
Who would China want as the next US president, Biden or Trump?

 This is like a choice between the devil and the deep blue sea. Or better, between the scoundrel and a demented old man. What kind of choice is this? This is the best of American democracy, when the Americans are supposed to choose two of the most capable men to be their president, to lead their country. Instead, they are forced to choose two of the most unsuitable men that would lead them to history. One would lead by cheating, swearing and sleeping around. Another would lead by being led by whoever is handling him, holding his arm so that he does not fall or what into the wrong place.

Is this a political system that would throw up the best man to lead a country? Who would think this is the ideal political system, the best in the world, the best of a country? In reality, this is fake democracy, a political system that fails miserably for what it intends to do. One man one vote, not for the best man or woman, but a dud chosen for them by the mafia, or a corrupt gang of men and women in Washington, that were paid to do what the paymaster want them to do.

Who would China prefer? It does not matter really. China can live with either of them as they would mean nothing to China. They would in their own way expedite the decline of the dying American Empire by their thoughtless policy made like knee jerk reactions. No need much thinking, just good for the day. After all they only have 4 years to fill their pockets and bank accounts.

China does not need to bother whichever clown becomes the President of a decadent Empire. China only needs to chart its own progress carefully with long term plans for the well being of its people and country.

Good luck to Biden and Trump. Good luck to fake democracy America and the daft American hillbillies.


  1. Good moment Mr RB and All

    The worse is that these imbeciles and Scoundrels preached that theirs is the World's Best DemoCRAZY and wanted all to follow them into HELL.

    Prodded that China must follow their paths to demise and doom.

    Also many Yellow Skins White inside their dumb and numb skulls and brains thought so and worshiped them.

    Their Statue of Liberty to decadence, sloths, genocide and all the Evils of the Planet.

    Only foolish nuts believed them.

  2. China must not be foolish to expect any difference in USA foreign policies between the Republicans and Democrats, whoever sits in the White House. It is now an all-out anti-China and Russia setup by the real powers behind the throne. It was originally constructed to tout the superiority of democracy over socialism, which has now become an obsolete and untenable argument.

    USA foreign policies have now been all purely about countering Russia and China. Both parties contending for power in the USA are just a choice between the right hand and the left hand, and their thinking will remain identical, however good a show they are trying to put up. It is up to the voters to say enough is enough. This will never come about and we can be sure. Stupidity cannot be cured, right?

    This game of musical chairs built for perpetual rule by two parties have been working to perfection, that has long been built into their DNA and no one can change that. And no one will be able to change that, knowing that the same kind of evils are lurking inside Congress, as well as the swamp that can never be drained, all having the same evil designs. Any younger leader aspiring to assume leadership, with a different mindset, will be beaten down by the powers that be. Their use of the propaganda machine is as powerful internally as well as externally. No one can fight that. Just take Trump as an example, now beaten to a pulp.

    Therefore, China has little to gain choosing between Biden and Trump going into the White House. China must just follow its own course, built up its military power, lift more people out of poverty and give them a better life, continue to use the same mindset adopted at home to help poor countries out of poverty and assist them to progress, and above all continue to innovate to counter the West out to destroy it. No one can argue against that or complain against that. Only the corrupted West will do that to preserve their superiority complex that is eroding.

  3. In UK, they gave up choosing between a Trump or a Biden.
    They chose an Indian as their best solution.

  4. Those were the days when they had real leaders like Margaret Thatcher in UK and Angela Merkel in Germany.

    Then came the decline into the abyss. Just like in the USA waiting to see who will destroy the country faster - Trump or Biden. In Europe it is Olaf Scholz of Germany taking top spot, while Rishi Runak is doing the dishonor to the UK. It was really out of the frying pan into the fire.

  5. Today's one article from Canada warning China NOT to interfere in their Erections, oops Elections.

    You think China so free ah interfere I'm your damn Elections?

    Xi had 1.5B people's to take care.

    Their Survivals of Food Security, Energy and Agressions Security etc.

    Also Xi don't give a damn who's be the Nincoompoo Americunts President as he knows he be still dealing with duds and Imbeciles.

    1. A better description for the "Duds" as Morons as said by Scott Ritter.


  6. Canada thinks too highly of itself by warning China not to interfere in their coming erection.
    If the whole of Canada's women gets unwanted pregnancies, do not try to blame China please! LOL.

    If even the USA erection is a non-event for China, who cares about Canada having a national 'erection'?

  7. You can bet every doggie having an erection will warn China about interfering. The UK is doing that. They are just following the USA's narrative. Doggies must be obedient and protect its master's interest.

  8. The American terrorists and warmongers are still calling the shot, dictating the narrative for its colonies and cronies to parrot, and for Channel News America to reprint.
