
American terrorists - 'You are either with US or against us'. Who is the devil forcing countries to take sides?

 When small countries hear the veiled threat - 'You are either with US or against US', there is no need to ask who they would have to be forced to choose. This is more like a single choice question. Ever heard of that?

Now there is a choice and that is by joining BRICS. And countries are rushing to join. Yes, the USA is still using veiled threats of punishing those who would join in the de-dollarization wagon. Notice the veiled threat is directed towards the connection to de-dollarization, not about joining BRICS, which the USA cannot do anything about. After all, who is against those joining QUAD, or AUKUS or Five Eyes or Asia-NATO. The USA, EU, G7, Japan, India Australia and all the Anglo-Saxon Whites can go around forming more alliances among themselves. It is just like rearranging the tiles in a game of mahjong, or just putting the same old stuff in new packaging. It changes nothing, but perhaps only in pricing, LOL.

Russia and China are not going to succumb to the use of force or threats. The two powerhouses can survive leveraging on each other's strengths. Russia can supply China with all the cheap energy and food grains. China can supply Russia with cheap EVs and consumer products. To put it simply, they complement each other perfectly. So perfectly that they are just next-door neighbors with pipelines to deliver gas and oil without having to use crude or gas carriers that could be blockaded in times of war. Cheaper, faster and more secure. 



Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

Now the Mango oops Mongolia is turning turncoat to the UAssA ans China now diverted with Russia the Oil Pipe thru Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan President is more trustworthy as Xi once visited there with full ceremonial welcome.

Likewise their President to China.

The Mongolians are somewhat also Savages that used to invade and tried to conquer China in the past.

Now land locked within China they are in for difficult times if dared turn against China.

UAss is trying to instigate and provoked them to unsettle China and they be like the Urukians and Pinoys if stupid enough.

Anonymous said...

Can see very obviously that Western-educated Sinkie elites are with the US . .

Anonymous said...

Studied in US universities, brainwashed by US indoctrination, swallowing US propaganda day and night, it is more than obvious. They do not even hide the obvious.

Anonymous said...

Tora! Tora !

Time for India-Singapore ties to move to ‘next level’, says Indian minister Jaishankar - ST

Virgo49 said...

Just one sentence: UAss Doggies!


Oops not so loud.

Women's natural process.


Anonymous said...

Putin just visited Mongolia and was not arrested by ICC. Zelensky has gone crazy like a rabid dog. Who does he think he is trying to dictate to Mongolia? Ukraine itself is not a member of the ICC. Neither is Zelensky's handlers, the USA. What power does he possess to order Mongolia to arrest Putin? Mongolia just ignored him and treated him like a mad dog.

Suffice to say, Mongolia would not even dare to antagonize Putin as it depends on Russia for energy. What can Zelensky offer to Mongolia? How to run a circus of clowns?

Mongolia would not want to antagonize China as well, having to depend on Chinese investments. But it is trying to play one side against the other by hedging bets on both sides. China still has to be extra careful with double headed snakes playing countries on both sides of the divide, just like India.

Anonymous said...

After threatening the Judges of the ICC from issuing the arrest warrant for Benjemin Netanyahu, what moral authority does the USA, or the West have to ask the ICC to uphold justice? Isn't Netanyahu moving around freely. Why is there not Western country asking for his arrest? This is hypocrisy of the highest order. That is why countries have lost all respect for the ICC and refused to do what they are expected to do. It is better to just disband the ICC and make members suffer further disgrace at the hands of the collective West.

Anonymous said...

India Excitedly Eyeing Singapore, Brunei Money,. Modi to Visit


Anonymous said...

Putin received a red-carpet treatment with a Guard of Honor welcome. The collective West saw red, with Putin defying them with this visit to a country that is a member of the ICC. This is a slap on the face of the West, visiting a country which is a member of the ICC and walking free like Benjemin Netanyahu. What Bibi can do, Putin is telling them I can do better, including receiving such a welcome. Zelensky has red eyes crying about his call to Mongolia which had been totally ignored.

What is really shameful is getting silenced by Mongolia's act of giving Putin such exalted treatment and ignoring Zelensky like a stray dog barking with no bite. If he had just kept quiet and not been calling for Putin's arrest, he could at least have saved a little face by not being totally rendered ignoramus. Now he is threatening Mongolia with punishment. How is he going to do that? Run to papa USA for help? USA is trying to court Mongolia to get at their rare earth reserves and in turn Mongolia knows who is more important for its long-term interest. Mongolia has to live with its two neighbors for eternity, while its relations with the USA is just temporary at best.

With the discussion of the Power of Siberia 2 across Mongolia obviously on the table for re- negotiating after representations by China, which is not without merit, Mongolia would be smart enough to know what is more important - relations with the two neighbors that cannot be divorced and will be permanent or cater to the collective West that is far and away. Cementing ties with Russia and China must therefore rank above falling for a bet that will turn Mongolia into a squeezed sponge devoid of a future to progress. The USA is not interested in Mongolia's future, only in its rare earth and other mineral resources.

Anonymous said...

Modi knows a willing sucker and going all out to bleed it dry. There is no other better reason for his visit than this.

Anonymous said...

The ICC is a terrorist organisation owned by the American terrorists.

Anonymous said...

Modi will offer his millions of Indian talents to Singapore to replace the no talent Singaporeans to save Singapore.