
False CVs on the rise in Asia

By Dolly Chia
MORE job applicants are lying about their employment history, with those in the IT as well as banking and financial services among the biggest culprits.

According to First Advantage, a provider of employment screening solutions, the proportion of employees misrepresenting their qualifications on their resume in Asia-Pacific rose to 4.4 per cent this year from 3.2 per cent last year....Reported in a local media.

What do the 4.4 percentage points mean? It means that if we have 100,000 Employment Pass holders, 4,400 of them have false CVs. If the number is 300,000, probably the size of our EP, just my guesstimate, the number of false CVs working and living with us is a staggering 13,200. And it could be much more as many are still undetected.

What is unacceptable, not that they are laughing at our stupidity, is that these jobs could have gone to our pressure cooking products of our world best education system. Unfortunately they have been replaced by fakes.

The problem is serious and the govt needs to set up a body to investigate the CVs of all foreign talents coming in. We don’t want to have CEOs who attended a 2 week course in Harvard to claim to be a Harvard alumni. We don’t want a fake to be ordering our local talents around and being paid more for doing it. We don’t want a fake to be managing our local talents and depriving them of that job. We don’t want fakes to take our naivity and innocence for granted.

First world talents duped by third world non talents! Can you beat it?


Anonymous said...

I liked the last part of your article

"First world talents duped by third world non talents! Can you beat it?"

Really Jiak liao bee after gone thru so called first world education and for men NS! F^&*ing Stupid

Anonymous said...

Govment got to look into tis into tat! Where got time bro? It is the employers, at least the HR in the companies that have to ensure they got the right employee mah!
Why report to the police about robbery, molest or whatever. It is the DUTY of everyone to ensure that one is not bullied, harassed, enslaved, dictated, cheated and exploited by others too, You don't know meh?

The Chinese say that when one lose in a fight, it is not that the opponent is better. It is becos the loser is inferior. It is true, imagine first world talents duped by jungle chimps from 3rd world lands.


Anonymous said...

Really, really, you don't need first class honours to be a talent. These are the real talents without the papers.

Anonymous said...

Right! If private sector employers do not check, it is their own fault. Serves them right for favouring foreigners instead of using locals.

I say, let them be cheated and exploited by foreign fakes.

Anonymous said...

Man, why we work so hard? Just fake the stupid CV and get job still... lagi best lah.

agongkia said...

I was once offered a cert.from a reputable University from States for S$3k plus.
I did not go for it.Am I a daft?

agongkia said...

Walau patriot,cannot say like dat leh.
Let us be fair.How to blame our employer or HR for not having the ability to detect these fakes?They are not trained ex law enforcers and are victim too.
Everything can be fake,including the pink one in your wallet.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Faking the pink one is easy. Many other things can also be faked, eg integrity, honesty, charity, incorruptibility, losing money can become making money,....

Anonymous said...

Mr Agongkia Sir;

what happen if the Law Enforcers and Justice System in Sin require victims to seek redress through their own lawyers and filing civil suits??? Or just simply tell You it is not their duties and the victims have to find their own solution and or justice.

Btw, if HR Professionals cannot detect fake certs or bogus applicants, they themselves may be fake and bogus too. Please do not rule that possibility out.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I have encountered a few cases of fake degrees in my watch. I always insist on seeing the original certificates.

It was easier then, and dealing with locals and poor copying or tempering. With today's printing and copying technology, the fake degrees are so well done, like fake currencies, it is not easy to tell the difference. Then you have degrees from Timbuktu that you have difficulties verifying.

And worst, you have degrees from nowhere, places that don't even exist, that verification is simply impossible. Heard of University of New Birmingham? I have not. Or Universiti College of Titigani? I have not either. How and who to verify with?

Anonymous said...

Brother Redbean;

if the 'university' or the 'country/place' does not exist, naturally, the 'degree' does not exist too. Whatever's not verifiable; dismiss or ignore, that's it. However, this is not important to me if me am the employer.
All me needs is someone able to do the job, certified or not is not the issue with me. Able to deliver or not, matters more to me.
Btw, certification in the highly commercialized educational institutions are likely to produce many made-qualified certificate holders. Pardon me for my cynical view, but one fake is one fake too much to trust.


agongkia said...

Anonymous said...
Mr Agongkia Sir;
what happen if the Law Enforcers and Justice System in Sin require victims to seek redress through their own lawyers and filing civil suits???
Patriot.There is no such thing as 'what happen'.,because it is already a practise that victim either PG to get a lighter sentence or get their lawyer.
I did mentioned somewhere that my friend seek clearance for an employee to work.It took 2 months and fail to get a reply.I Sompah or I can be strike by lightning for telling lie.When the applicant say that he cannot wait leow.My friend approach the dept personally and was told that he can let the applicant work for a week,pending approval.He did so but was fine in Court.He just PG to close the case,not because he is guilty but because he got a father who is dying soon .
Because of this incident he is now struggling and nearly made a bankrupt and was mistaken as someone cutting corner and now how pathetic that there are people like you who still can have that cheng hu larng thinking and only known how to get the employer to be a scapegoat instead of being able to know how to be more competent.
I better stop here.Blood pressure goes up leow.

Anonymous said...

Agongkia Sir;

thank You much for the Information, now me knows why so many Singaporeans are sick.
Me no 'chenghu larng' nor 'running dog of chenghu'. Liked me said earlier; there are fake and bogus good and people everywhere, quite a headache and more so heartache. No wonder hospitals more laku(good business) than hotels.
Okay, no way out, justice is dead in sin, so in Sin we live.


Anonymous said...

So sad, more than 10,000 faked CVs walking around and working with us.