
Shangri La Dialogue - lighter moments when comedians and clowns speak

 The world's richest comedian, Zelensky, is expected to speak at the Shangri La Dialogue, an event where defence ministers and top military brass are meeting to discuss serious international issues and a chance to meet each other in person. In such a serious environment it is good to have a comic in attendance to loosen up the tense emotion. Never mind if after the performance the comic would be begging for alms.

Zelensky is not the only comic invited to entertain the dignified audience. His counter part, or double in Asean, had already been given the honour to deliver a piece written by a sophomore on International Relations 101. And some in the audience were awed by the 'great and powerful' speech. Good work and credit goes to the comic.

In a more serious note, the spokesman for the American Empire laid down the rules for an Indo Pacific region under America's rules of law, not UN or International Rules of Law. Austin made it clear that the American Empire is here to stay as the top dog, ruling the region under American terms, and backed up by America's military power. On this, he said the Americans would build more military bases, stock up more weapons, including sending in soldiers and the military industrial complex to produce more weapons of war in this otherwise peaceful region.

Austin also sang praises to its colonies and assured them that America would reinforce its military presence in the colonies to ensure that they would always be safe as colonies of the American Empire. He also welcomed two new colonies in the Philippines and Papua New Guinea for inviting the Americans to set up military bases in their lands. Austin proudly boasted about how big the American colonies have expanded and how America would turn them into another NATO in the region. Oops, so far, the many colonies actually added up to Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, PNG and Australia in a region with more than 20 countries. What happened to the rest of the countries in the region? What happened to the rest of Asean countries? If you are not with us you are against us?

The American Empire is here to stay as the sole hegemon. Convergence of interest and countries? Only if they come under the American Empire, as colonies of the Empire. They would then be free and safe from terrorists, gangsters, NGOs and the CIA tasked to conduct assassination, regime change, destabilise and incite civil unrest in their countries. The colonies are safe, as all political opposition would be assassinated or removed.

Americans are renewing and re erecting themselves in a new Pax Americana, with willing colonies sharing the same values, and happily living ever after under the American masters. What a nice formula! What a sweet dream!


  1. Zelensky is the richest and most celebrated fool in the world. He destroyed his country Ukraine and caused the death and maimed of millions of daft Ukrainians and is held by the Americans as the shining example of stupidity.

    His Asean counterpart is also hoping to be in the limelight and be as rich as him. Unfortunately, this comedian's money has been seized by the Americans as ransom for his good behaviour.

  2. I still don't get it why we need to spend million of tax payer money every years to invite all this rich asshole to come here to talk cock sing song. What do we really get out of it?? Maybe for the papies ego to notch up a level. Wouldn't it is better to use this million to subsidies the medical expenses of old singaporean? Think of it, the money spend on entertaining Kim & Trump here years back, did not produce anything good for the world.

  3. SGP claims it's neutral between US and China. See what they do, not what they say !

    Singapore and the United States have inked an agreement to further cooperate on defence innovation, such as leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous systems to solve their militaries’ operational challenges.

    The memorandum of understanding (MOU), signed on May 31, will also see both countries work on solutions to ongoing security challenges, such as the development of counter-drone capabilities, and technologies to enhance maritime security. Who's the enemy?

    The signing was witnessed by US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin and Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen.

  4. Putin has achieved nothing in Ukraine, so says the brain-dead USA Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin.

    He obviously never looks at the map of Ukraine today and how much territory Russia has gained so far into the war. The whole Eastern flank, the Donbass region, are all under Russian control. Those are the most industrialized zones in Ukraine and the richest food producing region as well. That is nothing achieved by Putin? Who is Austin trying to delude?

    Contrast the achievements of the USA and NATO two years into the war. What have they achieved despite all the aid and weapons given to Ukraine? What have they to show in terms of territory taken back from Russia? Not an inch to show! And Biden gloated about turning the Ruble into rubble and Russia going down on its knees. Another 'theory of victory' turned to dust.

    The only achievement, if I can call it achievement at the expense of allies, is the USA and NATO being given an opportunity to get rid of obsolete weapons, and the USA Military Industrial Complex being given the chance to make hay while the sun shines, selling new weapons to NATO.

    And Austin thinks he can lie and get away with it? He has to do better than that. His ignorance is truly astounding. He has taken the 'theory of a Ukrainian victory' to a whole new level.

    And with all the clowns attending the Shangri-la Dialogue, who needs to go to a circus? Not even when it is an expensive circus to put up.

    1. Maybe he still in the midst of the jungle in Africa.

      That Black Gorilla

  5. What is the agenda to have two comedians speaking in the Shangri La Dialogue?

    It is an insult to the intelligence of the audience.

  6. Insulted or not, they we specially invited to the circus to listen to the clowns. Yet I still hear clapping in the background as I just happened to take a quick glance and saw Austin propagating his stuff.

    Not that I was interested in the Shame-Gorilla dialogue. Just having my morning breakfast with the TV on as usual.

  7. With America's two favourite comedians invited to make keynotes speeches, you don't have to guess what the dialogue is all about. Next year they would in the third comedian, Lai Ching Te to be a keynote speaker.

  8. Of all people to invite, they invited these two birds of the same feather to give keynote speeches.

    1. Hi Anon 4.55

      Not birds of same feathers.

      Two arses cheeks from the same buttocks.

      Two scoundrels from the same genes of lunatics

  9. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/ukraine-zelenskyy-shangri-la-dialogue-singapore-security-assistance-russia-war-4379361

    Sinkies land ShangriLa Gila Dialogue is to demonize and belittle China and promoted the Western Barbarians.

  10. https://youtu.be/b8O_5OqBAnQ?si=nw1orijzH7Ss0p6I

    Hello Skkyy your troops already withdrawing and you still want to talk and gained sympathies ah?

    Better go back and surrender ah!

  11. The title of Zelensky's speech, 'How not to believe in American lies and destroy your own country and people.'

  12. Today's Shits Times had one regurating Parrot Chinkee Sinkies Banana brainwashed by the Whites so called propgranist by the name of Danson Cheong had this to say:-

    "Sorry but we're Chinese Singaporeans- not your compatriots "

    As usual they and their buts buts and butt's!

    His ancestors of the White Apes!

    Ate too much White Shits and drank too much White urine.

    Hello delete your surname Cheong lah!

    Put as "Lemon " "Cotton" " Bush" or "White Head"

    Register for birth certs impatient hillbillie Anglo-Saxon your ancestors hello faster what's your son's name?

    Cotton- ah, oh OK he born in the damn Cotton picking fields so surname as "Cotton "

    Another oh he's born at the farking Lemon orchards so ok "lemon"

    Another oh Shits they screwed and born in the bushes so OK lah "Bush"

    And yours? Mine as "White Head" as damn their dirty old man at this age of 70s still have mistresses and played with cigars in the Oval Office so as "White Head"

    Bloody he'll here have service but still went round servicing others.

    That's why till to die have to go round and stirred shits and created chaos all around the World.

    May Satan bring all to HELL AND HAVE WORLD PEACE.

    1. Hi All, upon further reading the comments of this Banana Cheong, he stated that one PRC called him compatriot and he was offended by this!

      Wah so arrogant ah!

      Sinkie little Singaporean of a Little Red Dot offended by an willing to be a own countrymen in same Chinese Race and he felt offended.

      Wow think that China is still in the 50a and 60s dirt poor and we Sinkies some not all used to contribute some help to them as our relatives and kins are still there.

      Hope that one fine day that he no need to beg the PRCs for alms and declared hello compatriots we need your help.

      If that PRC could still remember him vividly that he was offended when he called him compatriot then should tell him you are too snobbish to be my compatriot.


      China even though they were poor during their early years of Revolution or Independence had the hearts even yo help those poorer than them like the Africans etc.

      The Africans of today were so grateful to them and remembered their generosity and help that they used yo bring up in their speeches.

      They remembered and that's why they are so willing to cooperate with China knowing that they are principled people unlike the White Barabians.

      The Africans would be delighted and happy that the PRCs were to call them as Compatriots.

      The PRC knew better that it is not suitable to call them so as they are not of their own Race.

      So our White Superior Danson is so high and mighty after been in the league of the Whites looked down on the PRC who called him compatriot!

      Oh thinking as Compatriot that the PRC is trying to convert him to be a Communist and he brains dead that Communists are BAD.

      As Kishore said that he was stunned that hillbillies Singaporeans or Sinkies are so daft and stupid that they cannot even ascertain the lies of the West and their BS.

      Sinkies still thought that they are one up the PRCs just because they could speak their English better than them.

      So better pray hard that one fine day this Danson Cheong sia suay with Chinese surname better changed to Cotton or Lemon more class as White's do not have yo go and called the PRCs compatriots and seeks their help and alms.


    2. https://www.straitstimes.com/opinion/sorry-but-we-re-chinese-singaporeans-not-your-compatriots

      Wow so many high profile of his own boasting postings on the ST.

      Journalist? What's Journalist?

      ST have journalists meh?

      Thought only reguariating parrots!

    3. Just to add huh China how many times the size of Singapore ah?

      How many billions their peoples ah?

      Hello wanted to be friend's and compatriot with you and you still acts actsy ah?

      Little calf looked down on the Dragon ah!

    4. https://youtu.be/qQENwNOtUvg?si=J9pxnwJ_81o9OGHe

      Why Africa chooses China and NOT the West

      Listen and see for yourselves

    5. Sinkies thought that they can spat better English than.the PRCs ah?

      Try to debate LiXin and see and listened who spat better Eng Kok.

    6. WOGs as Wollywoks Black Faces Clowns as Western Oriental Gentlemen- Gentlemen my foot!

  13. The Chinese have a saying about pigs. Translated literally it means, 'When pigs are already slaughtered and lie dead on the ground, they still push out a pile of shit even when dead'.

    Dead pigs still want to show their prowess of refusing to die and trying to scare their slaughterer?

  14. Singapore is now stuck with hosting this Shangri La Dialogue circus every year. Who is funding and supporting this event?

  15. Hi Anon 9.36

    It's on Sinkieland accounts.

    That's the only viable economy besides hawking that now we have.

    To gain international recognition that we are still alive and kicking.

    Any high-tech innovations industries we have?

    Maybe some food industries of poh pian and char key teow.

    So just age old usual old economy of service industries of logistics, tourism and hotels and our Airports.

    That's where we had that Swift Taylor altering shop Concert.

    Also all sorts of MICE functions.

    The Dotard Trump and Kim Summit to attract World's Attention which is all a FARCE.

    Had the murderous Obama, Clinton and Bush in Sentosa to attract the dafts to spend their monies here.

    Ripple effects for our Airports, our GRAB Pah Hong.chiaks

    Our renowned Hawkers Centres for our multi millionaires hawkers.

    F1 night race purposely night race to show our night skyline to attract the dafts to come here and see our half lion and half fish reguariting water Merlion.

    The Shangri-la Gila Dialogue to curry favours with the Americunts and demonised and belittled China

    So all these are just we have to have an economy.

    Oops forgot our Casinos.

    And also BTOs for attracting the next two millions.


  16. BTOs now out of fashion. They now have on offer what they call 'White Flats' without partitions. It is left to owners to partition the way they like. And I think, as a new concept, there will be a rush for it.

    Now I think HDB does not provide floorings, room doors unless owners ask for it, at a price of course. Singaporeans are like that. This is the only way to keep the demand with new concepts amid escalating prices going up and up. Singapore's only economy is going to be 'bricks and mortar' that will come back to haunt us like in Japan and now China.

    Oops, sorry, cannot say like that one. May be POFMA-ed. Singapore is different.

    1. Hi Anon 10.24

      The Monotonous Same design as in the mould of prefab slabs as manufactured in Matland in RM 3.5 to 3.6 to one Sin Dollar.

      Four pieces to a unit at maybe all in 5K RM still with partitions of bedroom, kitchen and hall and toilet and also that stupid air raid shelter and they sell to you for a 2 roomed flexi at 99 year lease at 169K or more depending on locations and now they keng whats "prime" "standard" etc.

      That's only 2roomed flexis what's about 4 and 5 rooms!

      Wah chiak bay liao!

      They knew that some eastates which are closed together with theie urban and suburban and also rural had different prices in their lists and also resales with lots of differences.

      So now they have these classifications so that the prices are similar to their profits.

      Also, now what's White Flats completely naked ah?

      Better still now four pieces to a unit shall be RM2K instead of 5K.

      Wah asai man!

      More profits.

      You think they will reduce their pricings of their BTOs?

      Fat Hope!

      Frankly Sinkies loved them.

      As in today's Sunday Times our Great CheeChew's idea- Sinkies would partioned them into eight or nine cubicles of 3 by 6 ft and rented them out at 600$ per cubicle.

      Then Sinkies can everyday sits at the coffee shops downstairs to drink beer and shake their balls.

      No need to work as this would be their profession.

      Some more got workfares.

      Sinkies are very pragmatic and smart or cunning one likewise the Papies.

      The Papies knew recession and depression is on the way so they shall changed their rules no need minimum occupation and also any numbers
      of tenants also can!

      This one way that Sinkies be happy and also same time no worry we shall bring in another 2 M for you tenants in the market.

      Also profitable for all our MRT and buses businesses.


    2. Oops also our GST collections

  17. Tonight's performance at the Shangri La Circus would be comedian Zelensky, flown in from Ukraine. All guests are encouraged to bring a blank cheque to donate to the clown.

  18. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/02/europe/zelensky-ukraine-shangrila-address-intl-hnk/index.html

    Zelenskky begged All defence chiefs to tell Russia to stop the War.

    Especially begged China.

    Now wants to peace talks ah?

  19. China is not even interested in attending the so-called the 'shit peace talk' in Switzerland to look for a peace deal in Ukraine. That deal will never come to fruition and is a waste of time. The USA and the West are not interested in any peace deal either. If they do, they would have taken the deal made two years earlier, that was already agreed upon between Putin and Zelensky but sabotaged by Boris Johnson on the orders of the USA.

    At this stage when Ukraine's back is against the wall, why should China be dragged into the conflict with nothing to gain. China's previous attempted suggestions had already been disparaged by the West. Xi would be doing a disfavor to Putin to stop the war when the Russians have the advantage at this stage.

    Moreover, China knows that any peace deal in Ukraine can only have a chance of success behind closed doors without the participation of the USA or UK. That was how China managed to broker a peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia. China kept the USA and the West out of the talks. And China pulled it off.

    With the USA and NATO still intent on escalating the conflict, any peace deal is an illusion and an exercise in futility.

    1. Hi Anon 9.03

      In YouTube

      Scott Ritter said that Putin whence lost his patience might Nude or NUKE the Euro Nuts and the Americunts and the Brits.

      So I posted in his comments column suggested NUKE that Bloody Brit Johnson who is the Devil derailing the Peace Deal.

      Too bad always kena deleted my posts and banned many times by their Moderator.


  20. Mickey Marcos said he will continue to send his Pinoys to Chinese islands to provoke China and if one of his provocateurs dies, he will go to war with China.

    Clowns are very brave indeed. Or is it stupid?

  21. SINGAPORE: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy accused China on Sunday (Jun 2) of helping Russia to disrupt an upcoming Swiss-organised peace conference on the war in Ukraine.

    Speaking at Asia’s premier security conference, Zelenskyy said that China is pressuring other countries and their leaders not to attend the upcoming talks. He did not say which ones. CNA

    Only 3 types of people would attend this circus. 1. People going there for a laugh. 2. People that are more stupid than the comedian and think it is worth listening to the comedian. 3. American cronies coerced to attend and to pay for it.

  22. Clown Zelensky is attacking China, 'If you are not with us, you are against us.'

  23. In the Shangri La Circus Show, the two clowns were mouthing for peace and diplomacy when one was the cause of war and destruction of his country and people, and another eagerly trying to repeat what the first clown did to his country and people...war and destruction.

  24. “We’ve all been inspired by the courage of Ukraine’s troops and the resilience of Ukraine’s people,” Austin said. “People around the world have rushed to help Ukraine defend itself, including countries across the Indo-Pacific.”’ Liar Austin

    Who were the people around the world rushing to help Ukraine? Only white racist savages from Europe and a few American colonies and cronies. The rest of the world is on the side of Russia.

    Only one clown is inspired by clown Zelensky...Mickey Marcos. Oopps, another clown in Taiwan's Lai Ching-te.

  25. US presence crucial to regional peace, says Philippines' Marcos in Shangri-La Dialogue keynote address.

    Another clown asking the Americans to rule over the region of SE Asia and to raise tension and destabilise the region in the name of fake democracy and freedom.
