
Main sources of income from inflating housing and car prices by importing more foreigners

 Red Dot's GDP growth is shrinking fast if not for the bricks and mortar sector. The days of wine and roses are over, and Red Dotters better be prepared for more difficult days ahead. The throwing of chicken wings cannot go on forever. The burden will be carried on the shoulders of future generations to come.

Now the shops around the MRT breakdown stations are indicating that business has dropped by 20%. Are they insinuating that the Government must now compensate them for the loss of business? It looks likely so from their intentions.

Singaporeans have now developed a habit of crying for help when things go a little bit off the rails. It is a very dangerous development of a 'dependence mentality'. In time to come we may become what is known up North as a 'clutch mentality' that will be difficult to get rid of once entrenched. And entrenched it is becoming so.



Anonymous said...

As an elderly person, I could not help comparing the Pioneer Generation thinking of the distant past and the present generation of Singaporeans.

The present generation are spoilt children. Every little hiccup and they run to the Government for help. This has bred a 'clutch mentality' that is going to be a big problem going forward. When the Government had the resources, well and good. But nothing is permanent. Just look at our neighbor up north, trying to get rid of their clutch mentality, that is now so entrenched, that doing so is impossible without losing political power.

During the days of my generation, despite all the odds, asking for help from the Government was thought to be a shame for most people. People in extreme poverty when asked to go to seek help from the then called 'Social Welfare Department' of the Government will flatly refuse to do so and would rather cope with their difficulty than inviting shame. I have lived through that era, and I am not talking nonsense. The Pioneers of those days have so much pride in being self-reliant, whatever the difficulties. They tried their level best to cope and find solutions, live with it and most came out more resilient, stronger and able to stand on their own feet despite those difficult times. Today, a little hiccup and they appear to totter over. How sad.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anon 9.56, agreed to your point to a certain extend. Am sure you & most parent want their children/grand-children to have a better life than themselves. A government is "elected" to take care of it people & make life better. A parent is responsible to educate his children well & hope the can also contribute to society well being. Different generation of Singaporean have different aspiration. Just like the current PAP is not the same as previous PAP. If you feel we need to change for the better, vote for opposition to have a change of government. Otherwise just keep complaining & dreaming...

Anonymous said...

Oh, not to worry Anon 10.56. I have been voting opposition for the last forty years. But I know that those with 'clutch mentality' mindsets have the upper hand. But at least I am doing my part, not those complaining and dreaming but doing the opposite.

Anonymous said...

Why elect a garment that takes jobs from your children to give to foreigners and expecting your children to be platform or gig workers?