
USA space program is another clown show between NASA and SpaceX

 USA space program is another clown show between NASA and SpaceX. This saga over the rescue of the two stranded astronauts clearly shows the readiness of both when problems arise. They were unprepared and probably are regretting not having the Russians involved. Oh, I forgot that the Russians were sanctioned by them. Anyway, let us just enjoy the spin with one party blaming the other.

The USA had been so pre-occupied with sanctioning Russia and antagonizing China that they forgot about preparing themselves for trouble at home. Their unpreparedness during the Los Angeles wildfires clearly exposed their failings. Lack of water must be the most surprising excuse in a country touted to have the best water system in the world. And they even had to recruit firefighters from convicts to do the job. Just left me wondering whether these recruits were contributing to the spread and looting or fighting the fires.

Going back further, during the COVID19 epidemic, the USA was massively caught unprepared in terms of stockpiles of medical equipment and even masks, resulting in more than 1.2 million deaths. Even India, with a population more than four times that of the USA had only slightly more than half a million deaths. That is from a country where healthcare system is well below the USA standard or even non-existent.

Lest I forget to mention, Boeing is the partner of NASA in the USA space program, building rockets for NASA, so who could really be surprised that NASA is having rocket problems. Even in aircraft manufacturing, Boeing is losing its repute in building safe and reliable planes without landing gears falling off, doors dislodging and fires in cabins.

While China's space program is innovating and its Tiangong Space Station expanding, the International Space Station that the USA inherited from Russia is about to fall apart without Russian input. If the USA were to depend on Boeing to build another space station, I wonder whether it will even get off the ground fast enough to challenge China, LOL.



  1. Today's ST one article of CON Trick by the NASA and POSA aka Porah Sah to pay them 815K or that figure just for a shot of 3 mins to see space.

    This amount can thousands of enjoyment more than 3 mins in Petain Road or Desker Road or Keong Saik Street.

    Whats the HELL for?

    Up you goes and really 3 mins the whole Rocket or CrookKet exploded.

    KAPUT you into pieces and good only no need actual hassles funeral and creamtion.

    Also now fashionable thrown balance dust into Chinese Garden or Garden of Rememberance.

    Clean job. Pls buy millions of Life Insurance as scams for your HELL rides.

    Insurance special clause no pleasure fights into Space NULL and VOID.

    1. Remember Ocean Gate's submersible that collapsed underwater? Millionaires paid a quarter million US$ to see the sunken Titanic and five of them lost their lives. Satisfaction guaranteed, for life.
