
USA challenging China and lost

 The USA isolated China from participating in research on the International Space Station. China went ahead to build its own space station.

The USA is isolating China from having a foothold in building high-end chips and China is into building its own high-end chips and even the equipment.

What else is the USA going to ban China from? EVs are already lost and over. Solar Panels are already lost and over. Wind turbines are already lost and over. Raw materials and logistics are already cornered by China and over. Shipbuilding has already been overtaken by China and is over. Steel and aluminum production is also over and yet the USA is trying to dominate this sector by raising tariffs against allies. Agriculture strangulation is over with China widening its sources of supply away from the USA.

Now divide and rule is again coming into focus. But it looks more like the USA is isolating itself from its allies more than dividing others from trading or their moving towards trading with China. Are the USA strategic advisors still sleeping and not doing their work properly?



  1. The USA already lost and lost big. That is why it is desperately using the last resort of starting a new trade war to cripple China. Trump still thinks that the USA is the only destination for Chinese goods and does not realize that China already expanded its market outside of the USA. Agricultural products are no longer going to hold China hostage, as China has already position itself to rely on many sources for food. It is the USA agricultural sector that is being held hostage by China today. And food is a National Security issue for all countries.

    Tariffs will only force China to sell more to BRICS and Global South countries, a market out of reach by the USA, even if it manages to lure all manufacturing back to the USA. The USA manufacturers cannot possibly compete outside of the country. And what does that scenario sound for those setting up factories in the USA? Selling to USA citizens alone is not going to solve the problem. USA citizens are no longer the people thought of as having the greatest spending power in the world. That is long gone, and with some USA citizens having to work at two or three jobs to survive, what kind of spending power are left for them?

  2. https://youtu.be/8PqZn-jNY5E?si=uY-PCp2DdKIHM8e5

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