
Notable Quote by Yaacob Ibrahim

I think it is important for us to ensure that they (ordinary Singaporeans) read the RIGHT thing.  Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister of Information on BBC.

Who is this ‘us’? And what is so righteous about this ‘us’ to decide and ensure what is the RIGHT thing for Singaporeans to read? I think Singaporeans should read the right things in mysingaporenews. Boleh, betul?


Edmund Lim said...

六六三十六, 数中有术,术中有数。阴阳燮理,机在其中。机不可设,设则不中.

在这先今全球经济国际化,竞争激烈适者生存,“强者生,弱者亡” 的背景,近来似乎也显明地演义在政治领域中。

所为“ 变通有数,有变则通”。

”围魏救赵“,“ 金蝉脱壳 ”,“无中生有 ”,“瞒天过海 ”,“偷梁换柱 ”,“声东击西 ”,“调虎离山”,“釜底抽薪”, …........

古代的这些权术,似乎都用齐了 …...

一个人往往处在其中,有如惊电闪雷,风云乍起 …......

“慧,在于因时,机,在于应事,畏,在于惧小,智,在于制大 ….....”

得宠尚需思辱,居安尚需思危 …....

活人也能让尿憋死吗 …......?

有时情势所逼,“死马也只能当活马医了 ….....”

你同意吗 …..... ?

Anonymous said...

s'pore has too many govt incursions/invasions on your freedom - ISA, no warrants needed for police to enter your home, needing a license to protest, more stringent airport security, etc. and now the latest mda licensing regulations. this latest rule is one more way of reducing your liberty and reminding you that the govt can fuck with you anytime they want - as long as you put up with it, as long as you put up with it.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


actually, I'm closer to believing that it is "survival of the cheapest", more than "survival of the fittest".

You may want to check out: CHEAP: The High Cost Of Discount Culture by Ellen Ruppel

Have you noticed that consumer goods like clothes, shoes, fast food and electronica have gotten CHEAPER over the years, whilst healthcare, housing, energy have all gotten more EXPENSIVE?

Notice also the cost of borrowing is LOWER, but the debt rate is HIGHER?

Similarly the range of personal empowerment from technology mainly is GREATER, but the laws restricting freedom of expression and movement have gotten stronger? Take flying for example. Who would think that authorities have the right to fondle your gentitals to check for weapons? If you refuse -- big trouble for you.


I'm beginning to suspect Mr Ibrahim, probably a Muslim is one of those people who support the idea of anti-blasphemy laws.

Polemicist Pat Condell on the "anti-Islamic" press.

If true, I fully understand why Ibrahim is doing this. However he is going about it the wrong way.

Singapore has used "religion" as an excuse to silence freedom of expression before. It is like the USA using "terrorism" as an excuse to remove civil liberties. One excuse -- total regulation.

You might as well just ban motor vehicles because occasionally you get fatal accidents.

Anonymous said...

"I think Singaporeans should read the right things in mysingaporenews."

Agreed. That's why I am not only reading mysingaporenews but also commenting in it.

But of course I don't expect any earthshaking outcome out of this lah, just release steam only, unlike Yaacob ministry's new licencing rules.

Anonymous said...

If you cannot do the real thing to release steam, you can also simulate the real thing to release steam.

And there are many ways to simulate the real thing to release steam. Hahaha.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, it is better and safer to simulate than to do the real thing, if the outcome is the same.

patriot said...

Dr Yaacob Ibrahim should do all Singaporeans good by making sure they read the right thing, eat the right thing, do the right thing, believe the right thing and follow him to embrace the right religion as well. So anyone not following his religion must get licence, approval, sanction and pay a fee to read and or follow other religions. Maybe make it compulsory to get permit for eating non halal food and drink as well.
Is he the Judge for what is right? Is he or the Regime he belongs to so perfect?

Personally, I think this place call SIN is rotten to the Core because of greedy and stupid leaders.


Anonymous said...

RB, definitely tio. Can't agree with you more on this. Knn really angry at their stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Knn really angry at their stupidity
Anon June 01, 2013 11:18 am

If he is stupid, how come he can win the last election?

How come his party can win majority seats and so he become minister?

Where are all the clever people? Why you all never contest the last election?

Anonymous said...

At one time you hang the party badge on a donkey also got elected. Next GE, hang the same badge on a scholar also lose. Remember what happened in Hougang and Punggol East. The not so smart ones won.

Anonymous said...

The not so smart ones won.
Anon June 01, 2013 12:34 pm

But only in a by election lah.

In a General Election, like Low Thia Khiang said, majority voters are very scared they accidentally vote PAP out because WP, even as the best opposition, is not even ready to be govt yet.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Notice Ibrahim's body language: air quotes when he says "make sure they read the right thing"

New regulations hit Singapore's online press: BBC World News 31 May 2013

Judging from his use of air quotes (aka body language), I'm not so sure Ibrahim actually believes what he is saying. Thank goodness for the subconscious mind -- it makes it almost impossible for a human to hide the truth about what he really thinks and feels. ;-)

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

REPOST Source [Big THANK YOU to Zheng Xi and co]

MDA’s licensing regime: why YOU should care

Folks, better listen to this lawyer.

The Constitution is the ONLY law which regulates the government. When the government blatantly violates the law and gets away with it, it is like a criminal running free do do what he likes to anyone at anytime for any suka-suka reason or whim.

Excerpt from the aforementioned article:

MDA has curtailed your constitutional rights

But here’s the thing that should get you angry. Really angry.

For all the government’s talk about the “new normal” and the Singapore Conversation, these sweeping regulations were passed without an iota of public consultation. It wasn’t even given the legitimacy of a debate in Parliament.

The licensing regime was snuck into subsidiary legislation like a thief in the night.

Our Constitution, which is supposed to be the highest law of our land, guarantees “freedom of speech, assembly and association” and allows Parliament to restrict those freedoms only if it is necessary and expedient in very limited circumstances such as the interests of the security of Singapore, maintaining diplomatic relations and public order or morality.

To MDA, the Constitution apparently needs to bend its knee before the arbitrary and sweeping exercise of MDA’s regulatory authority.

The MDA has stolen a march on our constitutional protections by relying on its authority to make subsidiary legislation under the Broadcasting Act.

If this is the modus operandi of the new normal, we need to be very afraid.

The door is now open for other constitutional rights to be chipped away by subsidiary legislation masquerading as regulatory “guidelines”.

oldhorse42 said...

Who is us? ask RB. Well "us" refer to the speaker and his merry men.It is his way of ensuring another 50 prosperous years when the sinkie read the RIGHT thing and vote the RIGHT way and ensure the RIGHT Govt remain in power.

Anonymous said...

"The Constitution is the ONLY law which regulates the government."

Not really lah. Most of the Constitution's Articles can be amended with the support of more than two-thirds of all the Members of Parliament during the Second and Third Readings of each constitutional amendment bill.

That's why PAP govt, with more than 2/3 majority in Parliament, can even amend the constitution.

And it is the 60% who voted PAP in last election that made PAP win 2/3 majority.

But why 60% voted PAP? Because best opposition WP is not ready to be govt what. So if don't vote PAP, then vote who?

Anonymous said...

So which is which, Constitution regulates Govt, or Govt regulates Constitution, or 60% regulates Govt and Constitution?

But who regulate the 60%? Internet blogs? Hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when we don't have enough Opposition MPs in parliament to regulate PAP.

PAP government becomes too free.
Got too much free time.
So spend their time imposing more and more regulations on Singaporeans.

Start regulating PAP in parliament.
Before they start regulating Singaporeans.
Vote Opposition in GE 2016.

Anonymous said...

Apa pasal Edmund tulis Cheena?

Encik Yaacob tak boleh baca Cheena. Tulis English lah kasi semua orang boleh baca.

Unknown said...

This is my reply to him:
If we don't go online, we won't see the right news.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

anon 120:

>> "The Constitution is the ONLY law which regulates the government."

Not really lah. Most of the Constitution's Articles can be amended with the support of more than two-thirds of all the Members of Parliament during the Second and Third Readings of each constitutional amendment bill.

That's why PAP govt, with more than 2/3 majority in Parliament, can even amend the constitution.

Yes, I get that. But it is still not so easy to amend the constitution, although I will submit that it is "easier" in Singapore because of the single party dominance in parliament.

However, I stand by my claim: the constitution is the only law which regulates (imposes limits) on the government. This is beside the fact that the government can "tweak it". And I don't blame them because: The Sheeple Get The Government They Deserve. -- one might excuse the sheeple for a one or two term government. However these fuckers have been there for 50 years -- more than enough time for the sheeple to get their act together and start defending THEIR constitution.

>> This is what happens when we don't have enough Opposition MPs in parliament to regulate PAP.

Before you can have a credible and powerful opposition in parliament, you'd better have "stand-your-ground" ordinary citizens.

Singapore seems to have a paucity of those. People are too scared of being sued and financially ruined, banished or thrown in jail. Do I blame them? I don't know.

Reducing government influence in the lives of Singaporeans comes with many huge personal costs, which I believe most people don't want to give up. Inasmuch they complain about HDB, MediSave and CPF, life for the majority would be UNIMAGINABLE without those established institutions.

Anonymous said...

WTF does 'read the right thing' mean? What I want to read cannot be decided or dictated by anyone else as being right or wrong. It is my personal wish to read whatever appeals to me.

On the other hand, Mr. Yakult must be thinking that we must read the vomit that is nothing more than propaganda churned out be the pro-PAP MSM, which would be what the PAP thinks is the right thing.

What a load of shit!!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Ya lah. Encik Edmund, tolong ah, tulis Ingrish ok.

Anonymous said...

11.31am, I am just a very average or below average sinkie. And definitely can not or unable to participate in election other than to do my duty as a voter.

By making your comment, you are very smart is it? U got nothing better to say then just keep your mouth shut lar. Or you very smart and I assume got balls too? I mean two large and strong balls not the shrunk ones hor. Or that you now ball less and did you check you still got your two tiny or not when u bathe today?

Anonymous said...

June 01, 2013 7:00 pm

I got balls, and just like you, only thing is don't have the type of balls to contest PAP at elections lah.

And just like you, I only got balls to be Anon and screw you down here lah.

Anonymous said...

7 pm, u where got balls? Alamak missing still don't know meh. U don't study biology ah? No balls het not get up lar so how to screw? If got hence to meet, I show u lar by screwing your ass though I normally don't screw b
Guy especially the no balls type hor

Anonymous said...

to Anon 3.52pm below is google's translation of what encik edmund wrote. have fun reading it.

Six hundred sixty-three XVI few have intraoperative several. Reinforcing yin and yang, machines in them. Machine can not be located, not in the set.

In today's global economy this first international, competitive survival of the fittest, "the strong students, the weak perish" in the background, recently seems conspicuously Kingdoms in the political field.

That is "several modifications have changed the pass."

"Weiweijiuzhao", "withdraw its role", "nothing", "sneak", "door", "diversion", "Tiaohulishan", "drastic" ...........

These ancient trickery, seem to have Qi ......

One in which people tend to, like thunder and lightning scared, the situation suddenly began .........

"Wisdom is that because when the machine is to be something, fear, fear that a small, intellectually, that made ​​big ........"

Pampered still need to think of shame, Juan will take Seeway .......

It also allows the urine suffocated living .........?

Sometimes forced by circumstances, "dead horse only when live horse medicine of ........"

You agree with me ........?

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:50
Terima kaseh. Ini translation kasi Encik Yaakob kapala pusing lor.
Mr.Edmund try tulis Engrish, O.k?

Kum siah.

Anonymous said...

The prime minister, the head of government must approve right before the minister implement with such haste without debating in the Parliament ?

Anonymous said...

Did he actually approve it before the Pariiament endorsement ? Like that also can? Then Parliament's law makers or MPs must feel very bad about it of not being consulted ?

Anonymous said...

"Then Parliament's law makers or MPs must feel very bad about it of not being consulted ? "
Anon June 01, 2013 9:23 pm

Why do you think they must feel very bad? Are you a PAP MP?

Anonymous said...

Don't anyhow think before you experience the real thing.

Anonymous said...

Legislatures are known by many names, the most common being parliament

In parliamentary systems of government, the legislature is formally supreme and appoints a member from its house as the prime minister which acts as the executive.

The executive branch executes the law. The division of power into separate branches of government is central to the idea of the separation of powers.

The executive branch executes the law. The division of power into separate branches of government is central to the idea of the separation of powers.


Anonymous said...


The executive officer is not supposed to make laws (the role of the legislature) or interpret them (the role of the judiciary).

The role of the executive is to enforce the law as written by the legislature and interpreted by the judicial system

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Don't take my word, I could be wrong.

I think the stat boards are autonomous when it comes to introducing fees and charges. I think only the imposition of taxes must go through parliament, formally introduced as a Bill to be discussed, debated, modified and then voted in or out.

So the question is: when is a fee not a tax... or is it?

Sneaky mothrtfuckers ;)

Anonymous said...

Minta ma'af Yang Berhormat Saudara Yacoob Ibrahim. Tetapi
berita dari Singapura yang benar tidak boleh didapati dari Surat Khabar. Sebab itu berbanyak-banyak orang membacha blog di internet.

Apa jadi sekarang. Boleh ka kita berchaya awak? Sudah Berkali-kali
kita dah tertipu.

Anonymous said...

(1) A seditious tendency is a tendency —
(a) to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against the Government;
(b) to excite the citizens of Singapore or the residents in Singapore to attempt to procure in Singapore, the alteration, otherwise than by lawful means, of any matter as by law established;
(c) to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against the administration of justice in Singapore;
(d) to raise discontent or disaffection amongst the citizens of Singapore or the residents in Singapore;
(e) to promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between different races or classes of the population of Singapore.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Wah. Li'dat means every person on the blogs and forums kena :) The jails will be overcrowded.

Under point (b) it is "seditious tendency" to excite (? WTF) The People to say, take back their cuntry.

We're doomed :-)

patriot said...

Tiada tipu lah!

Cuma kenna di kasih madu yang racun; lepas makan tak mati tapi kenna jialatx2, terokx2 nya.

Mentri Besar chakap tu obat piat(bitter medicine).

Kunt kor phine miah/tough and miserable living for Sinkies.

Anonymous said...

Sinkies are doomed alright.
However, the rich and mobile with Green Cards and Foreign Citizenships will reap all the advantages and opportunities to scoop every bits to take along and scoot away richer.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Wah Incik Patriot, tulis bahasa banyak biak.

Historically it is always the minority in power, the few people elected by the people or elected themselves into power, that decide the fate of the majority people, and yes, deciding on what the majority people should read, see or hear. They are gods, demi gods or immortals.

The 'us' is this power elite, the few people, the absolute minority.

patriot said...

Chin Leng:

Glad that Bahasa Kebangsaan was compulsory when me was a Primary and Secondary Pupil. Anyway, i love languages. On top of that me mixes well with all Races and Nationalities, even when abroad. Sounds like i will make o good Foreign Minister, if they allow a lower secondary school drop-out to be one which id possible in other nations.

Btw, me just feel lost and simply cannot fathom the Logics of how a few million people can get themselves controlled by so few elites. And the more sickening thing about it is that these few greedy elites are able and allowed to manipulate and exploit the huge majority at will.

What is wrong with the People?


Edmund Lim said...

@ Anon 01/06/13 3:52 pm
//" Apa pasal Edmund tulis Cheena?

Encik Yaacob tak boleh baca Cheena. Tulis English lah kasi semua orang boleh baca. "//

For cultural aspects like food, costumes etc, presumably it is better to enjoy them in its original authentic taste, flavour, etc.

Imagine an American traveling in China. Would he prefer authentic Chinese flavour “sesame oil chicken” or one that is cooked in American flavour with “hamburger and french fries” taste and even texture?

Or how about “Peking Roast Duck”? Would it taste authentic if it is “transformed” to suit the taste bud of say an Australian with some sort of adapted “steak” flavour and taste?

Likewise, our local food such as Chicken Rice, Bak Kut Teh, Mee Siam, Lotong, Roti Prata, Curry etc would taste vastly different if the chefs are asked to “adapt” their dishes to American or English style. I believe one would agree that it makes more sense to taste the original authentic food. Asians staying in the west might have the unpleasant experience of tasting pre-packed frozen “asian food” that are probably not even vaguely near the original authentic taste.

Similarly, in the literary aspect especially one that co-opts a lot of ancient expressions and figures of speech, it may not be so simple as a mere translation. A lot of the original meaning, essence and “flavour” would be lost in the process and the translated work might not even be 50% representative of the original. Thus, the objective would be defeated and it might also lead to misinterpretation and unnecessary misunderstanding. Furthermore, it could lead to being the “butts of jokes” like the following real life examples in Chinese menus or some signboards etc:

1) “回锅肉” menu translation “Return A Meat”
2) “请勿戏弄动物” signboard translation “Please don't hurt the animals while teasing them”
3) “红烧狮子头” menu translation "Red burned lion head"
4) “童子鸡” menu translation “Chicken without sexual life"
5) “宫爆鸡丁” menu translation "Government abuse chicken"

Edmund Lim said...

@ Chua Chin Leng aka redbean 01/06/13 5:14 pm
//" Ya lah. Encik Edmund, tolong ah, tulis Ingrish ok. "//

I think one would agree that simple daily greetings and activities are easily translatable and not misunderstood such as “Have you eaten?”, “Good morning!”, 'Had your morning coffee?” etc.

Others like speeches may be translatable as well if given a good, qualified bilingual translator.

However, ancient tropes and writings in the mode or form of a few thousand years ago ancient expression or figure of speech might tempt “hilarious” and “berserk” translations that are no where near the original ancient meaning, essence, context etc.

I believe in the circumstances where different languages are at times used “freely” or "interchangeably" in our highest government body of law-making ( aka Parliament ) by our elected law-makers in their speeches or writings, there should not be any “misguided” attempt to “view with disapproving eyes” use of different languages in the cyberspace or in that context even remotely to “suggest” so.

Just like in election rallies, it is not uncommon to hear many languages or even dialects spoken in a single session and often the audiences never “shout” for any translation. Of course, if it is feasible, possible or practical for translation, then that would be ideal. Otherwise, one would probably agree that it may or may not be such an “ideal suggestion” to set a precedent. Writing in one language would always mean that another person not conversant in that language would not be able to understand fully or as well and that is a reality. I believe not even “bing translator” or “google translator” which are 24/ 7/ 365 and fully automated is likely to proclaim that it can solve this communication or translation problem “perfectly”.

Edmund Lim said...

@ Anon 01/06/13 8:17 pm
//" Anon 7:50
Terima kaseh. Ini translation kasi Encik Yaakob kapala pusing lor.
Mr.Edmund try tulis Engrish, O.k?

Kum siah. "//

Thus, simple speeches or everyday activities would not be an impossible task for translation.

Translation of ancient tropes or expressions or figures of speech is likely to be another ball game. Thus, I shall not attempt to do any “translation injustice” to the ancient tropes, expressions or figures of speech in this instance ” as it would likely result in a “gross” loss of the original ancient meaning, essence etc.

Any brave bilingual linguistic soul(s) out there who would like to volunteer?

Cheers :)

PS: Nonetheless, I would not, in anyway, be associated with any third party interpretation or translation, in any language, now or in the future.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Haha, attempting to translate old Chinese text like wen yen wen, is simply impossible without distorting the meaning. Nanti kepala goyang goyang.

Anonymous said...

Is writing jokes about politicians considered news?

Edmund Lim said...

@ RB 1.06pm

//" Haha, attempting to translate old Chinese text like wen yen wen, is simply impossible without distorting the meaning. "//

Very true indeed!

Cheers :)