
India's predatory strategy for acquiring free companies, banks and factories

 When a deal is too good to be true, believe it, that it is not going to be true. This truism is like Murphy's Law, and will always work like clock work. India will lure foreign investors to pump money into India to build factories, set up companies, banks, manufacturing plants etc etc with attractive offers. Once the money is in, best money sunk into in buying land, machinery and buildings, the scheming will start to work in India's favour.

The Indian predatory formula is simply to acquire foreign investments and assets in India for free or at a huge discount. Chinese companies had been duped over and over again with attractive terms only to see the terms being changed forcefully to take over the company. The main goal is for India to own these companies or factories, banks, legally at a big discount, or de facto owning the company, like having the companies employing Indians for all the jobs. It would would start with a demand for 51% of the employees to be Indians, followed by employing Indians for all management positions. When the latter materialised, the Indian management would go about employing new Indian hires to fill up all positions. The end result, the company would be de facto an Indian company without India paying a cent for it, when all employees are Indians. In such cases, the real owner would lose all control of the company.

The second strategy is to fabricate all kinds of charges like tax evasion, money laundering, accounts problems or violation of Indian laws. Then huge fines would be imposed on the companies, wiping out all the profits over several years. Instead of making profits, the companies would end up in big losses, but unable to pull out of India unless it is prepared to suffer even bigger losses. Foxconn was decisive enough to cut losses in the millions to flee India before incurring more losses. Some investors would not want to cut loss and instead, dumped in more good money, hoping and praying that in the long run things would be better. Far hope to these losers.

The glowing and rosy pictures of an Indian market as big as China, a big pool of cheap labour and top talents, are the carrot or mirage dangling to attract unthinking and foolish investors to rush in.  And once in, it is very difficult to get out without being robbed of everything. And staying is as good as letting the Indians own the company, managing all the investments by the Indians as if they belong to the Indians, and the investors have only a superficial claim to the entities, legally, on paper. In reality, everything belongs to the Indians.

Is this predatory strategy difficult to understand? After understanding the objectives of the Indians and their well known formula in practice, would any foreign investors still thing India is an attractive and great opportunity to invest in?

PS. India dangled a big carrot of wanting to buy 1,000 buses from BYD with the condition that BYD set up factories in India. This time BYD was smart to decline the offer or they will end up building a factory for India with all the equipment to build electric buses, and India getting the buses for virtually free.


Anonymous said...

BYD now intends to build a billion-dollar factory in Pakistan instead. Never say that Chinese companies are stupid and still wants to invest in India. Never try to tarnish all investors with the same tainted brush.

The Indian predatory strategy works only for a limited time. Once investors know that they are going in and getting clobbered, they will wise up. Those that are already there, they have little choice but to make the best of a bad situation until conditions become intolerable before calling it quits.

Having said that, some Western companies like Apple, thinking it will get preferential treatment, needed to test the waters first. And the result was not ideal, and Apple had to move some production back to China.

Modi has now been summoned to Washington to submit his report to the emperor about the happenings in BRICS. He must go to Washington once in a while to update the emperor, and this time is about what to expect in the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia. Of course, other reasons will be fabricated to cover the mission.

Wonder if other BRICS members trust the Indians and avoid giving too much sensitive information about BRICS to be leaked. BRICS must beware of the Trojan Turkey intending to join the bloc. It must follow the saying - Once bitten twice shy.

Anonymous said...

Modi is going to Washington to get his PhD from the master of cheating, lying and stealing. Don't play play hor!

Anonymous said...

Modi: No problem, if China businesses don't come, we have Sillyporean companies waiting in line. Fyi, sillyporean are very afraid of their leader, when asked to eat shit, they will ask, can we have urine to go with it. I can tickle the sillrporean leader balls anytime to have them eat out of my hand...haha

Anonymous said...

Are Singaporeans that gullible? Never heard of them making money in India after investing hundreds of billions there. If they do make money they were quickly gloat about it for sure.

Anonymous said...

Money invested in India would belong to India, directly or indirectly, legally or de facto. The Indians would be fully in control of the money and investments and would know how to share among themselves and enrich themselves.
Who is there to watch over them, to check the accounts? Audit companies?
The money would also go to help to provide jobs for the Indians.
Santa Claus knows he is doing charity. In this case it is not charity, because they would not know what is happening to their money. Only have to trust and believe whatever the Indians told them.
Stupidity has no cure.

Anonymous said...

Why do you think Modi visited Singapore and Brunei?

Anonymous said...

Answer - ada duit. Boleh belanja.