
Who is watching god?

Several issues in the Today paper point out to two serious misgivings that are getting quite prevalent within our society. The first is conflict of interests as was pointed out in the case of the three charities that were struck off by the Commissioner of Charities. The second is the problem of the watchdog sleeping or transgressing. Then we will have the problem of who is watching over the watchdog. For the three dubious charities to be struck off after existing for so long and collecting so much money without raising an eyebrow or a red flag speaks very loudly of how far down our society has gone. This is a case of getting immune of abuses when abuses are everywhere and found not objectionable. In fact, as in the case of NKF, it was a model that was trumpeted and celebrated as the best thing to have had happened for the Charity scene. It becomes a blanket cover for all charities with similar practices and to get by without being questioned. Shall the watchdog be whacked? What happens if watchdogs also transgress the principles of good corporate governance? The checks and balance system and ancient wisdom of proper conduct are not there for show, and any violation should raise a red flag no matter how good is the intention or the reputation of the transgressor. Once such fundamental rules and principles can be shoved aside, more things will get through in a matter of time. Are there signs of decline or transgression that we are overlooking or refuse to acknowledge?


Anonymous said...

God is watching God. I think this is what is known as " a blank cheque"

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The key to solving this is to have several watchdogs, even small ones like ad hoc committees by citizens and donors — i.e. those with a vested self-interest in ensuring that the charities as well as the governance of the charities and their "official" watchdog is above board.

These days publishing on the internet is cheap and quick. anyone of these small ad hoc groups can have a loud voice, especially on matters of corporate integrity.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

the old jokes about building bridges and other infrastructure and 10% is now being replaced by setting higher targets to be raised in the name of charities.

we need more hospitals, more equipment, better facilities, to take care of more needy patients, ....we need to raise more money.

Anonymous said...

It would be wiser to find the reason on why there are "needy" people in the first place, solve the "problem" so that these people aren't "needy" any longer, such that they manage to pull themselves up to the level where they can act with DIGNITY and pay their way like everyone else, and not have to exist on the handouts and charity of others.

redbean is trying to be like that fraud Mother Teresa of Calcutta, but I don't think he really understands the depth of that woman's EVIL and the damage she did, and the mess of destruction she left as her legacy.

...so, I'll forgive redbean :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Matilah_Singapura
Could you please tell me more about the comments you made about the "fraud Mother Teresa"? Are you saying that she is a fraud or are you referring to someone else who is a fraud? Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Make up your own mind on this, I've made my own judgement — She was EVIL. (yeah, I know it's painful to read that. Get over it)



Aroup Chatterjee's webpage:

"Final Verdict", book by Aroup Chatterjee on Mother Teresa — read online:


"If any civilization is to survive, it is the morality of altruism that men have to reject." — Ayn Rand

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

in every society there will be the weak and the unfit and of course the lazy. but not everyone is as gifted as a matilah or be endowed with supertalents.

then there are social norms and restrictions that will not allow some to improve themselves. and there are inherited poverty, as well as poverty of the minds.

there are the helpless and those who refused to help themselves.