
The lame Taiwanese Govt

This Govt is used to sabre rattle with China thinking that it could fight or defend against a Chinese attack. The reality is that China could walk over and taken Taiwan in a day. China is allowing Taiwan to act tough and behave like the old KMT but knowing very well that the return of Taiwan to the mainland is only a matter of time and there is no need for bloodshed and fighting between the two Chinese people.

While Taiwan always want to appear tough and strong against China, its actions and behavior against the Japanese in Diaoyu Islands and against the Philippines is down right lame. It has been constantly and repeatedly humiliated by the two countries. The Philippines see the Taiwanese fishermen as easy prey for robbery, ransom and killing and the Taiwanese Govt has been living with this shame, like a little country, for so many years. There are still Taiwanese fishing boats in the Philippines waiting for the payment of ransom for their release.

Now this latest brutal killing, and the Taiwanese Govt only reacted after the media and the Taiwanese fiercely attacked the inaction of the Govt. If they did not protest, the Taiwanese Govt could continue to ignore the plight of the fishermen and allow the Philippines to continue to bully, rob and kill them at will.

So, after public pressure, what did this lame Govt do? It made four ‘solemn requests’ for apology, compensation, trial of the killers, and negotiation for fishing agreement. What about all the past cases of piracy and killings and the fishing boats still in the Philippines? And one thing, after so many years under Japanese rule, they did not learn a single thing from the Japanese except submissiveness.

If the Philippines were to attack and kill Japanese fishermen, the Japanese would not be making requests, polite or solemn. At times like this, what is this shit called ‘request’? The Taiwanese Govt is treating this as a friendly baseball game ya? The Japanese will make demands for justice, compensation and the repatriation of the killers to Japan for trial. That is a strong nation and knowing how to deal with pesky little countries like the Philippines and Taiwan. And it even did that to China for centuries and still doing the same. This is another issue that will hit back squarely on their faces in times to come.

The Taiwanese should show some pride and backbone and demand that the killers be brought to justice, trial in Taiwan or else…. Stop behaving like a weak and lame nation. By doing so, Taiwanese fishermen will continue to be harassed, robbed and killed by the Filipino pirates in the uniform of coast guards. If they find it difficult to learn from the Japanese, at least learn from how the Chinese dealt with the Pinoys in Scarborough Shoal.

Stand up Taiwan and show you got balls between your legs. If they can’t even handle the Pinoys, how to take on China? The truth is ugly and painful.


Anonymous said...

How is this compares to the beating of Sinkies here and how easily the foreigners got away?

Instead of fishermen, we have the favourite taxi drivers being beaten and bullied and have to fend for themselves.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Taiwanese fishermen are notorious for fishing illegally. They get caught in Australian waters quite frequently -- but we don't shoot them.

Whilst I disagree with the gung-ho way the idiot gun-crazy Pinoy's handled this, they are not legally in the wrong. They are just violent asshole with the badge of authority.

The Taiwanese govt doesn't really have a case. They should just move the fuck on.

The last time Pinoy's killed Chinese was when their key stoned cops stormed the tourist bus held hostage by an ex-key stoned Pinoy cop. That was a fucking disaster -- Chinese tourists got killed and injured.

Pinoys are reckless cunts lah. Living in Asia means you have to put up with the negative aspects of many Asian cultures: the caste system in India, the corruption in Indonesia/ Thailand etc., the silly antics of N Korea, the ya-ya papayas of Singapore, the "tidak apa" attitude of Malaysians....so many cultures, so many customs :-))

One thing in common though, all the women from all the Asian cuntrees are very fuckable. Ignore the assholeness of the varius cultures, and concentrate on banging the chicks.

Living well is the best revenge.

Namaste, motherfuckers!

Anonymous said...

Matilar, u live in australia and u mentioned that all asia women are very fuckable, are u telling me that the white women are not? Don't be an asshole portraying the asia women are whores. Don't forget your mother, sisters and daughters are also asian women lor. Knn u asshole motherfucker

The said...

Yes, I was in Kuching over the weekend watching a Taiwan panel discussing this massacre by the Pirates of the Philippines. The panelists were all very angry with the Taiwanese government and Ma Ying Jiu for the muted response. They were furious that the Philippine government does not apologise.

MS - even if they are fishing illegally, you don't go around killing them with machine guns. Even China and Japan dance around each other with their coast guards and water cannons - not full metal jackets. How can the Philippine pirates claim self defence? Their boat are twice the tonnage of the fishing boat. How can it be self defence when the other side is unarmed and you riddle their boats with 51 holes (how many missed the targets is not knowable.)

Great, now the Taiwanese are sending their coastguard and navy boats to the area. Let the fun begin.

Hey Philippine - you think you can strut around with Uncle Sam behind you?

Anonymous said...

The Chinese should step in to ensure freedom of navigation and safety in the China Seas, and arrest the pinoys when they appear again.

The Americans would not do anything, perhaps they were behind this killing. The daft pinoys thinking that the fishermen were Chinese and not Taiwanese, so fire at their own time. They chased the fishing boat for more than an hour, very likely into Taiwan's territory, entering Taiwan illegally. This is a hostile act.

Unknown said...

Redbean, I think you are out of your depth. How come you are now also an expert in regional affairs? Boats waiting for release after paying ransom? I would like to know some details of what boats and where.

In the meantime, you may like to read this:

It shows the Taiwanese government has more gumption than you think.

Edmund Lim said...

Hi RB,

Albert Einstein once said, “ A new type of thinking is essential if man is to survive and move toward higher levels.”

From 1868 ( the year of the Japanese Meiji Restoration, after the ending of their Tokugawa Shogunate Era ) till now, their imperialistic ambition probably has not changed. Not even after their World War II defeat in the hands of the current two superpowers namely Uncle Sam and the Awakened Dragon.

Whatever they have done till now even right after WWII from their reconstruction, economic pursuit and rapid industrialisation, continuous and ever increasing military re-arming expenditure to their various social and political programmes and initiatives are probably geared towards resuming their “global domination ambition” one day.

In the face of a 21st century nuclear armed China, the old format of a direct military confrontation is fraught with extremely big risks and unexpected outcome.

From the “3.11” incident back in 11 Mar 2011, the world learned that Japan effectively has a huge nuclear energy programme in their entire country for a very long time powering a huge proportionof their their energy need.

Knowing the mindset of the Japs, would any thinking individual ever hope that they would not proceed to embark and build “a sizeable quantity of nuclear-ready warheads” hidden in the depth of their land? The only thing may be they had not test-detonated any yet.

Why are they so fearful of the “dirt-poor” North Korean missile testing?

It could be that in case the testing “mis-fired” and “accidentally landed” on those sites that they had “amassed huge nuclear-ready warheads” and consequently having a “nuclear holocaust on their own island and race”. Thus, “almost everything is mobilised” every time there is a North Korean “missile test exercise” to prevent that happening.

Coming back to the Japs 150 year-old imperialist ambition, probably the very few ways that the Japs can ensure a “quick and dirty victory” to fulfil their first step of “global domination ambition” is via this critical “chess move” which is “Taiwan”.

Been arguably as equitable as the Chinese and Uncle Sam in the art of war, they probably have studied all the weaknesses of the Chinese as well as Uncle Sam relative to their own strengths.

Taiwan holds the key to their “ambition and ego” of “Asia Domination” as their first phase of “World Hegemony”. They probably would like to “surpass” the 13th century Mongolians and build the “biggest empire ever” mankind has seen. To be the first nation in human history to conquer everybody and bring the entire planet under the “Japs Administration”.

Previous commentators conspiracy theories about bio-warfare on the Chinese in your other earlier related posts are probably not far -fetched. They may have already “perfected” something via their post-WWII continuation effort by their notorious “731 unit” as pointed out by the same commentators as presumably “evidenced” in the numerous articles about covert bio-warfare research activities going on for years.

So, this Philippines “provocation” in “trying to stir Taiwan” may not be isolated or unrelated “innocent” incidents by pirates to “extract some quick, easy and money” from the Taiwanese fishing communities.

The Taiwanese probably know they are “caught” right in the middle of a “Titantic Struggle for Asia Domination” just like in the nineteenth and twentieth century, albeit this time it is on a much, much bigger scale.

The Taiwanese are no fools but they need to tread very carefully and not get the island of Taiwan to go up in a ball of huge flames by becoming the “firing range and test bed” for formidable and nightmarish military weaponries including nuclear technologies developed and built over the last 70 years.

Never, never underestimate the Japs.

Nonetheless, until unfortunate circumstances one after another precipitate such an eventual outcome ( which of course can be prevented ), all these shall hopefully just remain conspiracy theories and conjectures.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi unknown, welcome to the blog. Whether I am out of depth or you are out of your depth, it doesn't matter.

The fact, a Taiwanese media rep was invited by the Pinoys some months back to one of the ports and was shown several Taiwanese fishing boats there. The Pinoys told him they could only be released if they pay. The crew have paid and gone home.

These are facts from the Taiwanese media. No need depth or no depth to know what is going on in this piracy scam.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ The:

>> MS - even if they are fishing illegally, you don't go around killing them with machine guns.

Err...that's been my point all along.


>> Don't be an asshole portraying the asia women are whores.

I never did that. You just did. To me saying a woman is "fuckable" is a compliment to her femininity.

It shows you where your seriously demented head is at. You are sick, seek help. You shouldn't be allowed out of the house with that kind of attitude towards women.

>> Don't forget your mother, sisters and daughters are also asian women

So are yours. And I'll bet they're butt-ugly :-))

A very hearty KNN to you, sick fuck.

Anonymous said...

This third world country is a joke. Their first official response was that they did not fire at the fishermen.

Then they changed their official position by saying an unarmed fishing boat, 1/10 the size of the naval ship, tried to ram it? The pinoys may be stupid, the Taiwanese cannot be.

And they fired in self defence, for fear of being attacked by the unarmed fishing boat with 4 or 5 crews. How many of you are silly enough to believe this story?

They chased an unarmed fishing boat for more than an hour and fired more than 50 shots, killing one fishermen. They were firing in defence?

Only the Pinoys can tell this kind of stupid truth and think the world will believe them. They are so shameful, cannot even tell a white lie to make it logical.

Now Aquino has to commission an inquiry. But don't expect anything sensible to come out of it.

patriot said...

This is one incident preceded by many in the past decades.
Let the Taiwanese settles with it's fellow ally of uncle sam.
As for Japan, on the surface it is a friend of the US, in it's ambition, the US is a quarry for it(Japan) to achieve the Conquest to take over China.

Like to say that the Japanese Ambition is well understood by the US. And the US is most happy to see both Japan and China
destroy each other for It(US) to enjoy global hegemony.

鹤螃相争, 鱼翁得利也。


agongkia said...

I must recommend you a Made inTaiwan song by Taiwanese Liu Chia Chang.Song name is Wo Shi Chong Kuo Ren.
Being mute is not being weak and coward.Tolerance does equate to numb.

Luckily ROC is lead by leaders with brain .ROC and P R C are one family.Taiwanese are not brainless and act unnecessary.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Edmund, this is a different world from the 18th and 19th centuries. Then, many countries were non existent or were organised not in the same way as the emerging European nation states. Technological advances also put the Europeans in an unfair advantage over countries fighting with bows and arrows.

Japan's ambition of world domination was inspired by the British who could ruled half the world then.

Today this is no longer possible. Even England is diminished and so were the other Eurpean powers, for world domination. To dominate the world, you need size, a big economy and population. Japan may have the economy but not the headcounts. Even the the Americans, world domination is going to bankrupt them as they could not loot the resources and wealth of conquered countries to support the empire. And as Vietnam and Afghanistan and the Arab countries have shown, the national awareness of these nationals would not allow any country to rule over them, not even the USA.

Japan can never touch China anymore. They don't belong to the same league. Japan can never catch up or measure up to China in military power.

Anonymous said...

Matilar, I am sympathetic that your feelings are hurt by some writers but please do not engage in such act anymore. Swearing at others do not excuse you for committing the unspeakable act plus those close to you are victims to satisfy your unspeakable sexual needs.

God bless

Anonymous said...

Matilar, here u go again posting nonsense. Sometimes u have sensible posts but then once a while your fucking brains go haywire. U need to be fucked once a while to regain your senses so treat some of these comments positively and desist from acts that you may regret one day. Instant gratification may be enjoyable but it has cost.

After all singapore or Australian city is small enough to visit in red light district or now they have home service. No need to pray on those live near you.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

wah annons... so free ah?

>> here u go again posting nonsense.

What you mean "again"? I always post nonsense lah. How many times do I have to tell you this?

>> now they have home service.

I know. Your mom just came over to lick my asshole after I took a shit ;-) $20. Such a bargain. Her tongue is softer than toilet paper....but then again, you already knew that!

Veritas said...

I am an engineer. Let me show you the numbers that so far, media avoid.

Let incidence occurred at N 20.07, S 123.01. This is a non controversial overlap of EEZ between Taiwan and Philippines.

According to International Law, no countries can do law enforcement in such overlap EEZ.

Right now, Taiwan navy and airforce is able to wipe out Philippine when the war start. What prevented them from escalating the crisis is USA.

Taiwan and Philippines are lackey of USA line up against China. They cannot break rank.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Someone commented to me that Matilah has changed for the better. What is happening? I thought you would not be a wee bit affected by the comments of others?

Now Matilah is just going back into the longkang again, where he is comfortable with.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Matilah, if you can't take the heat go and have a cuppa. And buy me one as well.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

So Veritas, the Taiwanese got their balls squeezed by the pinoys and the pinoys knew it and taking advantage of their hands being tied.

Hope the Taiwanese overthrow their useless Govt that cannot protect their livelihood and their lives.

Veritas said...


As more and more information came out regarding recent Sino-India border incidence, I concluded that this time, China got shit from India again.

It is India who are the aggressor. Put it short, China hope peace with India. So she volunteerily disengage moving away from LOC. What happen next is India move very close to LOC. THen China camp close to LOC also. India cry foul. All whiteman media cheer for India.

What make me very angry is when I read white man newspaper, everyone support India.

I believe all these shit is Obama concerted plan to shit on China. First came Japan. Then came Vietnam. Now India. Now Philippines.

I believe we could have a show down soon.

Also God forbade, Syria continue to burn and Assad winning is good for China. It divert a lot of heat away.

The emergence of China will not be allow to be peaceful. The west will not let go their hegemony. Sooner or later, a regional war could be fought.

My guess is China Japan.

Veritas said...

Hi RB,

President Ma is the most hawkish Taiwanese president in 20 years. If he act coward, no one can be better.

President Ma is the student leader in protecting Diaoyutai movement.

Right now, the problem is USA.

Veritas said...

Those who say Taiwan illegal fishing for this case, please look up the map N 20.07, S 123.01.

Then go and check international law

patriot said...

I guess both Taiwan and Philippines to trying to get China drag in on behest of the US. US knows very well that China cares very much for the Taiwanese People. However, the Silly and Sick Regime in ROC is still harbouring the Ambition of Ruling the Mainland.

China must stay out of any dispute between Taiwan and Philippines. Let the Two US Stooges act and harn each other as much as they wish.


patriot said...

My apology.

'to trying' to be amended to 'are trying'.


Veritas said...

the Silly and Sick Regime in ROC is still harbouring the Ambition of Ruling the Mainland.

If that is the case, it would still be better.

But now, they want independence.

agongkia said...

Many daft Sinkies keep claiming Taiwanese Garmen useless and think they judgement are always right.
They have wild imagination and deserve my sympathy,probably cause by their leader or OC at home and tend to imagine the worst.Must be bi polar case.
Seek treatment early.,else when the wingchun master wally having fun in lijiang or gaybert or berita bringing their dog for poo poo,they will start to imagine they went for lim kopi session.Sigh.....
I suddenly miss Wally.

patriot said...

Me am afraid Independence alone is never enough for the ROC Regime.
Even without independence, China has never interfere in the Tiny Islands' Affair. Taiwan is enjoying total freedom from China and in fact gets plenty of benefit from China in commerce and aids when disaster happens in Taiwan

The Taiwanese People are fine with tge Mainland, it is only the Taiwanese Regime that is belligerent and ungrateful as they are overwhelmed by ambition.


Anonymous said...

China will be smart not to get involved else will fall straight into uncle sam old trick.


Anonymous said...

Mtilar knn you are an animal and a real asshole

Anonymous said...

Matilar, I think you should take5.10 pm advice seriously. I do not know when u started the unspeakable act, but please repent and ask for god' s forgiveness and those who are close to you but ended up as your victims.

I understand from friends who follow your posts that you are over 50 but focus your activities on sex and treating women as a sexual release for your pleasure. Please have some respect for women, I am really shock on what you wrote.

Anonymous said...

5.10 pm and 5.24 pm, why are u so nice with this animal. He is a real asshole and knn always waste people time talking nonsense and talk about his sexual conquest and incest that no one is interested. For all you know about his bragging, his two tiny already shrunk or gone, talk big only lar.

Anonymous said...

Ego has to be boosted or inflated b4 it's gone or b4 Mati lah(death).
It is not wrong to be happy with imagined glory. Glorious is he who dies happy even with false and inflated ego.

Edmund Lim said...

@ Chua Chin Leng aka redbean May 13, 2013 1:32 pm

//"Japan can never touch China anymore. They don't belong to the same league"//

Hi RB,

I “can't agree more with you on that”!

Surely the likes of the China-Made Chery, Hafei, DongFeng, WuLing "don't belong to the same league" as the likes of Japanese-Made Lexus, Hondas and Toyotas!


If people out there are still having the fallacy and self-delusion that the Chinese are far superior than the Japs in technology, they are in for another rude awakening if there is ever another military confrontation between the Chinese and Japs in the near future!

RB, I can list countless proof that the Japs are far, far ahead of the Chinese in many technological fields including state of the art military hardwares and softwares.

There are no shortage of many trained engineers in the social media. Perhaps you may wish to seek their second opinion?

Freedom of speech and expression is democracy in action.

I hope you do not take offence that I disagree with you on this aspect that the Chinese are far superior technologically than the Japs. Probably even Uncle Sam dare not proclaim that they are far superior technologically than the Japs!

As for using nuclear weapons on the Japs, don't even count on it. In a report sometime back on the military capability of the Japs, it was acknowledged that the Japs probably can churn out Nukes faster than we can count. Before the Chinese can do it, Uncle Sam would have bombed China back to the stone age! In any military conflict, Uncle Sam will act as the cover for the Japs.

As for the tanks, ammo, fighter jets etc, they probably can churn them out even faster than the German. How on earth the Japs could have exported the likes of tens of millions of Toyotas, Hondas, Mitsubishi overseas every year since the late 1970s?

Frankly, the only Asian country that Uncle Sam ever felt threatened is Japan, way back in the 1940s, in the 1970s to 1990s and still is today.

Strategically, the only possibility that Uncle Sam would be squeezed out of the picture in Asia is the alliance of Japan and China. Sounds unthinkable, isn't it? But Uncle Sam will never let it ever materialised!

A strong Japan is still manageable for Uncle Sam. Likewise a strong China is also manageable for Uncle Sam. But it is too much of a liking for Uncle Sam to have a strong Japan and China at the same time. Using Japan to take out China militarily is an option that Uncle Sam would have included long ago in their military blueprint. So, after that with just Japan alone, Uncle Sam likely would find it manageable and keep the status quo until situation change again.

The only reason now that the Japs is holding back is economic interests. But once they get that sorted out, they will find every single opportunity to have a duel with the Chinese, just like it was way back in 1894.

If people out there still continue to think like “Empress Dowager” way back in the 1890s and scoffed and sneered at “小日本”, history will be repeated again! What happened in the battlefield or “battlesea” way back in 1894 ( which was a 甲午年) will likely be repeated next year 2014 ( which incidentally is another 甲午年 ) if ever there is a conflict in the East China Sea. Incidentally 2014 is the 120th anniversary of the First Sino-Japanese War.

Many PRC Chinese residing in Singapore whom I have spoken to often expressed disgust at the state of real technological progress back in their own home land. It can't be so many of them are wrong.

Veritas said...

RB, I can list countless proof that the Japs are far, far ahead of the Chinese in many technological fields including state of the art military hardwares and softwares.

I would not agree entirely. Being good at component level is one thing. Puting it together is system engineering at another.

Japan is certainly better some part of basic stuff like precision engineering. But USA has rein her for doing indigeneous development of miliary technology.

China can develop stealth fight and AWACS, but japan may not be allow to. And system engineering took decades to develop.

Today its easier to create just another Intel (component maker) if it is burn down. Its much more difficult to recreate Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, Hughes.

For Nuke Japan can assemble one in less than 3 month. But without adequate testing, it could be quite a messy stuff.

Even Singapore can make nuke if she wants to. The problem is miniturization.

I do not know what you mean by manageable. I think a strong Japan could be dangerous to USA. Very dangerous. Japan elites still did not forget USA drop her 2 atom bomb. Now they act like pussy cat because their hands are tied.

Anonymous said...

I think China should take real concrete action to retake Taiwan back. The old horse Ma is slowly turning itself into a eunuch, first by kowtowing to the Japanese for little fishing rights surrounding Diaoyu Islands when the Islands are actually stolen by the Japanese. Now the Pinoys are banging the Taiwanese balls.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Edmund,

No worry that you have different views on things. And there are many things that the Japanese are still superior to China.

When I say China and Japan are in different league, I am referring to military and political clout. China is not the numbber 2 super power for nothing or in vain.

Japan was able to run wild in China because China was only a country in name in those dying and decadent days. Everything was bankrupt in that old China. It was a broken up country without anything a country should have. Even a small European state like Belgium could squeeze a concession like Szechuan as its sphere of influence.

The China today is a unified China with all the institutions of a big country. Militarily China can overrun Japan if it wants to on a one to one basis. There is no fight. The Toyotas and Hondas and Mitsubishis, Sony and Panasonic will be useful but cannot make up in a war with China.

The pieces on the chess board are different and so are the chess players.

Edmund Lim said...

@ Veritas May 14, 2013 5:58 am

Dear Veritas,

One should not wholesale "swallow" “info” given by the Chinese state “apparatus”.

I am a Singaporean with Chinese ancestry.

I was from a Chinese language high sch. Besides Chinese as CL1, we studied two subjects in Chinese --- History and Chinese Literature. We read Chinese civilisation, history etc first hand in Chinese. We had the opportunity to learn “文言文”。The Chinese taught in most schools is “白话文”。

Being immersed in such an environment, definitely I am pro-China than pro-Jap.

I believe a diversity of views enables everyone to look at various perspectives and simulate an environment whereby “freedom of speech and expression in a responsible,truthful and gentlemanly manner is tested. I believe it may get “hot” but “heat is inevitable in the kitchen”.

I may be playing the role of a “devil advocate” here but it is meant to focus our minds to see things as it is, not what we perceive or think it is.

I do not believe in “blind patriotism” because that alone cannot win any war in the event of a real conflict or confrontation. It would only get the lives of our “sons and daughters” needlessly sacrificed.

The true test of one's view and belief is when their beloved ones “have to go to the battlefield”.

//”Being good at component level is one thing. Puting it together is system engineering at another.”//

Veritas, if your son or daughter ask for your opinion, would you recommend a Chinese-Made or Japanese-Made car, ceteris paribus?

And as a trained engineer, do you consider a Toyota, Honda, Lexus finished products or components?

If the Chinese leadership and the Chinese intelligentsia also seriously believe the Japs are only good at “component level” and cannot “put things together”, I think China's future would really look “worrisome”!

Fortunately, I believe that is not the case.

In fact, many Chinese engineers are “striping apart” made-in-Japan finished products to try some “reverse-engineering”.

Of course I wish the Chinese every success.

//”Today its easier to create just another Intel (component maker) if it is burn down. Its much more difficult to recreate Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, Hughes.”//

Are you suggesting that Japanese manufacturers are all component makers and no “Mitsubishi Motors, Mitsubishi Chemicals, Mitsubishi Electrics, Sumitomo Electric, Sumitomo Heavy Industries etc etc”?

Where do you think the state of the art Japanese fighter jet “Mitsubishi F-2 “ is made?

Did the Japanese automobile industries trounced Uncle Sam's GM, Ford and Chrysler from the 1970s onwards by chance?

The Japs are one of the best reverse engineering “experts” in the world, if not the best!

Frankly, I am not trying to “长他人志气,灭自己威风”。

I am just trying to “实事论事”。

No point sending people's sons and daughters into the battlefield with “inferior weapons” and “cry our hearts out” when they are “massacred”.

As for your other points:

//”For Nuke Japan can assemble one in less than 3 month. But without adequate testing, it could be quite a messy stuff.

Even Singapore can make nuke if she wants to. The problem is miniturization.

I do not know what you mean by manageable. I think a strong Japan could be dangerous to USA. Very dangerous. Japan elites still did not forget USA drop her 2 atom bomb. Now they act like pussy cat because their hands are tied.”//

//”China can develop stealth fight and AWACS, but japan may not be allow to. And system engineering took decades to develop.”//

You may wish to “bai-du” all these issues. The answers may not be “palatable”.

Lastly, you may wish to check for yourself how many Japs are Nobel Prize laureates as compared to the Chinese in hard sciences.

This shall be my last comment. I do not see the merit of taking each others' precious time to argue the obvious. We can agree to disagree in this aspect. Agree? “Democracy in action: Freedom of speech and expression in a responsible,truthful and gentlemanly manner”.

Cheers :) Happy “Blogging”. Have a cuppa :)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Edmund,

The Chinese today, and those of several generations before us, saw a China that was obsolete, backward and bankrupt, financially, as a country, as a people, and also bankrupt intellectually and of new ideas. The last 200 or 300 years of Chinese civilisation were a sham, and made every Chinese feel ashame to be Chinese. It was decadent, corrupt and lost in ideals and living on past glories that have become a joke.

The new China starts in 1949 or even later in 1978 with the opening up by Deng Xiaoping. Any achievements and progress of China is only less than 40 years away. Nobel laurettes are few but it is just the beginning. Just like participation in the Olympics and winning medals. Only 20 years ago, you would not imagine a Chinaman can win an Olympic gold medal.

When China fought the Americans in Korea, they were literally peasant armies with antique weapons against the most modern weaponry of the Americans with Air and Naval superiority. They stopped the Americans from conquering North Korea.

And they had no arms industry or industry of anything to support its economy and the weapons of war when the Japanese invaded. The odds were insane. The Japanese could not conquer and colonise China tried as they might.

Think of the China today and its resources and what would be the outcome if there is a war with Japan. Weaponry may not be superior but still effective and there is numerical strength and a new spirit and an economy to support the war.

Anonymous said...

Japan and China should fight a war in the near future. USA is cautious about the capability of the Chinese military. But, stupidly, USA dared not instigate a fight between these two old adversaries. I think USA is strategically outdated. The new Def Sec Hager is an arsehole without foresight. A war between Japan and China can tease out the claimed prowess of Chinese military - hard and software. Better tease them out now than regret later when China is clearly going all out to bulid up. Obama is a lousy president and I felt sorry the americans reelect him. Dawdling black arse and USA will regret the day when China can lop ICBMs with nuclear warheads onto USA cities. Every passing day without disturbing the China will increase this danger exponentially. Stupid Obama and the yankees.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The days of China lobbing multiple nuclear warheads, MIRVs, onto USA were many years back. That is why there will be no direct war between the US and China to kill each other.

China too would want to avoid a war with Japan but will take Japan on if forced to. China is even prepared to take on the US when its core interests are challenged. This has been told to the Americans and both understand each other and how far they can push.

Though war between Japan and China looks a high possibility given the rightist militants in charge in Tokyo, China would still not want to go to war with Japan. It is a very destructive thing to do even if it emerges the victor.

Anonymous said...

Taiwanese fishermen were not illegally fishing for those of you who can't see that. Taiwan can't simply start a demand for compensation and demand for trial of the people who killed the fishermen because the president is a big coward. This isn't really an issue where one of these two countries is trying to bring China into, but if China helps Taiwan in this matter China will make Taiwan seem like they have a promise to keep and forced to become part of China. President Ma really needs to stop being a pussy and step up to the aggressors.

The said...

/// Veritas, if your son or daughter ask for your opinion, would you recommend a Chinese-Made or Japanese-Made car, ceteris paribus?

And as a trained engineer, do you consider a Toyota, Honda, Lexus finished products or components? ///

The only problem, Edmund, is that life isn't ceteris paribus.

How much does a Geely, Lifan or Changan cost; compared to a Lexus?

In case you haven't the noticed, the Chinese high-speed trains are more sleek and faster than the Japanese bullet trains.

In any case, what has precision engineering got to do with war making? China has nuclear weapons and are prepared to use them if need be. Even if Japan can produce some, just a tit-for-tat MAD exchange will mean some localized damage to China and total obliteration of Japan.