in Singapore clamouring for and asking for Chin Peng's urn to be interred in Singapore? Thailand will gladly send it to Singapore if you all really want it. Can inter it at Kranji War Memorial, etc. Chin Peng was a terrorist. His ashes must be dumped in the ocean just like Osama's body was dumped in the sea. There was no need for Chin Peng to fight a bloody war against the British and innocent civilians for independence. The British were giving independence almost on a silver platter. He was just a bloodthirsty monster.

Anonymous said...

Yes ... Long Live Lee Con You.

Anonymous said...

These people either don't know about history of Malaya or refused to know about history. Or tiny brains cannot cope with too much history so can only distort history to believe wat they want to believe. Quite understandable.

Emergency in 1948. If not CPM giving British trouble, 1957 can get independence on silver platter? Simplistic mind.

Lim Chin Siong also did same favour in Singapore to Lee Kwan Yew.

Anonymous said...

Simple logic...you talk papaya others give you durians, never can anyone agree with the other half la 555555.....Just respect others where ever you are...

Veritas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Veritas said...

If Lee Kuan Yew can claim to be the founder of Singapore;
Why cannot the UMNO leaders claim to be natives of Malaya?

Since these FT Malay can claim natives, so extend it to everyone in Malaysia including Indian and Chinese. They should deserve a Bumi.

Veritas said...

How come S'pore's Chinese majority government don't want Chin Peng's ashes? How come I don't hear many people in Singapore clamouring for and asking for Chin Peng's urn to be interred in Singapore? Thailand will gladly send it to Singapore if you all really want it. Can inter it at Kranji War Memorial, etc. Chin Peng was a terrorist. His ashes must be dumped in the ocean just like Osama's body was dumped in the sea. There was no need for Chin Peng to fight a bloody war against the British and innocent civilians for independence. The British were giving independence almost on a silver platter. He was just a bloodthirsty monster.

Because Chin Peng wanted to go back hometown Perak.

Your opinion of Chin Peng is different from Thai PM and Generals who fought MCP. One claim Chin Peng like his father, and others say Chin Peng fought for people.

You are entitled to your own opinion.

Veritas said...

Like I said, I see this a pro-Chini Peng vs anti-Chin Peng issue. For whatever reason, you still wanna put in the race element.

That is the Nanyang mindset I have been trying to point out all along. All Nanyang idealists do that. They want to Chinese-nize the whole of SE Asia, which many non-Nanyang idealist Chinese themselves find it repugnant.

A racist is a racist is a racist.

Even if I hypothesize cock sucker like Chin Peng and pussy licker hate Chin Peng, it does not make me a cock sucker or pussy licker.

You are telling a big lie when you say Chinese try sinicize the whole of SE Asia. Everywhere in SE Asia, the Chinese integrate. They even go against China like Ben Aquino today.

No one point a gun a you and ask you to convert to Confucism.

But I see Malay Muslim Malaysian Islamizing the whole Malaysia. Even Malay Islam Shia and Malay Islam Ahmadya are under persecution.

Get your facts right,

Anonymous said...

Lee Kuan Yew is founding father of Singapore must be one of the greatest joke in history.

Only the kids in PAP Kindergartens will believe.

Anonymous said...

I see two Chinese squabbing here.

Why? Because he is non-racist?

Anonymous said...

Very funny seeing you guys suddenly loving a much hated terrorist. And all because he is a Chinese. I suggest you people go to the little towns in Perak, Selangor, Pahang and all the states in Malaysia and talk to the old Chinese men and women who lived during the Emergency and they'll tell you the real story about Chin Peng and his merry band of followers who butchered and tortured their relatives, friends and neighbours. If a mausoleum of Chin Peng were erected in Malaysia, these old Chinese folks would be the first ones to desecrate it. You guys are a deluded lot, totally out of touch with the past, totally out of touch with reality. You all are practically grabbing at straws.

Anonymous said...

Independence was delayed because of the Emergency. If not for Chin Peng, Malaya would have gotten Independence earlier. I was born in 1939. I lived through history. You little boys only read about it.

Anonymous said...

Lee Kuan Yew founded modern Singapore.
And PAP is on the side of Singaporeans.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Veritas, you working overtime on this topic. 为牛谈情。

Anonymous said...

A Malay does not necessarily have to originate from the Malay Peninsula proper. You can be from any part of the Malay Archipelago (present day Indonesia & the Philippines) and be considered a Malay.

In fact you can be from any part of the world, be of any race, your skin as black as tar or as white as snow or any shade in between and you will accepted by other Malaysian Malays as a Malay if you become a Muslim, adopt a Muslim or Malay name, speak Malay, eat with your hands and dress like a Malay and especially more so if you marry a Malay. The Malays call this 'masuk Melayu', roughly translated as 'become a Malay'.

Mahathir's father migrated from India a hundred years ago. He was a Muslim and he married a Malay and he adopted Malay customs. He and his descendants are accepted by other Malays as a Malay, as one of them. The Malays are that accomodative.

Malaysian MP Chua Tian Chang's family has lived in Peninsula Malaysia for 4 centuries but he is not considered a Malay because he is not a Muslim and he does not practice Malay customs.

So being a Bumiputra is not about how long you've been in this region, it is about what customs you adopt, regardless of the mixture of your blood.

It is sad that you do not understand the Malay people's mentality and their perceptions and I think the reason for that is that some Chinese here lead such insular lives despite your claim that the Chinese have been in the Malay Archipelago before the Malays arrive (which was 2 to 3 thousand years ago). Those Chinese are long dead and gone. You, the living ones, must make the effort to be less insular.

It is also rather amusing to read (again) your glorious claim that the Chinese have been here for thousands of years when we all know your grandfather landed at Telok Ayer as an indenture coolie 80, 90 years ago from Swatow or Amoi to seek sustenance from this land when his motherland could not feed him. No Malay will buy your argument and he will only be too happy to give you a dose of humility and reality as the recent developments in Malaysia have shown. Wake up.

Veritas said...

You forgot to mentioned, there is one more absurd definition of Malay in Malaysia constitution. A Malay must be a Muslim also.

When a Malay apostasy, next minute he is not a Malay.

And you please wake up that Peranakan is here much earlier than Malacca Sultanate, much earlier than many Malay.

Anonymous said...

A friend came visiting and I offered to prepare lunch and she said she is the easiest person to please as she takes anything.

Then she went on, she does not take fried food, no sugar, no salt, she does not take fish unless it is tuna. She also does not take things that are high on calories and she went on and on and on.

She is so easy to please. Nitwits are like that.

Anonymous said...

History has shown that the Chinese Race is the MOST OUTSTANDING IN INFIGHTINGS. HERE WE GET TO SEE THE PROOF.

Luckily, great leaders are born in Mainland China. They united the citizenry and made oversea Chinese proud. But, even then, they cannot prevent some Chinese from turning against their own Race.

It is not that other Races do not have infightings, they do; however, they have less betrayors and traitors within them. This itself is worthy for the Chinese to think about themselves.

Veritas said...

History has shown that the Chinese Race is the MOST OUTSTANDING IN INFIGHTINGS. HERE WE GET TO SEE THE PROOF.

Luckily, great leaders are born in Mainland China. They united the citizenry and made oversea Chinese proud. But, even then, they cannot prevent some Chinese from turning against their own Race.

It is not that other Races do not have infightings, they do; however, they have less betrayors and traitors within them. This itself is worthy for the Chinese to think about themselves.

Its 2 side of one coin. The unity state of China for 2000 years, not seen in the world has a lot of internal schism.

People marveled at the unity of China state, also surprise by the number of walking dog and back stabber and politiker....etc

The said...

/// Blogger Barrie said...
This is a case of Msian govt seeing CP as terrorist, hence no go for his ashes to come home. ///

Malay terrorists killed in Indonesia were allowed to be returned to Malaysia.

Also, the peace accord was signed by the CPM and the Malaysian government in 1989, together with the Thai government. Chin Peng is entitled to his right to return to the country of his birth (in Sitiwan, Perak) as agreed and provided for the Hatyai Peace Accord of 1989.

Anonymous said...

Save it up . Barrie is a self proclaimed champion of Malay/Muslim issues although he is Baba. Anything that touches on the sensitivities of that, he will be out 6 guns blazing.
I've given up on his pretentious blog

Anonymous said...

Barrie is neutral and also Race blind. In some ways a most enlightened, well travelled cosmopolitan kind of person.

Well, it also time that we be like him, let us not be racialist, discard all our beliefs and traditions. Let us share the lands and seas and prosper together in peace. Let us all be benevolent and kind.

We should not be partial or bias and be forgiving. Let us not be superstitious and be affected by imaginations.

Let us propose a toast to All to work toward a better World together.


Anonymous said...

You are as crazy as him. Go and read his blog and see how he ran amok when people disagreed with him or said something that touched his sensitive balls.

He is a racist with a deep hatred for anything Chinese.

Anonymous said...

Can you provide links to the parts of his blog where he showed hate for Chinese?

Veritas said...

Can you provide links to the parts of his blog where he showed hate for Chinese?

Attack SAP school, attack clans, attack Tan Lark Sye..etc -- with his rubbish.

In this blog, he accuse chinese trying to sinicize SE Asia. This is lies. Chinese integrate best in SE Asia. Malay Muslim integrate worst, don believe ask Thailand about Malay muslim in the south.

Chinese even integrate with Malay Muslim best -- not in Malaya but in Sulu and Bangamoro.

Its wicked Malaysia government who prevent Chinese from integrating and incite anti Chinese hate.

Anonymous said...

We need ISA and ISD to take care of such fanatics. This one disguised himself as normal when he is really not. ISD, please do your part to look at him and his blog.

Veritas said...

We need ISA and ISD to take care of such fanatics. This one disguised himself as normal when he is really not. ISD, please do your part to look at him and his blog.

I want to highlight that Barrie is not alone. He has a big group behind him.

Also I survey a lot of work in Malaysia university. They are as mad as Barrie or even worse. Unfortunately, many Chinese here still do not know the amount of hate generated across the causeway. Its a sensitive topic that how these Malaysia hate monger affect Singapore Malay.

The Southern Thailand Malay Muslim got shit mostly because of their own hate, not because of Thai. Southern Thailand Malay Islamist in Yala, Patanni, Narathiwat got into hallucination of their own hate teaching and as a result they can kill people without any any guilt.

If we do comparative civilization, we will know their claims of discrimination are 90% lies. The Yala Betong Malay do not feel discriminated and they are prospering.

The Saturn is also Malay Muslim, but Thai there are no insurgent and no one feel the same intensity of discrimination of Malay as Yala, Patanni and Narathiwat. The shit that Yala, Patanni and Narathiwat got is because they like to spread hate among themselves. Also these insurgence groups are worse in their conduct that many other groups, they conduct too many indiscriminate killings. They are thugs.

A small minorities Malay Muslim want to spread hate. They want to teach their people how to feel victimized, to the level worse than feminist. We got to be careful about that.

Anonymous said...

Veritas, you can put up your links to your Yala Wala Whateverlah remarks but you cannot put up links to Barrie's articles? That's **your** opinion he is racist. I want to read what you said about him myself. I don't need your opinion. So where are the links to his racist articles you are talking about?

Veritas said...

Veritas, you can put up your links to your Yala Wala Whateverlah remarks but you cannot put up links to Barrie's articles? That's **your** opinion he is racist. I want to read what you said about him myself. I don't need your opinion. So where are the links to his racist articles you are talking about?

I just cant be bothered to dig just now. Since you ask

Supporting Facism

atacking SAP schools without with dis information 1

atacking SAP schools without with dis information 2

atacking SAP schools without with dis information 3

In reality, SAP school is a humiliation to Chinese, and not Chinese racism.

shiting on Chinese clan 1

shiting on Chinese clan 2

shiting on Chinese clan 3

MORE MORE MORE MORE. Everything Chinese, he feel is sectarian. So Chinese got to make themselves until "Malay" then he happy?

And he accuse Chinese in this blog that Chinese want to sinicize SE Asia? This is a lie. Malay want to Islamize Malaysia is 1000% true.

Anonymous said...

I read both Barrie's and Verita's blogs and I have to say it is veritas who is the racist. Barrie's articles criticise systems, ideas and ideology. He does not criticize the Chinese race. Veritas will criticize Indians, Malays, Arabs and a lot more and use denigrating racist terms on people. The links Veritas shows Barrie's criticism of the certain systems. He must have touched Veritas' sensitive spot and made Veritas go into a racist frenzy. So where is the part Barrie said bad things about the Chinese race itself? Where is the racist part in Barrie's blog that is equivalent to Veritas racist name calling?

Anonymous said...

Veritas, I am the one who asked for links to Barrie's blog. I went through the links and there's nothing at all that is said against the Chinese race or culture. It is all about his opinion that he is against sectarian interests of a small group of Chinese who want to impose their views on the majority. Where is the part he says all must be Malay?

Anonymous @ 10.59 is right that you are the one who have been calling racist names at your blog. I read your recent posts as well.

Veritas said...

Veritas, you can hate systems but your hate for other races and people is exposed when you use racist terms. You called Mahathir "Malay Indian bastard Mahathir". You used the term "banana" to describe westernized Chinese. You call Indians "stooge", "nazi Indian liars".

This is how you describe Indians when you say you hate caste system. "Singaporean Chinese is the anchor of colorblind-ism. Many FT Indians hate us for that and they sought to replace our way with caste system, entitlement-ism and racism. FT Indians here built the shit hole Citibank @CBP, the HQ for caste-ism evangelism with the support of PAP. Soon Singapore will be a bigger shit hole than India, if Singaporeans continue to let PAP in charge. Singapore today has worst caste system than any place on earth except India." http://veritas-lux.blogspot.sg/2013/07/malaysian-indians-screwed-themselves.html

You create hate between races. "But to Indians, Singaporean Chinese are eye sore. Lies must be invented to hate Chinese. There are many many incidences and today I will just take one as example. In my previous blog, I mentioned about the UOB Bollywood theme party."

I cannot find any post made by Barrie that is that vicious and venomous against any race like what you described. Hating caste system is one thing. Hating Indians is another. I can hate Nazism but I don't hate Germans.

You go and read Mahathir book.

You defend Citibank?

Go and read TOI before you talk. You read too little.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

A man paid a visit to Confucius. He was received by Confucius disciple as the master was busy in the backroom. They went into a discourse on the seasons. The man said there were 3 seasons. Confucius' disciple said 4. They went into a long argument and could not agree.

They decided on a bet and let Confucius be the judge. The loser would have to bow to the other 3 times.

When Confucius came out, the man posed him the same question. Confucius looked at the man intensely and agreed that there were 3 seasons.

His disciple was shock. How could that be. He was angry but had to bow to that man. After he left, the disciple asked his master why?

Confucius said, this man was like a kind of insect that lived only for 3 seasons. Before winter, the insect would have died and would not know anything about winter. To him there were only 3 seasons.

No need to waste time talking and arguing with him.

Anonymous said...

Veritas, you still don't get the point because you are a racist. You can criticize Citibank, Madhatter and all. There is no need to use racist terms like "Malay Indian bastard", "Nazi Indian liars" to describe Indians or "banana" to describe Westernized Chinese.

I can say Veritas is a racist. But I will be a racist myself if I said Veritas is a slanted eyed chink.

You must know the difference between criticizing someone and putting up racist remarks.

Anonymous said...

Barrie(Blogsite: Bear roams free) is not only an insect. He is a pest out to destroy the harmony of the people.
He deserves some strong pesticides.

Anonymous said...

If Barrie is a pest then Veritas is like the Aedes mosquito causing society to fall sick and redbean the filthy water stagnant mind where the mosquitoes breed. Veritas is the one spreading racist remarks and RB is allowing that shit to continue on his site.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with redbean. No need to waste time talking and arguing with Veritas.

Anonymous said...

From the posts you know who the racists are. They are the ones calling others racists.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Veritas is racist, but Barrie is no angel either. The latter takes on just about everyone who is not aligned to his faith or policies percieved to favour certain race- government ministers ,the Americans,the anti-death penalty and LGBT advocates especially Alex Au etc
You can't help detect there is a slant in most of his posts

Anonymous said...

"Yes, Veritas is racist, but Barrie is no angel either. The latter takes on just about everyone who is not aligned to his faith or policies percieved to favour certain race- government ministers ,the Americans,the anti-death penalty and LGBT advocates especially Alex Au etc
You can't help detect there is a slant in most of his posts"

There is nothing wrong to take on policies and issues. What is so racist about that? Racist is when you post hate against a certain race.

Anonymous said...

Barrie is trying very hard to defend himself.

Veritas said...

I am racist because I attack

1) caste system
2) foreign Al Qaeda terrorist
3) use 0.1% of Mahathir book
4) attacking bigot FT Indian commentators

Veritas said...

The Fujian Chinese are mestizo of Malay, Chinese, Arabs, Persian and Japanese. I bet you do not know this history. You want call it bastard, up to you.

If Chinese practice caste system and lie, please attack. I will attack it myself because Chinese are good people and we hate racism and caste-ism.

Chink is a slur. I have never used racial slur because it is no good.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Veritas, as I said many times, you need to moderate your views and your choice of words. The terms you used are racist and would not be taken lightly.

Even when I used the term Sinkie as a quickie to type it draws a lot of criticisms and some felt hurt by it.

You can get your views across without those strong negative words.


Anonymous said...

As posted on her Facebook account, Devina quoted, “Miss Philippines is Miss World? What a joke? I did not know those maids have anything else in them Ha Ha Ha.”

Referring to Filipinas as maids, she also said that “they are poor, smelly from cleaning toilets and uneducated.”

DeDiva was previously reported as a Singapore-based Indian studying at Manchester University in Indiana, USA. However, the University immediately cleared that it has no student named Divina DeDiva and the school would have never tolerated such insensitive action.

This is racist.

Anonymous said...


Visit this blog to see raw racism in play. Everyone trying to prove who is a better racist.

Anonymous said...

Devina leh
Sounds like a devine being
or could be a devil.

No Race mentioned hor.

Anonymous said...

There is a wild dog barking like mad.
silly Veritas got infected.