
Anglo Saxon gangsters forming gangs to control and rule the world

 As the Whites are banding together, the non-Whites should do the same. Never be misled by the talk about 'iron clad' alliances. Those are actually 'iron chains' around the necks of those countries foolish enough to believe in the USA and the White's treachery and trickery.

Do we honestly believe that the USA's military bases in countries around the world are to protect them? Against whom or just an imaginary foe? Those bases are just to protect the interest of the USA and countries should not be naive to believe otherwise. Those bases are an unbreakable 'iron chain' around their necks. Just look at the Philippines, Japan and South Korea. 'Iron clad' defense or 'iron chain' colonization that they cannot now break away? They will be sacrificed when the time comes.

Unless a country is for Whites like Israel or Ukraine, that 'iron clad' promise is just hogwash. The USA talks about supporting Ukraine and Israel whatever the costs. Did the USA supported South Vietnam or the Afghan Government whatever the costs, even after twenty years of fighting in the latter. What did the USA do during the perennial conflict between Iran and Iraq? The USA behaved like a yo-yo, supporting one side and then the other, whichever way their interest benefits them.

Never trust the USA or the Anglo-Saxon Whites. As I always say, the next world war is going to be a color war, the Whites against the colored races. Those colored races like Japan, South Korea, India and Philippines are just the pawns being used to further the interest of the Whites and any losses they suffer in the mindsets of the USA and the Whites are just collateral damage, nothing worth saving.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am quite uneasy about Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni's trip to China and what transpired, but something tells me it is not in China's interest to reset relations. There were reports of some deals made.

Many are warning about dealing with a 'fox'. She has to keep her loyalty to the EU first and foremost and anything out of step is not in her interest. China must remember that at all times. She had betrayed China once before, by cutting off the BRI, and may do it again when the pressure is exerted by the USA. Moreover, her term is not permanent and whoever takes over may just overturn the apple cart.

Germany, under Angela Merkel, had good relations with Russia all along. She was the mover behind the Nord Stream 2 pipeline being built, not Putin really. And throughout the construction period, the USA had been pressuring her to back out. She persisted and stood her ground, even under intense pressure. When Olaf Scholz took over, everything changed under his lame leadership, losing his marbles under threat by the USA. Many believe he was even complicit in the bombing of the pipelines. Now Germany is in tatters and the USA is in celebration mood with the EU having to source for USA energy at exorbitant prices.

The sanctioning of Russia and the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines did more than causing Germany to de-industrialize due to lack of cheap energy. Even their attempts to resort to nuclear energy is dependent largely on nuclear fuel materials, which also needs Russian supplies.

Whether Russia wins in Ukraine or not, Germany and the EU are not going to enjoy cheap Russian energy once again. That is not going to happen. Putin knows and remembers the betrayal. He is pivoting to the East with China a big enough market together with India to absorb the loss of the EU market. I think the USA and the EU did not foresee shooting their own feet without looking further than their noses.