
China, India and Singapore...which is the most advanced technology state?

 China is the biggest manufacturing state in the world, second only to the US in nominal GDP term. India is the next number one super power in the world, over taking China and the US in the future. Singapore is the richest country in South East Asia and among the top 5 in per capita income in the world.

Who among the three is the most advanced technology state? China came to Singapore in the late 1970s and continued to the 80s and 90s to learn from Singapore. They were great students and learnt very fast, learnt everything they could from Singapore. They were modest and even today, China still talks about learning from Singapore and Singapore still talks about teaching China about how to build smart and clean cities, except building space station.

One thing is certain. China never talk about learning from India. Singapore also never talk about teaching India how to build smart and clean cities. Maybe Singapore knows it is not up to it when India is concerned, a great country with abundant great talents. More often than not it is India that is coming to Singapore to teach Singapore about high tech, how to run the train system which India has vast experience, how to tackle flood problems, how to be a financial centre, about IT/AI, about making chips. India also offers its top talents to help Singapore to become a modern and advanced city state, in finance, in education and in technology. And Singapore is very grateful to India. Singapore knows that it is inferior to India in many ways when talents are concerned and learning from India, depending on India is second nature. Given a chance, Singapore would want all the Indian talents to replace no talent Singaporeans.

From the above relationships it is very clear that India is the most advanced technology state. India can teach and offer a lot to Singapore. And Singapore can teach and offer China a lot too. Some still believe in the American and western narrative that Chinamen are stupid, no talent, no skills, only good enough to be cooks and laundry men. Thus it can be safely concluded that Singapore ranks number two and China is the least advanced technology state of the three. One exception, India would not dare to go to China to want to teach China about advanced technology. Wondering why is that so?

With CECA, Singapore is very fortunate to have India helping it to become a modern city state, a financial centre and a smart IT city state props up by Indian IT talents. Without the Indian IT talents, Singapore would still be struggling to become a smart city with its limited or no talent population. Modi has just been here to show Singapore the way going forward, to teach Singapore to progress. Only the Indians have the audacity to say so to Singapore and Singaporeans.

China still has a lot to learn from Singapore...but not from India unless it wants to become another India.

What do you think?


Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

Many FOOLS are living in this delusional and make believe World not accepting their true worth.

Still thought that they are the BEST whereas theu are NOT.

Especially their Leaders who only marked time as they knew only when to strike whilst the iron is HOT.

M.O.T. in their so called Democratic Free a World they are only churning their self interests of scouping the Wealth before their time is OUT.

Sinkeland, Sinkies still in deep slumber that their times are good forever.

India with their Indians still had the illusion that they are going to be Number One soon to ursurp China.

China is leaps and bounds ahead of every one including the damn illusionary still in their Americunts Dreams Land.

PRCs don't dream!

They worked for it.

Long long decades ago, if the Sinking Land Leaders are Smart enough to take the same route as the PRCs with their industrialisations and drives, today we shall have our own having one of the highest standard of livings and no one mostly platform workers struggling for a living.

Only a few of their lackeys and cronies are enjoying their present stage of luxurious lifes.

Now debating the protection of our platform workers.


Whilst so many highly paid jobs and professions are been channelled to their so called foreign talents.

This is a just their facade and vengeance to punish the Sinkies who wanted more Opposition Wards and MPs that hurt their egos.

Anyway, foolish Sinkies are still in their illusionary dream land and shall wake up in horrors soon to find most of them RTS, i.e. Roam The Streets.

No eyes see.

Anonymous said...

The one thing India can teach Singapore is how to make more babies. Singapore's birth rate is very low and the government has already stated it wants a much higher birth rate. India is the undisputed world champion is making babies.

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anin

What's making babies Anon 10.06?

Virgo49 said...

Sorry too fast.

They notorious for RAPES!

Their Leaders also a lecherous lot that's why till now still have no will to stop the menace.

Sinkieland why so few babies ah?

Why now so many singles?

It's crazy for those without otak to get married and have children in Sinking Land

The Costs of Livings is so high.

Fight for school places where their own Elites kakis are assured of theirs.

Educational and even buses to fetch the children to schools already can kill you.

Also the BTO fakta pay until you KO.

That's why the Banks no need sweat can make their billions.

Only those favoured ones and their lackeys and cronies can reallr survive and prospered and had their luxurious lifes in Sinking Land.

Pity the new young generations which are not their choice to be brought out into this place.

Heavans help them

Anonymous said...

The equation that India is the most advance country among the three makes sense. China learned from Singapore. India taught Singapore with all the talents. Therefore, India is better than both China and Singapore. QED.

Anonymous said...

And the Indian leaders are paid only 1% of the salary of Singapore leaders.

Anonymous said...

That is why some are saying it is better and cheaper to outsource the Singapore Government to India.

Anonymous said...

Beijing urges Chinese EV makers to avoid investments in countries like India and Turkey

Virgo49 said...

Kept the Technologies of the EV in China.

Manufactured there and teach the staff and then they shall pass to the UASSA and Euro Nuts.

Anonymous said...

China knows they lie, cheat and steal. The USA wants DJI, BYD and Tik Tok to be under their control but failed so they banned instead. But they blame China for stealing instead.