
All the hillbillies still believe in their own lies that Chinamen are stupid

 Too arrogant, too complacent, too afraid of competition, too much dependence on sanctioning instead of taking up challenges, losing foreign talents due to racial bias, too fixated on an education system just churning out lawyers, accountants and doctors and forgetting about the hard sciences and engineering, and most of all looking down on Chinamen, which was its greatest mistake.

How did cooks and laundrymen become so strong in engineering and science is something the USA did not foresee, despite its top-of-the line spy network and intelligence. And everything today depends on scientists and engineers in the age of technology. The USA is talking about changing its education system now, by going back to basics and starting from the bottom.

China had and is already training kindergarten kids in skills the USA would never expect. In the USA, parents would be up in arms about their kids going through the system in such a manner. No, other people will have to continue to produce the things that the USA wants, and the USA only wants to print toilet papers in exchange. That is going to end soon. The USA dream is under siege.



  1. https://edition.cnn.com/2025/02/25/business/china-biotech-global-disruption-intl-hnk/index.html

  2. It is believing in their own lies that is destroying the country.
