
China caving in as expected and would remove ban on Japanese seafood


TOKYO: On Sep 20, Beijing announced it would soon begin removing a blanket ban on the import of Japanese seafood products originally imposed in August 2023.

The news came in a press release stating Japan and China had reached a “shared understanding” about expanding the (already substantive) international regime that monitors the release of treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean. CNA

Like the Americans and the West, there are sensible and kind people that would want good relations with China and the Global South. But the general psyche of USA and Japan, especially the political and military elites, are hardcore extremists, believing in military might and conquest, to rule the world. And they are 101% anti China and anti Chinese. China does not believe in this. China always think and hope that there are good and wise people that would one day start to love China and the Chinese people.

China is so blinded by its own belief and eagerness to be liked, that it refused to see what the Americans and Japanese are doing around China. The latest, Japanese warship sailing through the Taiwan Strait, to slap China or to be nice to China? The Americans have been pushing all its allies and colonies to do the same against China. Actions are real and betrayed every word and promise of being friendly and nice. 

The Japanese have been remilitarising its armed forces, to keep peace? For goodness sake, the leopard does not change its spots. The Japanese have been behind the Philippines to provoke, to start a war with China just like the Americans, offering the Philippines weapons, warships and warplanes. The Japanese are still clinging to their war loot in the Ryukyu Islands, the Diaoyu Islands and all the islands south of the Ryukyu, and wishing to retake Taiwan. They are encouraging Taiwan to go independent with many Taiwanese of Japanese origins supporting the independence movement.

Just a few sweet words, and China goes ga ga, thinking that the Japanese have come to their senses and wanting to lift the seafood ban, imposed because of dumping of toxic nuclear waste into the Pacific Ocean, the surrounding seas of China. Is China saying that the fear of the toxic water is all bluff, political tools to exert pressure on the Japanese and nothing more? Or is China so gullible, that they can win the Japanese to its side to be against the Americans? Both Japanese and Americans share the same ambition and motive to rule the world and China is their greatest obstacle to be removed.

Wake up China, stop being silly. Not only the Japanese are laughing at your stupidity. The Americans too are laughing themselves silly in Washington and when they met the Japanese and their G7 devils to talk about China. China has to be real. The politics of Japan and America is all about military might and subjugation of other countries. The narratives in Japan is all about going to war with China again.  The Japanese despise the weak and meek Chinese people...the Ah Qs.  Period.

Despite the bragging of a 5,000 year civilisation, the stupidity is still stuck in the head. Mao has failed in his Cultural Revolution to clean up the shit in the head and it is resurfacing again. China is being treated like a fool by the Americans, the Japanese and Europeans everyday and still in the dark, thinking its meek behaviour is winning the devils to its side.

Actions speak louder than words. Look at what Japan and the Americans are doing, not what they are saying. Nuclear missiles already in the Philippines. The Philippines are using Japanese warships to challenge China.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can see from the chinese in sinkiesland that keep voting for the party that screwed them for the last 50yrs, how the chinese mind work. A few sweet words & cdc voucher, everything will be forgotten, then wait to be screwed for another 5 yrs..hahaha