
Lebanon - Insane Israeli attacked killed 492 Lebanese...Or is it Insane Arabs?

 In one raid, the Israelis killed 492 Lebanese and wounding thousands, and audaciously threatened the Lebanese that more raids and more killings would come if the Lebanese did not stop supporting the Palestinians. The Lebanese cried insanity, how could the Israelis killed so many of their civilians so easily?

I look at this as a joke on the Lebanese and the Arab and Muslim world. In one single bombing raid, the Israelis killed more Lebanese than 10 months of bombing by the Hezbollah using thousands and thousands of rockets and missiles inside Israel. This is the real insanity of the Arab and Muslim world, of the Lebanese and Hezbollah. And they screamed success, victory, every time a single rocket exploded in the wilderness in Israel, maybe killing 1 Israelis.

In total, the Israelis have killed more than 41,000 Palestinians, women and children and civilians, wounding hundreds of thousands, and flattening the whole of Gaza. What did the Arab resistance achieved against these numbers? All the big cities in Israel, Tel Aviv, Haifa, etc etc are practically unscathed, as if nothing happened there, life is normal, no signs of war. This is the real insanity! Caveat. the Houthis did a reasonably good job. Respect.

It is becoming clear that the rockets or missiles thrown into Israel by the Hezbollah and other resistance groups are like fire crackers, not meant to cause any damage, or carelessly thrown across the border just for show. The Arab and Muslim resistance fighters are a joke! The whole Arab and Muslim world is a joke. 1.2b of them being threatened and blackmailed by 6m Jews and being beaten as the Israelis chose to, at their own time, own pace, at any target they chose. 

What is going on? More firecrackers to be thrown at the Israelis into wasteland, far away from the cities, so that they would not hurt any Israelis, only to anger the Israelis to return with heavy bombings, with huge bombs to wipe out homes and cities and killing in the hundreds or thousands of Arabs?

What is the real insanity?


Anonymous said...

The Arabs and Muslims should keep talking to the Americans, their white gods. One day the Americans may help them. After 70 years of lies still believing in the liars that are massacring their brothers and sisters. Still paying visits to the White House for consultation.
What is insanity? Insanity is believing in the devils, while knowing and seeing the devils killing their own kind...and still believing.

Anonymous said...

Israel says:

“Hamas is using Palestinian people as human shields.”

Which means, however many civilians Israel kills, it’s the fault of Hamas.

Israel says:

“Hezbollah is using Lebanese people as human shields.”

Which means, however many civilians Israel kills, it’s the fault of Hezbollah.

Anonymous said...

Logic of the devils.

Anonymous said...

The Arab and Muslim world is a living tragedy happening in slow motion. And they are happily divided and waiting for their turn to be destroyed and their country taken over by their 'friends'.

Anonymous said...

Lebanon will be in big trouble as it has no air power and no air defence. Russia and Iran should hurry some air defence system to take down the bombers from Israel and the USA.