
History is contorted to whitewash the crimes of the Anglo-Saxon Imperialist...Singapore was founded by Raffles?

 Even history is contorted to whitewash the crimes of the Anglo-Saxon Imperialist. The two nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were spun into saving lives by stopping the war. The real historical reality behind it, according to some historical analysts, was the USA wanting to take the spot as the first nuclear power to possess the bomb ahead of the Soviet Union. In case the message was not clear enough, they needed to drop the second bomb. Sacrificing millions just to tell the world that the USA has arrived?

The USA lost the first man in space title to the Soviet Union, so they faked the moon landing to go one up on the Soviet Union. John F. Kennedy told the country that the USA must go to the moon to regain its prestige, at all costs. Even by fakery?

History is what was written by those who wants the world to believe in what they wanted the future generations to remember, not the reality, but the fabrication. The first pilgrims landing in North America were touted as wanting to spread the message of God. Or was the intent to commit genocide of the Native American Indians in order to rob their land. What that also a con written into the history books?

All those Anglo-Saxon discoveries of continents are just hogwash. Who were those already living on those continents and were they not the original discoverers and inhabitants without needing the Anglo-Saxon pirates to add their names into the history books? Marco Polo would have been the discoverer of China, had the Chinese Civilization not already existed thousands of years before him.



Anonymous said...

They lie, cheat and steal. And what they wrote into the history books - contorted of course, was sanitized in order to claim credit where credit is not due.

Zheng He, a Chinese admiral, explorer, diplomat and bureaucrat should rightly have his name carved into the history books for all the countries he 'founded' long before Raffles was born. What was the intent of being an explorer and hoping to achieve? To discover of course and Zheng He had a long list of countries he visited but never claimed he 'founded' unlike Raffles or other Anglo-Saxon White explorers. Zheng He's voyages had touched many countries long before the Portuguese seized Malacca and later the Dutch took over. Zheng He's voyages reached even as far as the Arabian Peninsula and East Africa according to sources. By the way, Zheng He was also a Muslim serving the Chinese Emperor then. That even a Muslim was able to reach that exalted position in Chinese history is an indication of how benevolent the Chinese system of Government had already developed at that stage.

Mahathir commented that when Zheng He visited Malacca, he came in peace and left in peace. When the Portuguese first saw Malacca, their green bulging eyes had only one motive and that was to take Malacca under their thumb. They left and came back with an armada of ships - gunboat diplomacy was used. The same gunboat diplomacy used by all the Anglo-Saxon barbarians around the world.

Anonymous said...

The Anglo-Saxon barbarians do not understand the use of the two words 'civilized diplomacy'. All they believe in is about gunboat diplomacy. The same mindset still existing in their present state.