
Putin received red carpet in Mongolia. Zelensky still in delusion that he is emperor calling the shot

 Putin received a red-carpet treatment with a Guard of Honor welcome. The collective West saw red, with Putin defying them with this visit to a country that is a member of the ICC. This is a slap on the face of the West, visiting a country which is a member of the ICC and walking free like Benjemin Netanyahu. What Bibi can do, Putin is telling them I can do better, including receiving such a welcome. Zelensky has red eyes crying about his call to Mongolia which had been totally ignored.

What is really shameful is getting silenced by Mongolia's act of giving Putin such exalted treatment and ignoring Zelensky like a stray dog barking with no bite. If he had just kept quiet and not been calling for Putin's arrest, he could at least have saved a little face by not being totally rendered ignoramus. Now he is threatening Mongolia with punishment. How is he going to do that? Run to papa USA for help? USA is trying to court Mongolia to get at their rare earth reserves and in turn Mongolia knows who is more important for its long-term interest. Mongolia has to live with its two neighbors for eternity, while its relations with the USA is just temporary at best.

With the discussion of the Power of Siberia 2 across Mongolia obviously on the table for re- negotiating after representations by China, which is not without merit, Mongolia would be smart enough to know what is more important - relations with the two neighbors that cannot be divorced and will be permanent or cater to the collective West that is far and away. Cementing ties with Russia and China must therefore rank above falling for a bet that will turn Mongolia into a squeezed sponge devoid of a future to progress. The USA is not interested in Mongolia's future, only in its rare earth and other mineral resources. 



  1. Zelensky is so rattled by his failure to make Mongolia arrest Putin, he is emptying his cabinet (like filing cabinets being changed now and then) and putting in new corrupted ones. Those that are selected are like our own TOTO millionaires. Oh yes, just like Trump draining the swamp, but nothing happened to the dirty stuff inside it. The USA is one swamp that can never be drained, because that swamp is being used by both parties, Republicans and Democrats alike.

  2. While the world had been enthralled by the warm welcome that Putin received in Mongolia, another warm welcome was given to 53 African leaders in Beijing hosted under the China-Africa summit. This is another rude awakening for the USA and the West after Mongolia. Few Western MSM covered this China-Africa summit event, but behind the scenes they are deeply worried seeing the expanding influence of China in Africa.

    Xi Jinping already promised initial US$60 billion funding for Africa's development, with agreements signed with some African countries already done deals. And the West is again touting the issue of debt traps for African countries arising from all this.

    Let us be honest. Just because African countries are seen as having scant ability to repay their unsustainable debts, are progress to be denied to them just like when they were under the Anglo-Saxon colonial rule? While denying African countries the route to progress and uplifting their living conditions knowing that they cannot repay their debts, why did the Anglo-Saxons continue to plunder the continent, making them even more poverty-stricken

    China's debts are tied to development, clearly visible, and perhaps used to offset the raw materials allocated to China in exchange that Africa possess, instead of a one-ay traffic of being exploited by the Anglo-Saxon Colonial rulers with no return in development.

    Any sensible and responsible leader in Africa will know which should be the better alternative to choose. A fair exchange of aid for resources is far more equitable than no aid and yet suffering the indignity of having resources being exploited and plundered. That is in addition to denying Africa the right to develop and progress for being poor.

  3. Zelensky is having another TOTO draw. Ukraine will soon have more millionaires than any other NATO countries, LOL.

  4. Living in the most corrupt county in Europe have its privileges.
