
American dollar is safe haven, drugs and homelessness are lifestyle choice...keep spinning

 And the USA Government is unable to do anything about the drug problem. Honestly, Karma cannot just be stopped from working by brushing it aside and not believing in its mysterious way.

There are honestly many things that is still beyond the comprehension of the human mind. Take the Universe as an example. Who, how and why was the Universe created? They still do not know the answer, just using conjectures to explain. Even recent events disqualifying Pluto as a planet shows the uncertain thinking of the human mind.

There are a thousand and one ways that the USA is seen to be destroying itself. Most imminent is the atrocious debt of US$34 trillion and still the USA is spending like no tomorrow and printing toilet papers like crazy. But the world, allies and non-allies are not buying its latest tranche of Treasury bill offerings. The response was 'ugly' to quote Kevin Walmsley on 'Inside China Business'. It seems the only big buyers left were pension funds.

And Pension Funds are posing another serious problem and themselves reported to be unable to keep up, by earning enough from its investments, to pay off retirees. Most pension funds are literally bankrupt entities and will not last. This is a problem that is escalating but kept under wraps and seldom touched upon by the MSM.

Of course, the drug infestation problem is beyond control as well, and conveniently the USA is trying to blame China for its drug problems. Did China forced the USA to open up to the drug trade using gunboat diplomacy? China does not need to drug the USA to make it weak. The USA is weakening itself day by day, internally and externally.

Criminal activities also have connections to the drug problem, and the homelessness problem is the result. It is reported that drug addicts prefer living on the streets to avoid the law. But the authorities and MSM are spinning it into a 'song and dance' that living on the streets is a 'lifestyle choice'. Listen to that bullshit coming from the authorities. And with that, they believe they are justified to leave the homelessness problem to fester.

And of course, what will bring down the USA, if those problems above do not work, is the de-dollarization move initiated by BRICS. The effects are rippling silently across the world, though the USA and the G7 are still downplaying the inevitable.

Let them enjoy their warp sense of security and denial. The same way they were denying China's rise as of little consequence to the US$ hegemony. The Chinese can only be cooks and laundrymen and can never pose any threat to the superior Anglo-Saxon Whites and white pretenders like Japan.

Now they are realizing it too late and are fighting tooth and nail to keep China from rising further. And one USA Party is blaming the other for letting this happen. 



  1. Strange that toilet papers are still thought of as 'safe haven' with all the sanctioning threat going around. It is obviously not 'safe haven' that is attracting investors. It is the high interest rate that is luring investors into buying treasuries and bonds. They always say, the higher the returns, the bigger is the risk. But it is a risk many are willing to take.

    What is most disturbing is that higher interest rate only means that the USA will have to fork out more to pay investors every year. Right now, the USA is having to pay about US$1 trillion a year to service its debt. That is a colossal sum of money just to pay the interest on their debt alone. That is worth more than two years of Singapore's GDP.

    Is that sustainable? If not, how much of a 'safe haven' can keeping or buying USA debt be?

  2. And all that interest payment is eating into its GDP. A US$1 trillion a year is unimaginable for any other country on earth. Just imagine how much they could do with that money to help homelessness, renew failing infrastructures, erase escalating poverty and subsidizing medical care.

    But all these are not on the agenda of the ruling elites. Their pre-occupation is throwing money into a black hole in Ukraine, subsidizing companies to set up factories that cannot ever compete globally, and creating wars that are sapping their military spending.

    The irony is that the USA depends on a war economy, not a productive economy based on producing consumer products in exchange for goods made by others, but just printing toilet papers in exchange. How silly can the world be to fall for all this hubris is insanity. But change is coming soon when BRICS gets its system in order and working.

  3. Actually, Putin found this out long ago. But he was still caught with his money stuck in Europe mainly, despite attempts to cut off holding Western assets.

    Fortunately, he still has Western assets stuck in Russia that he can monetize to be seized should the Europeans confiscate Russian assets.

    China really has a big problem, having so much big investments in USA and Europe. Will the Western investments in China be enough to cover just in case is the question. Thankfully, China's investments in the BRI are no longer its own assets to be seized. They were constructed using surplus US$ loans, which are repayable by those countries taking the loans. The USA could do nothing about that, just spinning the debt trap mantra every day.
