
The USA will not let the world have peace until it achieves its goal of World Hegemony .

The United States will not let the world have peace until it achieves its goal of World Hegemony. It's a pipe dream. Under the leadership of Russia, Iran and China the BRICS countries and other countries of the South in Africa, South America, Asia and the Arabs muslims Middle East will never let it happen. The demon political leaders and politicians in US and EU must look themselves into the mirror to see if they are qualified. They are a bunch of mixed bag scums, rotten trash, low end thugs, hoodlums, brigands, rogues and scoundrels. They are thinking too much of themselves. 

The free world and countries of the South must never trust USA/West in all talks and negotiations for they never mean to keep and honour it. The moment they walk out of the talks' venue they will treat all agreements agreed upon as null and void. Then they go back to do the same dirty schemes and plots. 

There are many perspectives to look into as to why the US and its European allies are so savage and aggressive that for thousands of years they have been giving the world troubles and miseries to no end. Just like the Jews the white people from Europe especially the Anglo-Saxons claim that they are the chosen people of God. The Anglo-British and its offspring the US also think they are a superior race just as the Germans did. So as a superior race they feel entitled and expect all non-white people must be subservient to them to their control. Nothing less than their dominance is acceptable to them. 

But of course other people don't feel that way especially people from ancient civilizations like Egypt, Iraq, Arabia, Persia or Iran and China or Russia. So how can an upstart like USA which erupted from violent breakaway from British hostile colonisation of North America only about 250 years ago in 1776 claim superiority to lord over all other non-white countries in this global earth. It is a sort of really preposterous and unacceptable. 

But as the US persists on its path of world hegemony it becomes very irrationally aggressive and create wars to achieve its insane objective of world dominance. Previously US could attack and invade small or big but weak countries and got away with impunity. The US had destroyed all the self-governing native American states through genocide and acquired by force from Mexico the states of Texas, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming, New Mexico and California, a combine territory of one million six hundred and sixty-five thousand square miles or half of present United States of America. 

Then US proceeded to attack and invade Hawaii and took over Hawaii Islands through a combination of deception, subterfuge and military might. It also occupied Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines through war and subterfuge in 1898 when it drove out Spain from these three territories. It also went on to grab and control all the South Pacific Island countries with impunity as these islanders do not have the means and power of resistance. 

In 1967 US took control of Diego Garcia Islands in the Indian Ocean through subterfuge via deception and betrayal by the British the former colonial occupier of these islands. US then used the military bases it built on Diego Garcia Islands in its attack and invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia and Sudan. 

From the aforementioned description of US past wild savage invasions that it felt it was so easy like eating a piece of cake. Then it tried to do the same to North Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan and found it too late that these were hard nuts to crack and was thus dully defeated. The United States doesn't seem to learn any lesson from its defeat in Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan. It tries to do the same to China, Russia and Iran. But however, being a coward it dare not confront these three powers directly but guillely tries to use its allies as pawns to fight these three powerful big countries as its proxy wars. 

In the case of Russia it is using Ukraine and against Iran it is using the hateful Zionist Jews in Israel. As against China it is arming and instigating Taiwan to rebel and fight for secession. In all its diabolical undertakings to achieve its geopolitical motive for world hegemony USA is creating unnecessary risk and danger for nuclear war against Russia, China, Iran and North Korea which will definitely bring total destruction to mankind and end to humanity on global earth. 

Why is Anglo-Saxon US so hard headed and pig headed that it is suffering from a comatose brain not to see the lethal danger ahead? Why does it insist and persist on dominating the whole world and pose the mortal danger to mankind and humanity? The American people must wake up and stop their psychopath warhawk leaders from this dangerous path to nuclear war and end of mankind. 

Similarly sane citizens in all European countries who are allies of US must do likewise to stop their neurotic leaders from following the US road to destruction. But US and its allies like to falsely portray other countries like Russia, Iran, North Korea and China as evil aggressors. These countries have no overseas military bases in which USA have over a thousand and France and England have many. So where does aggression come from. It comes from having foreign military bases and the power to trample on others with impunity and so it clearly shows Western countries are aggressive warhawks especially the US, England and France. The evil diabolical aggression of US and the West must be stopped henceforth and be destroyed and send into oblivion. 

 Southernglory1 Saturday, 28th September, 2024


Virgo49 said...

Right Southernglory1

The Americunts are the Scums of the Earth!

Those who sucked up to them are real sickos and imbeciles.

Let their All Mighty Crusade God destroyed them.


Anonymous said...

Americans and the West have been using their media to lie to the world for centuries that they were the good guys, not murderers, rapists, invaders, plunderers, terrorists etc etc.

Anonymous said...

The evil Anglo-Saxon United States think it can spearhead the return of the West colonialism and imperialism to this world. But it is hoping against hope for the US and the West are in their dying days suffering endless malaise of their own making. They spend trillions of dollars on irrational wars but never know how to take care of their citizens. The end of the United States is a certainty.

Anonymous said...

Just look at the choatic state everywhere in US and Europe. There is no semblance of dignity and order in their parliaments. Robbing and killing is a daily occurrence everywhere in the US. Their politicians and political leaders behave more like lunatic clowns and mentally deranged persons lacking in self-respect and dignity. How can these sychophants rule the world. The West is really finished.

Anonymous said...

The economic might of China and the gigantic military power of Russia and China will stop and prevent the return of US and Western colonialism and imperialism. Let them try for it will be the end of US and the West.

Anonymous said...

De-dollarization is the only way for the world to have peace. For the world to have peace, the military power of the USA must be curtailed. Next there must be a new global currency and settlement system for BRICS countries to trade without being under the control of the Anglo-Saxon Whites.

The world must be able to see clearly that the Anglo-Saxon Whites are now ganging up together to help preserve the US$ hegemony. Non-White countries must put aside their differences and unite to be able to succeed in getting rid of this global evil terrorist.

Anonymous said...

US is strongly agains China because China is the only country in the world that can compete successfully against the US in economics , industries, trade and commerce, science and technology, cyber space, space technology, semiconductors, politics and last and most important militarily. US and its Western allies do not want to see China helping countries of the South in Africa and South America arise because they feel they are robbed of the opportunity to continuously rape and exploit the countries of the two continents which they have been exploiting for yhe last few hundred years. US and the West help for other countries is basically hogwash thin air and the only tangible thing can be seen of their help are the military bases which they use them to threaten the security and sovereignty of the victimised countries. On the contrary China's aid is selfless and respectful on a mutual win-win basis.

Anonymous said...

The US Pentagon Military Industrial Complex never want to have world peace and constantly create permanent wars so that Pentagon can churn up weapons nonstop for its nefarious activities in weapons trading in fomenting more wars. When there are no wars US economy will flounder and perish.