
Africa chooses China for growth after centuries of plunder and exploitation by the white colonialists

 While the world had been enthralled by the warm welcome that Putin received in Mongolia, another warm welcome was given to 53 African leaders in Beijing hosted under the China-Africa summit. This is another rude awakening for the USA and the West after Mongolia. Few Western MSM covered this China-Africa summit event, but behind the scenes they are deeply worried seeing the expanding influence of China in Africa.

Xi Jinping already promised initial US$60 billion funding for Africa's development, with agreements signed with some African countries already done deals. And the West is again touting the issue of debt traps for African countries arising from all this.

Let us be honest. Just because African countries are seen as having scant ability to repay their unsustainable debts, are progress to be denied to them just like when they were under the Anglo-Saxon colonial rule? While denying African countries the route to progress and uplifting their living conditions knowing that they cannot repay their debts, why did the Anglo-Saxons continue to plunder the continent, making them even more poverty-stricken

China's debts are tied to development, clearly visible, and perhaps used to offset the raw materials allocated to China in exchange that Africa possess, instead of a one-ay traffic of being exploited by the Anglo-Saxon Colonial rulers with no return in development.

Any sensible and responsible leader in Africa will know which should be the better alternative to choose. A fair exchange of aid for resources is far more equitable than no aid and yet suffering the indignity of having resources being exploited and plundered. That is in addition to denying Africa the right to develop and progress for being poor.



  1. Not just Africa choosing China. South American countries, with some exceptions like Argentina, are choosing China as well. Same as the Middle East countries. Same as the Central Asian countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan and a few others. They have eyes and can see clearly the winds of change blowing across the world.

    With all the rhetoric about climate change in their narratives, the USA and the West are targeting Chinese EVs. This runs counter to their narrative of supporting renewable energy stance and departing from fossil fuel that is contributing to climate change. It is all hypocrisy and nothing more. Forget about the claims of subsidies by the Chinese Government for Chinese EV makers. It is no more than the same modus operandi employed by the USA Government in their Inflation Reductions Act and Chips Alliances, which are all linked to massive subsidies thrown in to lure manufacturers to set up shop in the USA. The subsidies the USA Government throws at them puts the Chinese subsidies in the shade. So, it is a moot point to argue about unfair trade practices which the USA Government employed itself and blaming the Chinese Government for doing the same. Chinese EV manufacturers are able to compete so well because of the availability of cheap energy and well-oiled supply chains that they could leveraged on, plus cheaper labor cost, which the USA will spin as 'slave labor' if they have no other grounds to argue against.

  2. Good morning All

    When the UAss summoned the African Leaders to their BS Summit, they were herded into a type of School Bus, not to really insults the Americunts a Coach where the African Ledaers are Heads of their respective Countries.

    Come on Hello Presidents and PMs
    you know.

    This is really disrespect and were insulted as Minor Humans to their White Supermacy.

    Also whole group NOT even given a time to speak their opinions.

    Just a photo shoot that you are here as the vassals and slaves of the UAssA.

    Whereas China gave each and every one a Full Red Carpet Ceremonial Welcome as equals.

    So the African Leaders shall definitely leaned towards and cooperate with China.

    They are subjected to be on friendly and Co relations with China.

    They shall gladly traded with China all their resources and in return China would help develop their infrastructures and industries.

    NOT to demand.that you shall obey the White Barbarains and we shall bomb you if you dared not cooperate.

    So this is the different scenario of the cooperation between the African Leaders and China with the African Leaders and the White Savages.
