
Atrocious and arrogant American terrorists insulting and humiliating the Arab and Muslim World

 American warships are all over the eastern Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf to aid the Israelis in the genocide of the Palestinians and stealing their land, directly or indirectly.

USS Wasp, a helicopter carrier attack ship in the Mediterranean Sea, sent there to protect the Israelis in case of an escalation of the war caused by the non stop massacre of the Palestinians. The soldiers in the ship were there to help the Israelis to attack and kill Arab and Muslim forces when needed to. And what did this ship do to invite the anger and hate of the Arab and Muslim world, especially the Muslims in Turkey?

They are the Arab and Muslim killers and got the audacity to dock in Izmir Port in Turkey for R and R. Can you believe that, with their mission to fight and kill Arab and Muslim soldiers but went for vacation in a  Muslim state, to enjoy the hospitality of the Muslim people!

This incurred the wrath of the Muslim Turks, and two American marines were attacked. They were lucky not to be hurt. But more anger and protest followed the attack and all shore leaves for the marines were cancelled. If the USS Wasp does not leave the port immediately, do not be surprised that it would be attacked in a matter of time.

Maybe the Americans believe not all the Arab and Muslim people are pro Palestinians and some are still dying to party and sleep with the Americans despite the horrific crimes against their Muslim brothers and sisters in Gaza, and the West Bank in particular and the Palestine in general.

Is this true, that some Arab and Muslim states are still buddy buddy with the Americans and the Israelis, the butchers of their Palestinian brothers and sisters? Why would Turkey allow the American warship into its Port in a time like this? Is Turkey also supporting the Americans in the genocide of the Palestinians?


  1. Turkey is a member of NATO and already part of the war mongering alliance. Unless Turkey leaves NATO, allowing Turkey to join BRICS is going to be a very serious mistake.

    Russia ought to include this ruling that those who join in any alliance with the USA involved in their midst, must not be allowed to join BRICS, just like telling would be interested countries that those who joined in sanctioning, either against Russia or other BRICS members are not allowed to join BRICS. Clear and simple.

    Turkey had already been used by the USA, under the umbrella of NATO in 1962, to host nukes, all with the intention of targeting Russia. This was the same objective of surrounding Russia with nukes as what they are attempting to do against China. Had Russia been on their side today, Mongolia would be under their control and may be used to harbor nukes to confront China. This is no idle conjecture or conspiracy theory.

    In the South, the USA is eyeing Vietnam to be lured into their corner to go against China, with a new leader taking over. Myanmar is also in their sight. The Myanmar Military's taking over the rule of Myanmar from all their expensive effort in cultivating and installing Aung Saan Suu Kyi was all in vain and an expensive loss for them. Likewise expensive losses suffered with the death of Alexei Navalny, another Russian asset that they were cultivating and propping up for decades to go against Putin. If Vietnam or Myanmar falls to the dark side, that will be a real National Security issue for China to contend with.

  2. The Anglo-Saxon whites still love Turkeys. They cannot have Christmas dinner parties without them. So, NATO's turkey cannot go yelping around telling everyone it is abandoning NATO Christmas dinner party and joining the bricks party. The Anglo-Saxon whites will strangle the turkey rather than allowing that to happen.

    No, I think it is a ploy. Do not trust turkeys.

  3. U.N. demanded probe just one Americunt activist killed.

    Hundreds over thousands Palestinians killed and they kept mum.

    Americunts lives more valuable than others?

    Hypocrites and scums

  4. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. To show its sincerity, Turkey must first leave NATO in order to join BRICS. There is no such thing as straddling two boats.

    But then the Mafia will warn Turkey that 'You are either with US or against US'. So, what to do?

    Nah, Turkey will not leave NATO. The Whites will make sure NATO does not break up. The Whites are terrified of the USA losing its hegemony and are closing ranks to support the hegemon, even sacrificing themselves. If Turkey leaves, that indicates that NATO is breaking up as others like Hungary are hanging lose. That is why NATO countries are supporting Ukraine and Israel at all costs and wanting to escalate the war in both places.

  5. Turkey is only useful to split up the Arab and Muslim world, keeping Turkey in the European camp. Other than this, Turkey is irrelevant to the whites and can leave NATO and they would not care a hoot about it.
    In a way it is the same as India in Quad. India would never be accepted as white or AngloSaxon. Japan is honorary white, a rare exception.

  6. Turkey is important to the USA. The USA still have nukes stationed in Turkey since 1962 and have never been removed. Turkey is also an important gateway into the Black Sea vis the Bosphorus Straits, which on the surface is controlled by Turkey, but in reality, and insidiously, is still under the control of the USA and NATO. Just like the Panama Canal and Suez Canal. Do not be blinded by the propaganda machine.

    Turkey is more important to the Anglo-Saxon Whites than India due to its geographical position and geopolitical importance. Those nukes still in Turkey tells us the obvious. The USA will not remove them and neither can Turkey want them out or turn against NATO. Once you join the
    Dark Dide, you cannot extricate yourself and have to die for the Dark Side. Just like joining the Mafia, where getting out only means certain death.

    India's importance to the USA is just to counter China, and its consumer market that they are eyeing will take decades to develop, knowing how things move in India. The world will probably change in terms of consumer habits and choices that the USA and the West cannot hope to compete in India by then. Just take EVs as an example that even giants like German Volkswagen have been beaten to a pulp and closing factories in Germany resulting in job losses of hundreds of thousands.
