
GST, Hongkong versus Singapore's

Hongkong drops its GST plan The Hongkong govt has done its survey and knew that it could not convince the Hongkongers with the idea of GST. So they scrap it. This is Hongkong's version of democracy and govt of the people and for the people. In Singapore, the govt decides to have GST and that's it. Even the latest 2% increase, it is as good as approved. Does the view of the people matter? Does the govt need to consult the people? Do the MPs raise any objections? This is Singapore's version of democracy, govt of the people and for the people, plus govt knows best and govt will decide and the people accept. Now it is how best to cope with it.


Anonymous said...

Singapore has a crappy gov. Once they say it out, they will implement it. All others thing they is just wayang to show there is democracy. Even the pay increase of ministers and MP is a big bloody joy to democracy. They approve themselves and then increase 2% GST and think it is normal.

Anonymous said...

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. 'nuff said.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

i dreamt that i was in heaven last night. and the angels, all in white, including me, were brought to the palace of god. and god greeted us, me and the angels. i was so touched and moved. but the angels have no emotions.

i asked god why the angels were so rude. god said, no worry. angels don't have a heart and sometimes appear uncaring. but they all meant well.

i touch my heart, feeling very assured. then i realised that my hand went pass my body. there was nothing there. i too did not have a heart.

there is no hearts in heaven. i look at god, wanted to ask him if he has one.

Anonymous said...

i find that all of you, including the author of this blog is really a bunch of losers. nothing done by the government pleases anyone of you. all you people ever do is to complain and complain and complain. talk and talk with crap. your teacher never tell you to criticize constructively? give suggestions on alternatives, for goodness sake!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous above,
I have an alternative solution that should please you definitely. Increase GST to 10% and increase CPF contribution by employee to 30% and employer reduce to 5%. Minister pay will increase by 20%. PM and president will have $2million as bonus.

Abao said...

Come on anonymous Dec 2006 at 10pm. Its our natural rught to complain. Afterall we are the true citizens of this country.

As for not offering constructive alternatives, i have a flawed logic that goes like this:

1. Government ppl is the most intelligent in Singapore as they are chosen from the "elite".

2. Therefore, it is no use trying to think so hard when they can do it faster than i can.

3. Somemore, we pay them million dollar salaries leh. If we do they thinking for them then might as well we take over from them?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

let me just add one more point. in this country, if you work for free, not only people think that you are stupid, it also shows that you are not talented enough.

the measurement of talent in this country is how much you are being paid. look at the nkf case and the rationale given to support a talent is his ability to command a high pay.

so, for me to offer constructive suggestions, i need to be paid. and abao said is right. why do singaporeans want to do the job for people who are being paid millions?

Anonymous said...

They have thought of the best policy for you and the rest of the peasantry population. That's why they're up there formulating policy and you peasants are in here whining away. If you disagree that their policies are not in your best interests, then obviously you have to think hard to come up with an alternative that you believe is better. The logic is that simple, bean brain.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

your honesty and clarity of thought are so brutality right that i think you must be a foreign talent.

we hope more of you will take up citizenship and give our local talents in govt a run for their money.

Anonymous said...

Haha, now, why would I trade my current privileged position as a foreign talent with becoming a peasant, to have even my most basic rights trampled upon at your ruler's whims and fancies ? Thanks but no thanks. :)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

it is nice to be able to tickle each other a little and have a good laugh.

remember this is just a blog and we should few free to express our views. but don't get too personal and get overboard.

we can have differences in our views on things, but no need to eat each one up.

cheers: )

Anonymous said...

That wasn't meant to eat anyone up. That's just my view formed after having lived here for a while and talking to some close Singaporean friends. The theme of the postings in your blog and the comments they generate do seem to suggest there may be more than an element of truth in that. Cheers.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

actually everyone is telling the truth. it is only my truth against your truth. it is just like the saying, interpret anything or do anything that is to your own advantage.

thus, believe in the truth that suits you most or most benefit you. : )

Anonymous said...

i'm very sure, today,not all but most s'porean do have the same reason as why we 'r here.......
Let not pretent everything is well.....(u know best, our fate future????)nothing much you guys can do to change the situation....but it good try....
anonymous dec 06,2006 10.00pm,two possible reason why you here,
first)u 'r linked to them,living a comfortable life on our blood.at the same time try to impress ur master .(to keep ur position or....)
second)u 'r just playing a reverse phychology,wit same reason like most...

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi anonymous,

in cyberspace, you don't really know who is who. the best judge is to look at the content and try to determine the consequence of that comment. most bloggers are very intelligent. but some pretend to be naive or simpleton and making comments that can be very blatant and direct.

agree that often we need to second guess the meaning and intent.

Anonymous said...

Trolls are the manifestation of the intelligent who act simpleton, for their words are understood only by those who look beyond the facile meaning written.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

fully agreed gecko.