
Anerican astronauts NOT stranded in ISS. Help, help, help!

 The USA vis a vis NASA are even talking about discovering other planets to occupy in case earth becomes inhospitable due to climate change, nuclear war or asteroid disaster that was said to have led to the extinction of the dinosaurs and other life forms.

Talk seems as easy as winning trade wars, technology wars or erecting sanctions to collapse targeted countries. In theory it should work like a charm. In reality, achieving the objective is not that easy.

Going to and from the ISS is already a big hurdle for NASA, not to talk about landing on the moon. It is more like inventing the wheel after losing the blueprints, LOL. A lame excuse indeed! Going for interplanetary travel is taking the joke too far.

Russia or China could have been counted upon to help in rescuing the two stranded astronauts. But the USA burned the bridges long ago by forbidding China to participate in the research on the ISS and banning China from setting foot on the ISS. Russia is not going to help either, after what is going on in Ukraine. It would be like giving the right cheek for the USA to slap and turning the other cheek to be slapped as well. Nothing of that is going to happen.

Let the rescue fiasco carrying on developing to show the real capability of the USA, NASA and also Boeing. A couple of days holiday for the two astronauts turned into months. Wonder whether they will survive, with the ISS an abandoned Russian asset being given an extended lifespan in the control of unsure hands. Had the Russians still been on board, the rescue would have been a walk in the park. There would not even have been a hiccup in the first place. 



Anonymous said...

Agree they are not stranded. The two are just exercising a lifestyle choice of an extended holiday, just like those homeless people in Kensington Ave, Philadelphia enjoying their lifestyle choices living on the streets. The spinning is getting me dizzy.

Anonymous said...

Everyday NASA is presenting new evidence to confirm they had never been to the moon. Period. The difficulties they had just to get to the ISS said it all about their fake space technology.