
American democracy working at home?

 Democracy is a system made for the top 1%, by the 1% and for the 1%, with all the wealth accumulated in their hands. The rest of the 90%, give or take the remaining 9% are still relatively wealthy, are not benefiting from the democratic system over the centuries. In fact, poverty, homelessness, drug infestation are getting worse rather than better.

The USA had all the advantages of prosperity for all, having the privilege to print toilet papers at will, but still is unable to eradicate poverty at the bottom of the food chain. Democracy had the ideal of being a system that cares for all, rich or poor, the human rights accorded to them to have a decent life of adequate housing, healthcare and food (not from soup kitchens), but it seems that has now been hijacked to caring only for the super-rich to enable them to get even richer. From millionaires the became billionaires and now breeding a few trillionaires to boot. Is such a system sustainable?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The USA planned to export democracy to Iraq to get rid of Saddam Hussein. The Iraqi population supported that move. Now the Iraqis are worse off, with the country still in chaos and their oil being stolen by the USA.

Twenty years after 'mission accomplished' brought nothing constructive but more misery to Iraqis, more violence in the country, which is now against the USA in the Middle East and attacking Israel.

It is too late to regret for Iraqis that supported the USA in toppling Saddam Husein. Rather the dictator than the devil is what their biggest regret now. At least with Saddam Hussein there was relative peace and control of their oil. Now all is gone, and the devil is not intending to leave, just benefiting itself with the oil seizures that does not benefit the Iraqis. No, they will not leave like in Afghanistan, without the oil to tie them down.