
Helping others versus helping self

We have heard that many scholarships were given to foreigners. Many did serve their terms before leaving for greener pastures. Many also decide to stay. Do we have any statistics to show how many we have sponsored and how many are staying or have left. After so many years we should have enough numbers to decide whether it is a worthy or worthwhile investment. We also need to balance the amount of money given to foreigners and the amount given to our own children. Are we giving more, in numbers of scholarship to foreigners than to our own?


Mockingbird said...

Scholarships are given to all that deserve it based on merit, regardless of whether they are born in Singapore or otherwise.

Anonymous said...

And to add to that, the government also knows that giving it to a Singaporean is not an iron clad guarantee that the Singaporean will not chabot to greener pastures. There is a better chance that a foreigner will stay and sink roots here if the foreigner is from a worse off country like Philippines, Indonesia, China etc. Plus foreigners are usually very naive and mostly unaware of the sort of repressive policies that the Singapore govt is capable of dishing out. So, better give to the foreigner.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

off hand i think more foreign recipients are scooting off after their education than the locals. we need statistics to confirm this.

Anonymous said...

it is a priviledge to invest in these foreigners becos they yield positive returns as opposed to the zero and minus returns from looking after the poor and disadvantaged singaporeans for example. if you have an unfeeling and calculating mind, this is what you'd do.

Anonymous said...

hmm, we have many malaysian and prc prs here who loves to talk big and when it turns to citizenship and ns, they siam like nobody business.

Anonymous said...

August 08, 2008 1:22 PM
August 08, 2008 9:19 PM

no need to play mind games, we know what you foreigners are up to. it won't work.

Anonymous said...

Why should we invest in foreigners? If we want them, we should take them in only when they are fully educated.

Anonymous said...

Obviously the statistics are grim. Otherwise, they would have trumpeted the success of the scheme.

Anonymous said...

The economy may be slowing but I think our government should be able to create good jobs for the foreigners and singaporeans, trust me.

Anonymous said...

Creating jobs for foreigners? Yes. Jobs for S'poreans? Maybe. Remember that 60% of jobs created went to foreigners, S'poreans are left with only 40%.

Anonymous said...

still better than other worse off countries right?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

if we keep counting on tangible plus and minuses, we will no longer be a nation. then the people may turn around and demand that they be paid their worth for ns as well.

in nation building, the intangibles are also very impt. it is the soul part of a nation. a nation that has lost its soul will become just a hotel. it will crumble in a crisis. everyone will say what is in it for me. if not worth the deal, they will just scoot.