
Buying a Rolls Royce?

 If one is rich, buying a Rolls Royce would be on the card. It is a dream car, a prestige. Let's say someone from the Red Dot wants to buy a Rolls Royce. And he is a nobody but got a lot of money. The Brits do not sell Rolls Royce to anyone. Only to customers they feel happy to sell to.

So, this Red Dot nobody customer calls on Rolls Royce to make an order and Rolls Royce would make their assessment, to sell or not to sell, is the customer a friend or a foe. For a nobody customer, even if Rolls Royce wants to sell, it is going to place a lot of conditions. It would not just be a simple business deal between a buyer and a seller.

Very likely Rolls Royce would dictate who can use, drive the car, and if the buyer eventually wants to sell it, who can the buyer sell to. Other than its reputation, Rolls Royce would want to protect its trade secrets, and the Rolls Royce must not end up in enemy's hand.

Being a nobody from Red Dot, the price would not be cheap. Rolls Royce would want to mark it up knowing that this Red Dot buyer is an eager buyer and would pay whatever Rolls Royce asked for. After all it is easy money, and this Red Dot buyer has a lot of money to throw around, a nouveau riche.

When money is not a problem, very likely OPM, the deal should be closed quite easily. But no. Rolls Royce has other conditions. Yes, they will sell. But the Rolls Royce car must be parked in the UK, used in the UK, serviced by UK agents. The Red Dot customer must fly to UK to use the car. Since he is so rich, flying to UK for holidays and get to drive around in the Rolls Royce may not be a bad idea. Better still, buy a big house with plenty of parking spaces and can buy a few Rolls Royce to park there and have the bragging right to tell everyone that he has several Rolls Royce to play with. This arrangement means having to cough out more money to buy property and hire servants etc etc just for the privilege of owning a toy kept in a far away land.

What would you do if you are this Red Dot customer? Would you buy a Rolls Royce that you can see and touch once a while, but cannot bring it home to use it whenever you need it? In a way, Rolls Royce is behaving like a colonial master and treating you as a British subject, to be subjected to its Rules Based Order, to be decided by the colonial master, and your Rolls Royce would always be in UK, de facto owned by the Brits and can be seized by the Brits whenever they are not happy with you, a kind of blackmail or ransom. 

What do you think?


  1. The nobody red dot customer just want to feel his ego went up a notch by declaring to everyone that he also own a RR. Whether the RR is park in his house or not, don't matter since it is using opm to buy. All this while, this guy is happy to be someone lapdog as long as he enjoy his luxury life & power.

  2. RR is only for those Part time multi millionaires and even some billionaires by now the White Termites for many many years with their million dollars remunerations and also many many other appointments as First and Second Sergeants or Acting Sergeants etc in other Ministries.

    Wow, combined with their other even just a photo shoot for many many corporations and companies who just wanted Elite Status for their prominent faces just for shows or public listings as Exec Directors to gain public confidence in their businesses.

    Wow chia bey liao ah!

    Whereas Sinkies been so brains washed that it's class and ok and elites to ride bicycles with so many Parks Connectors specially built for you.

    Even their Elites just to show their faces propaganding that they are also riding with you on the bikes rode with their class what's Brompton bikes that costs a few hundred thousands compared to yours in renting or riding an AnyWheel or SGbike.

    Also ahem, that Brompton bike also may be a gift from some currying some favours.

    Also, under one Elite with a Mercedes that can drive but cannot know how to park her car in a parallel parking lot had her so called body guard to park for her.

    Wow just a puny some high official already needed a body guard.

    Must have notion had many enemies or some wanted her throat.

    Also they implemented some silly policy that footpaths are shared by pedestrians and those on bikes that some old and young folks been maimed and killed by some that they now tried to put a stop on it.

    Never brains storming what's are the consequences in any policy that may caused harms to many.

    Sheltered walkways now installed with those unsightly barriers to just slow down or stop those unthinking bikers from riding too fast from knocking down some poor souls.

    The pedestrians also had to squeeze in line to go thru.

    What's a waste of public funds that could be used for some real benefits.

    RR is for those who are coming down soon to Sinkeland for those filthy rich as in a report that now high class condos are been
    snapped up by them.

    They, with their smart or cunning tactics in their hosts countries that consficated or ursurped those foolish companies that do businesses in their country that had so called contravened their laws.

    They are bringing their relationships and comradeships.to a higher level as suggested by them and agreeable by us.

    Soon, we shall be swarmed by them and be as servile servants to them.

    Also as many sixty over thousands may soon be on the unemployment benefits as forecasted by them, these swamps of locusts and termites shall made it a few hundred thousands more.

    So Sinkies, your only last hope is ahem the coming Big One to change you and your children or your grandchildren's fate of the future.

    Lose it and Heavens help you.

    Just like their VERs scheme of their future.

    Where you have to top up a few hundred thousands to elevate your lease of the new flat that
    in their estates renewal schemes in the near future.

    Only hope as is called VERs i.e.voluntary Estate Resettlement, a vote of consent by the majority must be obtained before they could force you to shift.

    But, do you think the Sinkies will cooperate on this?

    Most are selfish and unthinking like sheep to slaughter.

    Anyway no eyes see.

    1. https://www.firstpost.com/world/narendra-modi-brunei-singapore-visit-live-updates-sultan-hassanal-bolkiah-live-updates-13811512.html

    2. https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS2UTHspy/

      SDP Chee on their recommendation for the retrenched and jobless.

      To be copied by the PAP.

  3. Oops forget to add.

    The Consent one!

    That's VERs lah!

    Before they could kick you out to shift!

    Don't worry, they shall their Scholars Think Tanks to find a way to make sure that you shall agree.

    Mark my words.

    They had brilliant scholars to keng their ways.

  4. Is he gay? He went around the world hugging men like hugging women?
