
I want to be a cab driver

The glorious reports of cab drivers earning $6k to $7k must be very attractive to many out of job PMETs. This used to be peanuts at one time. But today, with a stock market that is dying and performing worst than a fish market, when the income of many remisiers is less than a fishmonger or butcher or vegetable seller in the wet market, becoming a cab driver is now an attractive option. I am seriously thinking about this and would have jumped in if not of the risk of being beaten up by a drunk or murdered by a desperado. There is no need to risk life and limbs to be a cab driver. Leave it to the younger heroes that could defend themselves when attacked or their youthful bulk will keep the attackers at bay.

How about being a school teacher? Read that there is a great advertisement flying in Australia that our MOE is recruiting experienced teachers from down under. Some commented that with so many PMETs available, and a few thousand remisiers waiting to join the queue, perhaps MOE may want to send its flyer to these professionals who are also armed with quite a few pieces of papers and a mountain of life experiences to share with the young. Would not the MOE pick on our locals to educate our young or prefer to choose from some unknowns who would expect to be paid more than the locals, with housing and relocation allowances added?

I may seriously thinking of sharing my blogging experience with the youth in schools if I get an invitation to do so. Oh, I also got history as my background, having done some lecturing in National Education at one time. I may be an old ginger but physically fitter than many 50 year olds. Maybe MOE is specifically looking for the breath of experience that foreign talents can bring to educate our young with a new set of values and outlook in life. I have so many things to impart to our impressionable young, and to teach how not to cross OB markers as well. Or I may apply to go for retraining to be a masseur or a male nurse or to assist as a helper in a nursing home or hospice. Think of it, there are plenty of jobs available for unwanted PMETs. Just go for some training to downgrade the expectations.


Anonymous said...

This is just a cheap attempt by Pravda to forward the mind bending reality.

Things are not that bad for the middle class in Singapore. There is always that last option to drive a taxi.

What they don't tell you of course is: less than 0.1% of taxi drivers regularly bring that sort of money back home. It is really like another case of the 3K dish washer that was once floated by an morally questionable businessman. Who we are boycotting and will continue to do so.

Darkness 2012

You can all go and quote me. The ST is a liar.

Anonymous said...

Hey! If a million dollar politician is possible, what is so impossible about a $7K tax driver?

FTs. Are you paying attention? No need to be IT engineer anymore. Driving a taxi in S'pore pays better. Pls call Straits Times for more details.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

You earn what you are worth. "Worth" being your value in the marketplace.

What's so hard to understand?

Anonymous said...

$7k as taxi driver..another reason for PR to convert to Sinkee

Anonymous said...

$1 million dollar salary as a politician.
A better reason to convert to Singapore citizenship.

Anonymous said...

Should advertise for taxi drivers in Europe, USA and Australia. Wah say, angmoh taxi drivers in Sinkapore.

oldhorse42 said...

Why do you want to be a cab driver for? It is no longer a safe vocation you know! Have you read the news about how easy cab drivers get whacked by foreigners?
You are an accomplished photographer whose work is displayed along the corridor outside the toilets at NUSS.
You are also a popular blogger liked by many sinkie for his hard hitting posts.

patriot said...

Jus months back they raised taxi fare citing taxi drivers not earning enuf, tho the average then was about 2k. Cleaners, construction workers and gardeners definitely paid less, but they did not attract any sympathy nor attention.

Now with the revelation from the horses mouth, can the Rulers offer us some insight into their knowledge of the taxi driving profession. Is the Income Tax Dept monitoring the lucrative trade as well.


Anonymous said...

Vote for WP.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Well oldhorse, $6-7K not bad huh. But then again, not worth being assaulted on the job.

Anonymous said...

What about $16,000 a month and doing nothing at all.

Just show your facce and go to sleep..or "kpkb"

Anonymous said...

We all know that certain people cannot count well.

Anonymous said...

Knn, I also scared of potential crime otherwise as an expired PMET unemployed since 2000, I would also consider. My wife asked me to consider pump attendant but likely I will meet past colleagues and business contacts very malu. Kena replaced by FT with secondary education due to god father and I have post graduate qualification.

Then left cleaner and security positions only

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Be cleaner also high risk. The uncles and aunties are not easy to deal with and always bickering over small stuff. Can kena bokok also.

Anonymous said...

Vote for WP???....lol can't even hear a noise from the current lot

Anonymous said...

Red bean, security guard kena posted to factory or warehouse also high risk and get kill over 600 salary

Anonymous said...

Prease lah, do not make it sound like Singapore is full of hooligans. It is known all over the as the safest country on earth okay.

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