
The Americans, Australians, Canadians and Kiwis are not malicious to their natives anymore? Every time they hurled abuses at others, it is time to expose their crimes against humanity

 In many ways, the European usurpers of the lands they robbed from the natives of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are behaving like angels today. Many of them are so caring for the welfare and well beings of the natives of the land they robbed and stole. Alright, many Aussies are still bullying and hating the aborigines of Australia outrightly, without even trying to conceal their disdain for the aborigines.

The Americans can talk about caring for the few survivors of the millions of natives they genocided over the centuries until they are almost extinct. So now they can boast about setting up reservations to protect and save these dying species of human beans. And why not, after stealing all their lands to call it their own? All the wealth of the Americans were stolen from the natives, so now pretending to be kind, to throw a few leftovers under the table is no trouble at all. And there is no need to be malicious to the almost extinct natives. The Americans and the Anglo Saxons could not find any natives to be malicious with.

The same story can be applied to the Canadians, the Australians and the white New Zealanders. They are like angels to the natives, so caring and loving, so protective of the natives. They are NOT malicious to the natives anymore. There is no reason to after robbing their land and all the wealth that came with it. Not only that, they managed to convince the natives that they are the major owners of their land. And the powerless natives just accept their fate, that the white men are also owners of their land.

See, the white New Zealanders now even got to cheek to slime China for being malicious, to who, to the native s of New Zealand? Were the forefathers of the white New Zealanders, of the Americans, Canadians and Australians not malicious to the natives? Maybe not, as malicious is a relative word. Malicious is nothing compare to the massacres and genocides conducted by the forefathers of these white invaders. Now they are rich because of the barbarity and cruelties committed on the natives, so can afford to be nice to the victims of their plunders and butchery. The evilness of the white men when they landed in America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are on records even if they hid them and did not want to talk about them.

Stop the pretence that they are angels today, protector of human rights and abuses against the natives. You are all descendants of murderers, butchers, thieves, robbers, rapists, plunderers and criminals.


  1. The real irony is that they are now using the protection of human rights and democracy as their weapon against those not toeing the line. It is no longer communism, with terrorism losing leverage as well. After all, the USA itself is the biggest terrorist, and not running away from the fact that Israel is terrorizing the Palestinians in Gaza. The pot calling the kettle black is not a good excuse.

    What human rights are the Anglo-Saxon Whites talking about with all the genocides they committed throughout history. Putin said it in no uncertain terms that what the USA did itself, it will use it to accuse others of doing it. They think that accusing others of doing it will make them more angel-like in the eyes of the world. The more they tried to dodge or deflect the genocide issue by accusing others, the more their dirty big lie gets dug up from history. Nobody will ever believe that Satan will just turn into an angel to save the world.

    The MSM will never talk about the genocides, so exposing them is not that easy. That is why repeating them on social media must be the only way to educate those not aware to take an interest in understanding the truth that had been denied to them for decades.

    And the truth about China is now slowly being realized through foreigner's eyes visiting China in droves. They could not believe their eyes and now knows that they had been sold blatant lies that obliterated the truth very well.

  2. Western nations are rich today because they had stolen massively from non-white countries.

    Just visit any British museum and you can see the proof of their loot.

  3. Loots and monied running out.

    No more abilities to work.

    Be Papuers soon.

    Go go and take your summer lazy holidays.

    Americunts in debts Just for lesiure and be eating swills soon.

  4. That was how the Native American Indians with primitive mindsets fell for the words of angels coming to spread their beliefs to save them and the Native Indians ended up losing their land. The same with the Australian Aborigines. The same with the Pacific Islanders.

    The Chinese and Indians, with their thousands of years of civilization and religious heritage did not fall under the spell of the angels out to con them of their land and did not hand over their land in exchange for the holy book.

    In China, where religion failed to work, they forced drugs upon them, using gunboat diplomacy to open up the country to their drug trade. That failed and they tried splitting China into concessions, like in Africa, and gathered eight nations ganging up to share the loot dividing concessions for each to govern. It failed too. Then came the trade war, which did not work as well. Now it is technology stifling and sanctioning. We shall see whether it works or backfires.

  5. Hi Anon 2.35

    Now their Pope going round the Asian Countries especially the Muslims Ones and talked Peace to All.

    Do you think the White Barbarians will heed his calls?

    Not on your lifes!

    Saw a live telecast on the Indon Channel of how President Joko welcomed him with such grace and humility.

    Do you think they will response the same?

    As I said NOT on your lifes!

    For years they been ingrained that they needed to evangelize the world with their Doctrine and they are already extremes in their thinking.

    With us or against us even in their religion of their ONLY true God of Salvation.

    Non believers beware!

    With us or Against Us!

    You choose!

  6. ST reports Pope urges Indonesian Leaders to guard against any religious extremism.

    Who are the REAL Terrorists Pope?

    What's a Joke!
