
Angmoh tua kee went shopping for buses in Europe but ended up buying Chinese EV buses

 When angmoh tua kee goes shopping, with a lot of money in his pocket, his destination will be America or Europe, to get the best money can buy. Paris, London, New York etc etc are the Meccas for angmoh tua kee. So, when angmoh tua kee wants to buy buses or trains, they would by instinct head for America or Europe. American and European products are the best, the most technologically advanced product to be had.

This time they had a rude shock in Europe. Practically all the European capitals are running on Chinese EV buses. They found out that the new EV bus standard for quality and efficiency are Chinese EV buses. BYD has 80% share of the American EV buses. Chinese EV buses have 30% share across the whole of Europe and the number goes much higher in UK, France, Denmark and the Nordic states. During the Paris Olympic Games, all the EV buses carrying the athletes were from China, bought brand new for the occasion. The European states are going for Chinese EV buses, abandoning their own less efficient and obsolete buses.

BYD is not even the biggest Chinese EV manufacturers. Yutong is number one, and there are many other Chinese brands selling their EVs all over the world with each brand cornering specific market with their specially tailored made specifications for the special needs of each country, the artic states, the high and dry desert states, the high humidity tropical states.

Chinese EV buses are the top sellers all over the world and dominating the world market. And angmoh tua kee had no choice but to settle for Chinese EV buses, the best EVs money can buy. The Europeans and Americans are testaments to the goodness and quality of Chinese EVs.

Chinese EVs and many products are now world leaders in terms of quality, efficiency and cost effectiveness. China is setting the standard for consumer goods and appliances as well. Anything about EVs, high speed trains, AI and robotics, etc, etc China is the name! 

Funnily and strangely, angmoh tua kee's notion of quality is still angmoh number one, India number two. China last, buying China when there is no better choice. Some refusing to speak to the Chinese in Mandarin in Singapore, when Mandarin is an official language of Singapore. The Speak Mandarin Campaign was dead and forgotten for some time.

PS. Some anti EV critics are shrieking about the high risk of fire with EVs. How come no such incidence of Chinese EVs, cars or buses on fire when there are millions on the roads, all over the world? Can you imagine what the American and western media, Channel News America would do should a Chinese EV caught fire? Front page headline, all over the news!


  1. On particular social media site is famous for putting up unrealistic news about China. So unrealistic that it boggles the mind. Too many cars parked in a hospital compound was being hyped up as patients queuing in Chinese hospitals during COVID when there was actually a conference being held inside the hospital.

    A car catching fire was reported as Chinese EVs on fire throughout China. 30 million EVs are sold worldwide by Chinese automakers. Cars catching fire are a commonplace event anywhere in the world. Even cars like a Lamborghini catches fire here in Singapore. How many Lamborghinis are there in Singapore?

    A flood due to heavy rain in China was hyped up as China being destroyed by floods. Sensational news but just clickbait. China floods happen every year and battling floods happens everywhere around the world. China rivers, the Huang He floods every year and is known as 'The River of Sorrow' for its devastation over the centuries. Yet China still stands after each and every flooding. Did China go underwater?

    Hainan is now being touted as being destroyed by Typhoon Yagi sweeping across the Island. Sensational news indeed! Crying wolf too many times makes it unrealistic. Only the stupid and foolish will believe in them.

  2. In sinkiesland, the person who went shopping for public buses probably own a car & never take public transport. Some new buses design are not comfortable for passengers at all. This person should employ the amtk principle and purchase buses (with seat) that is fit for angmo..what do you think?
