
BRI - Chinese innovation and creativity to transform connectivity and supply chains


4 min clip showing how 288 40ft containers are being transported by rail between China and Europe. A 30 day journey cut down to 36 hours, saving huge cost and time. BRI is a very important development in transportation between Europe, Africa and Asia, bringing life to all the landlock countries.

The real wars and the real combatants emerging, unable to hide and unable to lie anymore. It is the Americans' War for world domination!

 The evil Americans cannot hide this anymore. The two wars, in Ukraine and the Middle East, are American wars. No one with a little thinking ability can fail to see who is behind the wars, who is controlling and dictating the wars, who is financing and providing all the funds and weapons for the wars. And who is deciding to stop or to go on.

Ukraine has no reason for this lopsided wars. There is no reason for Ukraine to make such a reckless gamble, losing hundreds of thousands of lives of healthy young Ukrainians, millions become refugees, millions wounded, and a country destroyed. For what? To be able to join Nato? Ukraine cannot win a war against the Russians. Zelensky is no where near a Napoleon or a Hitler. And both lost heavily against the Russians. And worst, Ukraine did not have the means to fight an all out war, but with hands and legs tied by the Americans. Every move has to be approved by the Americans. Even Nato is just a wall paper for the backdrop.

The Ukraine War is a war the Americans launched against Russia, to want to take over Russia and all its resources, like they took over North America. And with a final solution attached, to terminate the Russians like they terminated the American natives. This is what it is all about. Russians, be warned. Zelensky and his Nazis were massacring Russians before this war started.

Foolish Zelensky and the Ukrainian Nazis are stupid enough to want to be part of it. The majority of the Ukrainians are not in the picture, have no say in this war, exactly just like the average Americans, did not know that their country is at war with Russia, decided by a few clowns in Washington.

The same logic and reasons apply to the war in the Middle East. It is not Israel's war, but accepted that the Israelis, like the Ukrainian Nazis, would love the end result if the Americans won this war.  The clowns in Washington wanted to rule the world like an Empire. And if you ask any American, they too would say it is a good idea, not necessary to be a hillbilly to think in this line. What is in for the Israelis?

Israel will gain the whole of the Middle East as the region's warlord while the Americans rule the whole world. The whole of the Middle East would be called ISRAEL! This is the prize for Israel. The war will end immediately if the Americans hold back the funds and weapons. Israel is a midget and has no chance against the Arab and Muslim states, without the might of the Americans and the Nato. Everything that is happening in the Middle East is approved by the Americans. Period.

The Americans cannot hide anymore, cannot lie anymore, cannot cheat anymore, but can still kill the Arabs and Muslims using the Israelis. They think they can hide and pretend they are neutral, wanting peace, wanting a state for the Palestinians, wanting a ceasefire, with the clowns flying in and out of the Middle East lying to the Arabs and Muslims that they are negotiating for peace, but letting the Israelis going on a rampage, with a blank cheque to massacre the Arabs and Muslims and to take over their land, for a Pax Israeli, ruling over the remaining survivors after Israel overran everyone of them.

The Americans really believe the whole world is that stupid, not know what is going on, not knowing what the Americans are up to? Even the American colonies and cronies are aware of the American Plan for an American Empire to rule the world, under Pax Americana, and the infamous gangster Rules Based Order.

The Americans are at war in Europe and the Middle East, and agitating for another war with China in East Asia. Winning these 3 wars is all that is needed to dominate and rule the world. The rest of the world are just waiting to be ruled by the victors. And the clowns in Washington are grinning from ear to ear. Let the Ukrainians and the Israelis do the fighting, do the killing, do the dying for the Americans. And the best part, both the Ukrainians and the Israelis are eager beavers. The Israelis have a lot to gain. But the daft Ukrainians have a lot to lose with barely anything to gain.

Cronies and toadies in East Asia consorting with the USA/West to destroy peace in the region

 On the same note, some cronies and toadies in East Asia are consorting with the USA/West to destroy the peace in the region.

What is the purpose of having NATO expanding into Asia? It is trying to fool the really stupid about protecting their turf, when all the Anglo-Saxon Whites wants to do is create mischief and instability in the region, so that it becomes chaotic and easy for them to establish more bases with the hyped-up threats. It is the same modus operandi as in the past, trying to recolonize a weakening Asia besought with infighting.

What threat is Australia facing today, wanting to form AUKUS to have access to nuclear submarines to patrol their boundaries? It is no more than the USA and UK wanting to have a nuclear presence in the region. It is nuclear proliferation clear and simple. Say what they like about having no nuclear weapons on board their nuclear capable submarines. The nuclear weapons will be added slowly, the same way they expanded NATO in Europe. They are never to be trusted. Not in words, deeds and agreements. It is all a farce and ASEAN had been fooled. Why isn't anyone saying that ASEAN is stupid to stand idle and allowing that to happen?


Singapore leaders not in the same calibre as first generation leaders

 When Lee Kuan Yew talks people more or less listen as he commands international respect whether East or West. Also Lee Kuan Yew's cabinet of ministers are all of his calibre for example like DR Goh Keng Swee, Mr Rajaratnam, Dr Toh Chin Chye and Hon Sui Xian just to name a few. Where is the standing of our present politicians - no comparison but just pale in significance . 

Just a silly remark to support the barbaric warmongering rogue state US against Russia in the Ukraine war engulf the anger of Russia and all countries of the South. Now Russia and China have stated that Singapore is not allowed to join as a member of BRICS . Singapore will have to swim in the wilderness of international politics and face an uncertain future. 

It is no good for Singaporeans when their so-called leaders say things without proactive thinking. It's time for Singapore politicians to retrospect and amend their behaviour especially on international affairs. Singapore is so small not bigger than the size of nose snort and so it should know its place and not opening its mouth freely to offend other countries unnecessarily. The best thing is to shut up and not be a smart Alex.

Lee Tai Chong SG

MAGA? Washington clowns destroy America by weaponising the dollar! Hang them!!!

 De-dollarization actually terrifies the Anglo-Saxons more than anything else. On the surface they appear more or less nonchalant. But, believe me, beneath the surface they are extremely nervous, paranoid and deeply worried.

There is no system set up by humans that cannot be destroyed by humans. It is just a fantasy that such a setup will exist forever into the future and cannot be taken down. Empires of all shapes and size have fallen in the past. The British Empire was even bigger and yet succumbed to the Wheels of Fortune. Unfathomable war mongers like Hitler and Napolean, all conquering, fell to the Soviet Union, with heaven's help undoubtedly. Business conglomerates like Kodak, Panasonic, Olivetti to name a few all fell into oblivion with new business taking over.

In Buddhism we are reminded that nothing is permanent. In the West they say that man proposes, but God disposes. Nothing lasts forever, same as human lives and all living things.

Just look at climate change. Are we able to contend or fight with nature since the days of mankind's existence. However we want to tout about overcoming all odds, we still are held hostage by nature.

Trump may have fantasies about launching a nuclear device into a hurricane to stop its destruction. Or drinking horse de-worming medication to stop COVID. If you believe in Trump, he is one to make America Great Once Again, LOL.


The USA is in a situation that do it will die, don't do it will die

 Besides weapons, the USA is the biggest proliferator of propaganda, the biggest cause of inflation with its unlimited printing of toilet papers which it exported to the rest of the world together with its inflation.

Now the world is wising up. USA Treasuries are no longer the preferred choice of investment with the cutting of rates. That is why the US$ is weakening against most other currencies. Over the last two or three years they had to increase rate of returns to attract investors into treasuries. That is bottoming out with the rate cuts to save the economy.

The actions taken against Russia by seizing its assets is the final nail in the coffin. China is selling Treasuries like hot cakes. Even Japan, probably arm twisted to buy over the years, is also dumping Treasuries. The only support comes from the Anglo-Saxons, not all actually, with UK taking up the lion's share. They have to help to preserve the US$ hegemony to prevent its collapse.

But this cannot go on forever with spiraling debts. Most of the US$35 trillion debt are said to be held by USA entities and citizens. The collapse of the system will be catastrophic for US citizens itself. Pension funds that invested huge sums of their bounty in Treasuries and USA debts will collapse, leaving the pensioners to eat grass. Banks will collapse, big or small, as they also have huge investments in Treasuries and USA debts in their books. And what will this mean for US citizens as well.

It is therefore unthinkable for the USA to default on its debts. But default it will. It is only a question of time when the jugglers, the Fed and Treasury, cannot find an answer to prevent the default any longer. They have kicked the can down the road far enough. To save the USA economy, they are cutting rates hoping to energize the system. If Wall Street is reported to be doing so well and the stock market rising to records every day, indicating a booming economy, why is there a need to cut rates. Something is not right.


BRICS will severe relationship with IMF and World Bank

 BRICS countries are reported to be burning their bridges in dealing with the IMF and World Bank and there is talk that the Western biased leaning UN will figure in less instrumental ways for BRICS countries going forward.

In other words, BRICS is into setting up its own financing system for development among BRICS countries, just as China did in setting up the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank or AIIB for Asian countries to source for development funds.

As it is, China is already doing massive lending for infrastructure developments around the world with its BRI projects. There is no longer any need for poor countries to be beholden to the IMF and World Bank for aid. The BRI is making the IMF and World Bank more or less impotent, with China now funding all the developments in Africa, Central Asia, South-East Asia and even South America. The IMF and World Bank can look forward to funding the India/Middle East/Europe Corridor and the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII), LOL.

The BRI was a masterstroke by Xi Jinping, allowing China to recycle its trade surpluses, which would otherwise be diverted towards investing in risky US$ assets like Treasuries and real estate in the USA and EU, which could be seized in times of conflict like the assets of Russia. And such conflict is imminent and just testify to the wisdom of China thinking far ahead.

Countries like Argentina, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka that took loans from the IMF and World Bank years ago, are now not able to extricate themselves and are now stuck by being beholden to the dictates of these two entities.

Now, isn't that obvious as to why the USA and the West are so unhappy and keep repeating the debt trap myth against China over the BRI funding for countries around the world, especially in Africa. Does that surprise us? It certainly does not surprise me. This is their modus operandi. When they fail to compete, they want to demonize or destroy.



American military bases in Syria and Iraq under waves of attacks and suffering heavy casualties

 Such news would not be reported in the western media. Just like the daily barrages of missiles and rockets raining down in Israel, there will be no casualties, no buildings being destroyed, nothing happened. The missiles and rockets were just like firecrackers or duds, would not hit anything of value, would not hit any Israelis as it they could recognise an Israelis and would turn away.

American and Israeli propaganda warfare are now very predictable. They are winning the war in the Middle East and also in Ukraine. The American military bases in Syria and Iraq are very safe, would not be attacked. And if they are attacked, it would not hurt anyone, no casualties, maybe a hole in a open space. A Sky News twit was heard saying the latest Iranian missiles were all taken down by the Israeli defence, when the whole world could see hundreds of them hitting their targets in live coverage by social media. He looked so stupid saying that, and he knew it. It showed in his stupid face.

How often have the American occupation forces and their military bases in Syria and Iraq been attacked and how many American boys and girls have been sent home in plastic bags? As far as American and western media are concerned, none. They are very safe. The Syrian and Iraqi forces would not dare to attack the Americans. Really?

The Syrian and Iraqi, as well as the Houthis, Hamas and Hezbollahs are unable to provide many video coverage of their attacks and the damages and deaths inflicted for lack of such facilities. This does not mean that the Americans and Israelis are safe and not killed. Several hundreds of thousands of rockets and missiles have landed in Israel, American bases in Syria and Iraq. A ten percent hit rate would have killed thousands of them, definitely not just 10 or 20 or like the bloated Israeli numbers in the thousands in Lebanon.

There is a blackout on news of American and Israeli casualties in the conflict. No western journalists would dare to spill the beans.

US's help is to build military bases to threaten the security of the countries it is 'supposed to help'

 US is strongly against China because China is the only country in the world that can compete successfully against the US in economics , industries, trade and commerce, science and technology, cyber space, space technology, semiconductors, politics and last and most important militarily. 

US and its Western allies do not want to see China helping countries of the South in Africa and South America arise because they feel they are robbed of the opportunity to continuously rape and exploit the countries of the two continents which they have been exploiting for the last few hundred years. 

US and the West help for other countries is basically hogwash thin air and the only tangible thing can be seen of their help are the military bases which they use them to threaten the security and sovereignty of the victimised countries. On the contrary China's aid is selfless and respectful on a mutual win-win basis.


Without wars, ... Without selling weapons, how can the USA benefit?

 Without chaos, without instigation, without hyping up threats, how to have wars.

Without wars, how can the USA war economy sell weapons. Without selling weapons how can the USA benefit?

As the world wise up, infrastructure development becomes more important than weapons for fighting against each other causing destruction. As de-dollarization picks up steam, and countries no longer feel safe with investing in US Treasuries, global production likewise no longer need the US$ for all trading activities. The USA needs to go back to basics to survive, which is by in shoring manufacturing. But they already do not have the logistics to do that and have to start from scratch. How can they compete knowing their industrial endeavor is already behind most others?

One alternative is pulling others down, so that they can go top again. Hence their campaign against anything Chinese to put China down to the stone age. It will not work.


Demand for oil outside the SWIFT system is skyrocketing

 There is much propaganda being used to fool the world that the demand for oil is slipping because China's economy is deteriorating or even collapsing. How true is that is analyzed by Kevin Walmsley on his site 'Inside China Business'. This is one site I would recommend to all having an interest in Global economic matters, with information culled from all over the world to support its writeup. Very informative, to the point, clearly narrated and no nonsense on issues.

China's demand for oil is not slipping as alleged by the West and its manufacturing is not contracting. China's import of oil is now largely outside the monitoring of the USA and the West. Thus, with their own fertile imagination they are now assuming that the world demand for oil is moving downwards, taking into account only what they can monitor. The other part of the equation which China is dealing with within BRICS is outside the eyeballs of the USA due to the oil trading being done outside the US$. As an example, China is importing more oil than ever from Iran and the trade being done in Yuan, or even through barter. Therefore, for the West to assume that oil demand worldwide is faltering because of China is disinformation to carry an agenda.

This is the situation evolving today within BRICS, where countries doing trade in commodities, not just oil, do not have to go through Western Banks using the US$ and is therefore beyond the control of the West to monitor. Juvenile Trump, despite his spoilt brat tantrum, probably has a little bit of sense to fear the result of a de-dollarization tsunami if he is elected. The Chinese have the saying -'Smart in a moment, but stupid for life'. That is why he is threatening those countries joining de-dollarization, which means joining BRICS. He will not succeed.


The biggest blunder by the USA is pushing Russia into the arms of China

 The biggest blunder by the USA must be pushing Russia into the arms of China. Russia was in G8 and expelled to create G7, which was the straw that broke the bear's back. Now Russia is in BRICS and helping the group increase membership to overtake the G7 in terms of GDP. The G7 no longer is a grouping of the rich nations, with countries in the EU being crippled by the loss of cheap Russian energy. Germany suffered the brunt of the miscalculation, but to Olaf Scholz it probably is worth the price to pay. Japan, a member of the G7 is also paying the price with its economy stagnating and even worsening over the decades.

One pertinent comment by India's Foreign Minister, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar hits a raw nerve of the G7. He said that the G7 closed its doors to us, so we formed our own grouping, meaning BRICS. India had been invited to sit in at the G7 meeting to observe, like a dog observing what is going on when its masters talk to each other. This is more a humiliation than an ego boosting move. India was so eager to join the G7 to create another G8.

China and Russia were once ideological foes, but over the decades been demonized by the USA pertaining to issues over NATO expansion towards the Russian border, inviting Ukraine to join NATO so that the USA can place nukes to threaten Russia, sabotaging Russian expansion of the energy supply to the EU through the Nord Stream pipelines which the USA and NATO subsequently destroyed. Forget about who destroyed the pipelines, as the real culprit behind the scenes is none other than the USA, that had been eyeing the energy market in the EU.

Russia and China coming together is a match made in heaven, thanks to the USA. God must be watching.

Of course, the West is trying to split the alliance between Russia and China, claiming the alliance will not last. Whether it last or not is not that important as nothing is permanent. The most important objective is coming together to get rid of the US$ hegemony by forming BRICS, which will free the world from the tyranny of sanctions, blackmailing and threats by the USA using the US$ hegemony. It also will remove the unfair privilege of the USA being able to print toilet papers at will to flood the world and export its inflation globally. 


Americans live by the law of the jungle, the fittest survive

 America is not a country. It is a hideout abode of white terrorists, the Anglo-Saxon state terrorists.
A country has good morals and ethics and a long tradition of civilization and culture and one that looks after its people and citizens. But America is occupied by white terrorists from Europe who after killing and genociding all the native Americans shamefully called the land as its own. 

Even then the so-called American government doesn't look after the welfare of its people and citizens. It is under the control of the one percent Anglo-Saxon elites and the Zionist Rothschild Illuminati and Free Masons Cabal. Its government governance follows the evil Darwinism theory that it is not the responsibility of the government to take care of its people. It believes and practices the Law of the Jungle - the survival of the fittest where the wild beast the tigers, lions leopards, hyenas, wild dogs and wolves struggle and kill each other for food. 

So in America only the rich and powerful survive and the rest whether they live or die is their own business. Therefore in America sixty million American citizens mainly the blacks have no food to eat and have to queue up daily for food stamps for donated food given by societies and where being homeless they have to live in makeshift tents pitch up outside shopping malls and by the roadsides where they both eat, sleep, shit and urinate at one and the same place.

So America is more like a hideout place where state terrorists, thieves and robbers, thugs, rogues and scoundrels camouflage as humans with coats and neckties terrorise not only other countries but also their own people.

So America is a sickos hideout of mentally deranged Anglo-Saxons elites leaders and the despicable Jewish Zionist Rothschild Illuminati Cabal.. They are the embodiment of all the world's evils and God need to destroy them.



Iron Dome and Patriot missile lies up in smokes...They are useless!

Try counting the number of missiles raining down and hitting target. Iron Dome is doomed. The missiles were not aimed at the centre of Tel Aviv, but would if Israel escalate by retaliating. Iranian missiles are not fire crackers. Israel has been warned. The next wave would be the centre of Tel Aviv. The Iranians and Arabs can hit back!
Iraq, Gaza, Beirut, Jordon Erupt In Joy As Tehran's Missiles Smash Israeli Air Defences

 Iran launched a major missile attack into the heart of Israel, raining at least a few hundred missiles and nearly every missile hit its target. The Iron Dome and Patriot missile defence systems were no where to be seen or heard. The Iranian missiles were free falling from the sky with no resistance.

The American and Israeli Iron Dome and Patriot defence systems, touted as invincible, were exposed to the world as nothing but myths, totally useless and hapless against the Iranian missiles. And this was only a small sample of what Iran can do. Iran has hundreds of thousands of missiles waiting to be launched. The Arab and Muslim countries are also watching. Can you imagine if all the Arab and Muslim countries were to launch an attack on Israel at the same time, there will be no Israel anymore. 

What is Turkey, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and of course Iran and Lebanon waiting for? Israel is standing naked, to be whipped. Even the Americans cannot help them. If the Americans get involved, just send a hundred missiles to the aircraft carriers and they would be history.

Israel has vowed to fight back with greater force. How many missiles and aircraft did Israel has against the Arab and Muslim states? Iran alone has more missiles than Israel. And Erdogan is waiting eagerly, his fingers are itchy, to press the buttons. He has talked a lot and has yet to be seen to be in action. The Arab and Muslim world are watching him and see if he is real.

 A major escalation of the war in about to begin. Would the rest of the Arab and Muslim world stand idly by when the Israelis, Americans, Brits and Nato attack Iran? Would Russia, China and Pakistan join in?

One thing for sure, nothing in Israel can stop the incoming missiles from turning Israel into another Gaza if they are foolish enough to attack Iran. All the American bases and warships would be attacked. Saudi Arabia and Jordan would be forced to act as well.

Welcome to WW3.

By the way, any twit still clamouring to buy American Patriot missiles or Israeli Iron Dome system after last night, 1 Oct 2024? Any twit still believing in the lies of the Americans and the Israelis about their invincible missile defence systems?

Pax Israeli will bring peace to the Middle East

 A major invasion of Lebanon is on the card. Without air power, without air cover, without air defence, Lebanon would be like a cake walk. Lebanon would be flattened like Iraq. The topography of the Middle East, desert land, open land, is ideal for air strikes. The only defence, if there is no air defence, is to dig deep into the ground. Unfortunately, this will be like burying oneself alive.

Lebanon is just the next step after flattening Gaza. The Israelis have full control of the whole of Palestine now. There will be no state of Palestine. The Israelis will not allow it. The Americans and the AngloSaxon tribes would not allow it. The Arabs and Muslims can do nothing about it. The Americans have paved the way for Pax Israeli by their military occupation of Iraq and Syria, and in a subtle way, the occupation of Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The final battle would be the invasion of Iran, with the full might of the Americans, Brits and Nato behind the Israelis. When Iran is overrun, there will be a Pax Israeli in the Middle East, and there will be peace in the region. Emperor Nethanyahu has already proclaimed his plan for Pax Israeli to the the Iranians... and to the world. We will invade and conquer Iran and bring peace to Iran.

When Pax Israeli takes shape, Jerusalem would not only be the capital of Greater Israel, which would include the whole of the Middle East, Iran and Turkey, Jerusalem would also be the Holy City of the Jews. Judaism would be the official religion of Greater Israel. Not sure if other religions like Islam, Christianity, Catholicism would be allowed to practise.

In the bigger world, the Americans objective is Pax Americana. But they would have to defeat Russia and China first before this can happen. After the defeat of Russia and China in wars, there would be world peace. No need for the UN or its other agencies. The world would be ruled under the American Rule of Law. So, prepare for two major wars with Russia and China, very likely leading to nuclear war, before peace can be installed for the survivors of the nuclear wars.

Would that be nice? World peace, peace in the Middle East. And of course the dollar will be the universal currency. No more BRICS!

PS. All the Arab and Muslim leaders are marked for termination, one by one. And all of them are waiting haplessly for their turn. Can you believe this? Everyone of them would have sleepless night, that they would not see daylight the next morning.

Latest, Iran rained several hundred missiles into Israel, warning the Israelis more will be coming if they dare to invade Lebanon.

USA is the 'Mother of All Terrorist State'

 When the Terrorist in Chief is producing all the weapons to kill innocents, it still had the audacity and morality to claim that what it does is not terrorism.

It sells weapons for Africans to kill each other. It sells weapons to Israel to commit genocide, assassinate other leaders it cannot agree with. It sells weapons to allies and provoked them to become its proxy for war. In the past it sells weapons to the Saudis to kill innocent Yemenis, until China brokered the peace deal between Iran and the Saudis, which puts a stop to such sales which the Saudis no longer needed with Iran withholding weapons to the Houthis in Yemen. However, having said that, Iran is still supporting the Houthis against the Axis of Evil, the USA, UK and Israel.

The USA is undoubtedly the 'Mother of All Terrorist State'.


Main sources of income from inflating housing and car prices by importing more foreigners

 Red Dot's GDP growth is shrinking fast if not for the bricks and mortar sector. The days of wine and roses are over, and Red Dotters better be prepared for more difficult days ahead. The throwing of chicken wings cannot go on forever. The burden will be carried on the shoulders of future generations to come.

Now the shops around the MRT breakdown stations are indicating that business has dropped by 20%. Are they insinuating that the Government must now compensate them for the loss of business? It looks likely so from their intentions.

Singaporeans have now developed a habit of crying for help when things go a little bit off the rails. It is a very dangerous development of a 'dependence mentality'. In time to come we may become what is known up North as a 'clutch mentality' that will be difficult to get rid of once entrenched. And entrenched it is becoming so.


Christiantity and Islam are from the M.E.

 Both Christiantity and Islam are from the M.E.

Ironically, both also in a way similar in their faiths.

Chritsians had Abraham and Islam IBrahim.

Jacob and Yacob.

Issiah and Ishak and many many more simiarities and by right both should be abang adek and yet they are like cats and dogs at each other throats.

Nowadays even dogs and cats exists peacefully in so many households and regions.

My best friend doggie who had passed on slept with the cats in the shelter before we adopted her.

Animals and other creatures could even get along

Whats happened to the supposed highest class of animals?

They are worst than beasts the most EVIL of all animals.

It's the White Barbarians who so called embraced this Religion of Christiantity and made a Mockery out of it with their murderous genes.

Both also had their Crusade and Jihad and there where the swords clashed.

Really dont understand why it has to come to thus?

Religions shud be peaceful with full of love and humanity.

Anyway, me in neither.

No eyes see.


Jews were at one time the most hated people in all European countries and in Russia and the United States

 The blinking Jews were at one time the most hated people in all European countries and in Russia and the United States. They believed and identified that the Jews were the embodiment of all things evil. They hated the Jews for by deception and subterfuge either directly or indirectly control all the governments in Europe, Russia and America. When Adolf Hitler wanted to get rid of the Jews he was in syn with the intent of all the European countries, Russia and the United States. It was not only Germany but also all the European countries and the Anglo-Saxon Americans wish to get rid of the despicable Jews from their countries. However, the cunning and very deceptive Jews were able to manipulate not only to entrench themselves firmly in the business world but also in the local politics of all the countries of their domicile.In the 19th century many prime ministers of England and other European countries were Zionist Jews. Even the head of the Russian government was a Jew by the name of Lenin. In the US, the Jews now control the US government, the Deep State and Pentagon.

The satanic Jews in collusion with the Anglo-Saxon UK and US have been the cause of all turmoils, choas, destabilities and wars in this world. It is regrettable that Hitler did not exterminate all the Jews. Zionist claimed that six million Jews were killed by Hitler was all false and exaggerated. They deceptively counted the hundreds of thousands of other races killed like Poles, Bulgarians, Romanians, Tartars and Russians as Jews just to maximize their claim of compensation and reparations from Germany.

Hope the final solution of the Jews will be settled by the muslims with the support of Russia and Iran.


China National Day - Greetings from Mexico

 China suffered as much as all the countries of the South, in Africa, Central America and South America from Western Powers' attack and invasions. Like Africa and Latin America,China was robbed off all her wealth and resources. The Anglo-Saxon United States had robbed and plundered Mexico of all its oil and other minerals and illegally occupied large swathes of Mexican land in Texas, Arizona. Wyoming, Utah, Dakota, Nevada, New Mexico and California. But one important thing the evil Western countries, US and Japan could not rob from China is the intelligence, skill, talent and hardworking spirit and perseverance of her people. This enable China to reconstruct and grow fast to rise like the Phoenix from the fire of the ashes. 

In spite of being poor in the earlier decades China has been able to help selflessly all poor countries of the South to reconstruct and develop in tandem with China. We thank China for all her help and China's development and phenomenal rise serve as a model for countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America to learn and follow.
Today we people and countries of the South in Africa, Asia, Central America and Latin America congratulate China and join China in happy and joyous celebration of her 75th National Day Anniversary on this Tuesday, the 1st of October, 2024.

Juan Amigo : Mexico

SGX in intensive care...panic cries for intervention

After more than 20 years of hiatus, with the stock market allowed to wither on its own, with no one bothering to ask why, to want to know, panic cries for action to save the stock market are now getting louder. Strangely, no one knows that the stock market is in intensive care for so long and finally there is enlightenment, awareness that it is dying? 

SGX used to be in number position in the region or competing with Hong Kong to be number one. Today, it is even smaller than Bangkok and Jakarta and even far away in the wilderness, Auckland, New Zealand. Anyone know where is Auckland or New Zealand, islands where there are more sheep than human beans. Not that no one has been talking about it. Not that there were no signs of the decline of the stock market and a once blooming industry heading into the sunset. These happened not today, not yesterday. It happened decades ago. Rip Van Winkle just woke up from a long hibernation.

And what is it all about in the cries for action? The sounds are there, but the direction is heading no where. No one wants to see the truth or wants to know the truths. All talks of emptiness and not wanting to address the real situation, the real cause of the problem and decline. Training and more training will help. Get the horses jockeys in the Turf Club to go for more training. Oops, where to race when there is no Turf Club?

When they brought in derivative trading and computer and algo trading, the war cry and optimism was liquidity. These instruments and new trading platform would improve trading liquidity by leaps and bounds. Business would be roaring with huge turnovers. Really?  No one cares about the dangerous and fictitious trading of the these instruments, about the unfair trading, unfair advantages they have in the market against every trader big and small. When trading is unfair, loaded in favour of computer algo trading operators, the other players did not have a chance.

It is like placing a few vacuum cleaners in the stock market and turning them into full blast, sucking up everything in the market. No, not true?

Never mind, the super talents paid in the millions know better and will solve the problem when they put their hands and minds into it. Never mind that it has taken more than two decades to rot and the worms are crawling out into the open and cannot be hidden and dismissed as nothing to it. Training would solve everything. Go for more training and more courses.

The stock market would be saved. They are starting to talk about saving it and a Singapore miracle is about to happen. Surely they know what is the real problem. Oops, think they did not know and have been asking the public for answers. This is the real frightening part. When people paid in the millions did not know, how to expect the hoi polloi to know?

The Chinese Dragon Spirit and China's 75th National Day Anniversary

Congratulations & Well wishes to China's 75TH National Day Anniversary. On this China's 75th National Day Anniversary let all Chinese people remember that without this Chinese Dragon Spirit China would not have been able to see and witness the proud Chinese nation standing tall and glorious above the chaotic and tumultuous world fomented and engineered by the evil Anglo-Saxon United States and its gang of savage allies. The Chinese Dragon Spirit has been with the Chinese people and nation since time immemorial for thousands of millenium. 

All Chinese people wherever they may be whether in China or overseas are endowed with the vigour of the powerful Dragon Spirit. Without the fighting vigour and spirit of the Chinese Dragon Spirit China would not have been able to survive the hundred over years of Western aggression and invasion from 1830s to 1940s; the Japanese aggression and invasion from 1931 to 1945 and the American aggression from the 1930s to the present. It was the Chinese Dragon Spirit that spurred the Chinese to endure and overcome all odds and difficulties in overcoming and defeating all diabolical foreign invaders. It was also the dragon spirit that alerted and enabled all patriotic Chinese to seize and destroy internal traitors like Chiang Kai Shek and his lawless gang of bandits. It was the Dragon Spirit that goaded Chairman Mao and his 12,000 PLA volunteers to undertake the Long Much of ten thousand miles to the safe haven at Yenan in Shanxi Province to escape encirclement by Chiang and the Americans who kept on bombing the communist army. 

The Long March was tortuous and dangerous as Chairman and his army of followers had to cross hundreds of rivers and snow covered mountains as well as through marshlands infested with dangerous snakes and mosquitoes. They had to take convoluted paths moving westward from Hokkien Province, through Kweizhou and Yunnan and then northward through Chinghai, Szechwan, Gangsu and finally Yenan in Shanxi province. Only about 8,000 survived the epic Long March when they finally arrived in Yenan, Shanxi. 

Remnants of Chiang's gang of bandits now exist in Taiwan as the DPP under US protection and control. They too will be defeated and destroyed sooner or later and Taiwan will then be reunited with the mainland motherland. The Chinese Dragon Spirit is with the Chinese everywhere and in whatever endeavour, plans or undertakings they intend to do. The power of the Chinese Dragon Spirit is always there in the sports field, in science and technology, in computer science and cyber, in semiconductors and micro chips manufacturing, in infrastructures like HSR and ship building as well as in quantum computing, rocket and missiles, AI and space station technology. In many and in fact in most of these fields China now outstripped and outclassed all Western countries inclusive of US and Japan in spite of US/Western sanctions and blockades. 

In the Chinese 75th National Day Anniversary China and the Chinese people are really blessed with the progress and advancement in all these important fields of human endeavour. The Chinese Dragon Spirit was highly stirred during the tumultuous and dangerous years of Japanese invasion and in the Korean War 1950 to 1953. Fortified with the spirit of the Chinese Dragon spirit Chairman Mao Tse-Tung and his comrade in arms and his army of volunteers and the PLA - People's Liberation Army defeated all the enemies. These victories enabled China to evolve with greater strength and energy and with greater resolve and vibrant spirit. 

Immediately after the establishment of the People's Republic of China the Chinese Dragon Spirit forwarned Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, Premier Zhou En Lai and their core members in the central government to waste no time in undertaking crash programmes like The Great Leap Forward in scientific and technological development to forestall dangers ahead from enemies on all fronts from United States and its Western allies and also from unknown sources. 

Even eminent patriotic Chinese nuclear and rocket scientists and engineers were aroused with the dragon spirit to return home from overseas to the motherland China to help China progress and develop quickly technologically and scientifically to strengthen and protect China from potential enemies. They in turn over the years taught and trained endless thousands of young Chinese students to become great scientists, engineers and technologists in their own fields of endeavour. This greatly jump start China's effort to build nuclear weapons like the atomic and hydrogen bombs, the missiles and rockets, all of which enhance China's safety and security by deterring potential aggressors and trouble makers. 

The Chinese Dragon Spirit again was in great play during the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s. The Chinese administration was infiltrated with many officials influenced by toxic American thoughts and ideologies and also by adulterated Russian communist ideas and ideology. Many agitated to follow the hollow and fake American democracy and decadent life styles. Chairman Mao saw the danger that such bourgeoisie thoughts would derail his plan for the correct path of Chinese socialist development and advancement and thus will again lead China to danger and failure. Chairman Mao therefore instituted the Cultural Revolution to get rid of traitors to the cause and ideals of Chinese communist and socialist government. 

If Chairman Mao had not used the Cultural Revolution to weed out all the traitors and American spies and disruptors China today might not have been able to progress so fast and be able now to celebrate with pomp and glory the 75th China National Day Anniversary on Tuesday, 1st October, 2024. It was the great Chinese Dragon Spirit which imbued in Chairman Mao and the Chinese Communist Party that ensured the enlightening success of China today. 

In the midst of this celebration of success of the Chinese Communist Revolution on this 75th National Day Anniversary the Chinese people and nation must not forget the great invaluable selfless contributions by millions of Chinese peasants, proletariats, revolutionary volunteers and fighters, soldiers, the intelligentsia, scientists, engineers, technologists and patriotic artists like music composers and patriotic song writers as well as Professor Lee Da Chow, Professor Chen Du Hsiu and Chai Yan Pei the Principal and chancellor of Peking University from 1915 to 1930s who were the initiators of the communist cause and the peers of Mao Tse-Tung. 

On this Tuesday, 1st October, 2024, as China and the Chinese people joyfully celebrate China's 75th National Day Anniversary with pomp and great formidable Dragon Spirit, Southernglory1 and all overseas Chinese compatriots will jointly celebrate the occasion with pride and joyful vibrant spirit. 

Let's toast to the glorious People's Republic of China, the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the ever presence and inspiration of the Chinese Dragon Spirit. Following this article below please enjoy two videos which add to the vibrant and glorious spirit of China's 75th National Day Anniversary celebration. The free world especially BRICS and all countries of the South celebrate Chinese National day in brotherhood with China and the Chinese people as they consider the success of China's fortune in development is also the success and fortune for all countries of the South led by BRICS as China's selflessly help them to develop and rise up technologically and scientifically with growth in wealth and ever forward looking success. 

Southernglory1 Tuesday, 1st October, 2024

Weaponisation of dollar, consumer items....next would be food and drinks

Do not worry about the Americans and the white men. They are angels. They do not kill wantonly, recklessly, senselessly. They even warned the world about using Chinese technology that would spy on the users and harm the users. They are so kind and protective, so caring?

What happened in Lebanon did not need any explanation. It is the most cruel and indiscriminate attack on civilians, women and children. It is mass terrorism. Only the most daft would not see it this way. It is the weaponisation of consumer items that are used commercially by private inidividuals, by anyone. And who were behind this mass murder? Dunno? Are you that stupid?

The murderers of this crime against humanity are the exact people warning about using Chinese technology. They are the people behind it, using technology to harm the innocent civilians. This precedent would lead to severe repercussion in the world about safety of equipment and consumer items. Many orders are now pouring into China for manufacturing of electronic goods with specific instructions that not a single western part must be used, and the whole production process must be done in China for the safety of these goods. Even the supply chain must be fully and carefully controlled, not to be intercepted by the West to plant dangerous explosives, poison or listening devices in them.

China is now the most dependable, reliable and safe manufacturer and supplier of consumer goods. This is in direct contrast to the smear and lies spread by the Americans and the West that Chinese goods are not safe. It is the other way round. All American and western products are NOT safe for use. Either they listen on you, spy on you or may have explosives or harmful items embedded in them.

Throw away all western manufactured devices and goods for your own safety, including iPhones and Apple products.

The next hideous step would be the weaponisation of food and drinks. Oh, they have already weaponised medicine and drugs. For the ignorants, think about the fake and dangerous mRNA vaccines during the Pandemic.

When food and drinks are weaponised, the bottle of Coke you are about to drink, the hamburger or chips or Coffeebean, Starbuck coffee, beware, beware. They may not be what they are. The world is going to be a very dangerous place when these terrorists and maniacs have their ways. And these are many many times more dangerous than the terrorists they claimed to be their enemies and your enemies. These are the real terrorists of the world, state terrorists, protected by the Americans and the West, with the Americans using their veto right in the UN to keep these terrorists safe and to continue to terrorise the rest of the world. 

Be warned, the food, water, aids and medicine going into Gaza for the Palestinians must be carefully controlled and checked. They could be spiked or poisoned, just like the days when the Europeans were genociding the native Americans by offering blankets and clothing infected with European diseases to kill them en masse. The Palestinians in Gaza are living dangerously when their food and water are out of their control.

MSM - Obnoxious characters know but pretended not to know

 This obnoxious character knows, but for propaganda purposes he just pretended not to know. When one is paid to spout propaganda, nothing is more important than toeing the line, including fabrication, like in Iraq.

It is all a game. The MSM pretended not to know what went on before the Ukraine War started. What atrocities were committed by the Ukrainians against the Russian speaking people in Eastern Ukraine is nonexistent. The only mantra they are spouting is that Russia invaded Ukraine for no apparent reason. Dr David Oualaalou, a political analyst, always say that nothing ever happens in a vacuum. And to think that even the 'Principled One' choose to believe in all that propaganda is testament to how deceptive it can be.

It is the same with the war in the Middle East, between Israel and Palestine. The war started with the Hamas strike on Israel on October 7, 2023, for no reason they also claimed. Nothing that happened before that is important and can be deleted from history. The seizure of Palestinian lands to build Israel settlements ongoing for years is not important. The sufferings of the Palestinians being evicted is not important. The real genocides committed by the Israelis in Gaza is not important, while fake genocides in Xinjiang is important.

Now the war in the Middle East is escalating with the invasion of Lebanon on the cards. Will there be another front for more genocides? Looks imminent. 


Virgo's morning bread

 Good morning All

Our principled One in the U.N. called for the stoppage of The Dumb Five what's VETO powers that overides the Majority Votes of the Rest of the 188 nations which 150 plus might voted for cessation to the end or ceasefires to the wars or conflicts.

Also now that lame Dick oops apology Duck Sexretary also woke up angrily to condemn the mess.

Of he is just dramas and wayang?

The Nations of China, Russia, Iran and North Korea should intervene straightaway into the senseless Genoide in the M.E.

What's the Peace Keeping or Sleeping UN Forces are for?

Their Main Role is to be the Arbitrator and the Force to stop the conflicts and wars.

Now M.I.A ah?

Then have China, Russia and the North Koreans in to be the Peace Keeping NOT Sleeping Force then.

Big powerful Nations like China and Russia do not raise their fingers to help just talks and threats are useless.

Actions spoke louder than words.

Now the UAss and their hordes of Barbarians and Savages are running amok and you all don't step in to help and fight, they be brazen and thought that they Ruled the Universe.

So China don't just think of making monies lah, do your part and teach these Scoundrols a bitter pay back time.

These Whites are just posturing gang bullies and are cowards lah!

Show your mettle China and Russia and Kim.



Football is not just talent and brawn, and wishful thinking. It is GIGO!

 Still trying to flog the almost dead football horse after so many decades of failure. Goal 2010 was when Singapore was supposed to qualify for the 2010 World Cup in Africa, according to the tall tales teller. That tale was narrated in 1998, twelve years before the 2010 World Cup. What happened?

Football is not a sport that Singapore will be able to excel because the whole world is taking part. We could not even win consistently within ASEAN against the Thais, Malaysians and Indonesians. How far can we go? How much money have been thrown into the black hole without any tinge of a reasonable return. Goal 2010 was just a fairy tale. Even Goal 2100 is an elusive dream.

There are sports that nobody wants to participate in, and Singapore may well stand a chance. Sure, we do have once in 50 years achievements out of the blue, but those are the odd chances, not the norm. 


American democracy working at home?

 Democracy is a system made for the top 1%, by the 1% and for the 1%, with all the wealth accumulated in their hands. The rest of the 90%, give or take the remaining 9% are still relatively wealthy, are not benefiting from the democratic system over the centuries. In fact, poverty, homelessness, drug infestation are getting worse rather than better.

The USA had all the advantages of prosperity for all, having the privilege to print toilet papers at will, but still is unable to eradicate poverty at the bottom of the food chain. Democracy had the ideal of being a system that cares for all, rich or poor, the human rights accorded to them to have a decent life of adequate housing, healthcare and food (not from soup kitchens), but it seems that has now been hijacked to caring only for the super-rich to enable them to get even richer. From millionaires the became billionaires and now breeding a few trillionaires to boot. Is such a system sustainable?


Anglo-Saxons US and UK terrorists thinking of which country to attack every day

 China, Russia, Iran , North Korea and all countries of the South better be wise and be prepared for war which the desperate US and its savage allies will impose on them anytime and at any moment.

The Anglo-Saxons US and UK have nothing better to do than thinking of which country to attack and which country to fight every day in the first break of dawn. They are leading their Western allies and Japan in the same aggressive bellicose confrontational way against China and Russia as well as against Iran and North Korea and the rest of the countries of the South so as to maintain the hegemony of the West headed by the evil United States and UK.

The white European countries headed by US and UK were accustomed to bullying, attacking and invading other non-white countries with impunity for the last five hundred years. As they were endorsed and supported in their aggressions and wanton irrational wars on others by their Christian faith, their Christian God, Jesus Christ they were very much emboldened. They thought it was natural for them the chosen race or chosen people of God to trample on other people.

Now they want to treat China in the same way as before in the 19th century - treating China and the Chinese people with same derision and irrational contempt. However, in their frenzy for wanting to bring China down again they choose to forget that the China of the 21st century is not the same as the China of the 18th century. Today's China is a mighty vibrant energetic Dragon with nuclear teeth that is ready and prepared to
breathe down the fire of death to all Western warmongers and aggressors that are so blind as not to realise the truth. Any Western country or a combination of all Western countries will meet their nemesis in their diabolical plot to start an irrational war against China. This I have mentioned many times in my previous articles on the matter
