
What makes it so difficult for China to reunify Taiwan with the motherland now?

 As every Chinese well versed in Chinese history knows that when China was weak in the decadent years ( 1830s to 1940s ) of the Ching Dynasty the Western powers comprising England, France, Russia, Germany, Spain, Italy, Holland , United States and Japan tore China apart which they referred to insultingly as cutting the Chinese watermelon to be apportioned for extraterritorial  control among the savage invaders as aforementioned and thus deprived China of her sovereignty in her own country. China was turned into a semi-colony of these barbaric invaders.

In due course China also lost large swathes of territories to England, France, Russia, Germany and Japan. England took Hong Kong and large segments of Chinese lands in South West and South East China and incorporated them into British India which is the cause of present China - India territorial dispute. Russia snatched and robbed off  over two million square miles of Chinese lands in the north, north west and north east right up to the coast of the Pacific Ocean. In 1946 Russia cut off a large area of the Chinese province of Outer Mongolia called Tannu Tuva and annexed to Russia bordering Lake Baikal ( Taken from China by Russia in 1689-1700) and then by subterfuge it granted independence to Outer Mongolia through a fake plebiscite without China's permission.  Germany acquired the Chinese province of Shantung. In 1875 Japan took away Liu Chiu Dao which they renamed it as Okinawa and in 1895 it took away the Chinese island of Taiwan.

However after the defeat of Japan in the Second World War 1945, Liu Chiu dao or Okinawa, Diao Yu-Dao and Taiwan together with the Pescadores Island Archipelago and the Paracel and Spratly islands were duly and legally returned to China by the United Nations Organisation base on the Potsdam Treaty and the Cairo Treaty all duly signed by US, UK, Russia, China and Japan.  However at the inopportunte time China was in the midst of a civil war between the highly corrupted and decadent Kuomintang ( strongly supported by the US ) and the CPC in which the US hideously undermined and sabotaged. The Communist Party of China led by Chairman Mao Tse-Tung defeated the KMT of Chiang Kai Shek a stooge of US and soon established the People's Republic of China on 1st of October, 1949. America then illegally interferred in the Chinese civil war when it it stationed its Sevenrh Fleet in the Taiwan Strait from 1950s  to prevent the PRC of Chairman Mao from liberating Taiwan to consummate the unification of Taiwan with the motherland. At that material time China was so weak that it did not have a navy to confront the evil and diabolical warmongering United States.

However, to bring the events fast forward the PRC under lines of strong, fervent, patriotic and competent selfless leadership and with almost total support of the Chinese people soon was able to lift up China like the phoenix from the ashes to build up a strong and powerful modern China with great scientific and technological indutries, a mighty military where its army, navy, airforce, missile and rocket forces are second to none and all well nuclear armed, its AI, High Tec, Cyber and space tech technologies are well ahead of others and all these highly complemented by well established successful trade and commerce industries as well as highly developed banking and financial industries.

However, the West and the United States looked at China's astronomical advancement with evil jaundiced eyes. It began to lay diabolical plans to contain China's development and to bring China down. The evil United States is now using Taiwan as a ploy to contain China. It has been illegally and illicitly arming the Taiwan Chinese traitors hoping to incite and promote a continuation of the Chinese civil war to let the Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to kill and destroy each other.

China always believe that Chinese should not fight Chinese and Chinese people across the Taiwan Strait should not kill each other. However, the despicable renegades Chinese traitors of the DPP in Taiwan who are actually descendents of  former Japanese occupation armies of Taiwan who refused to be repatriated to Japan and who camouflaged as Chinese people with Chinese names and adopting Chineses citizenship really are Trojan Horses who hope one day to hand over Taiwan to Japan again with the collusion and connivance of the satanic United States.

China always hope to reunify with Taiwan by peaceful means. However, if the diabolical Americans in collusion with the shameless Japs insist on inciting the Taiwanese Chinese traitiors to resist unification China will not hesitate to reunify Taiwan with the mainland by force of the military. If that happens and should the US and Japan dare to interfere then the war will definitely be carried over to the United States mainland and Japan. Let the evil Anglo-Saxon Americans and the Japs be warned that in this war China will not be fighting alone for Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuella and some other countries of BRICS and the South will be fighting along with China. Should the US be desperate and stupid enough to go nuclear it will be suicidal for the US, Japan and the West for China and its allies like Russia, DPRK and Iran will retaliate with full all out nuclear attacks with no limits. Let's hope sanity will prevail among the desperate psychophant Americans and its neurotic allies.

However the psychopath neurotic Anglo-Saxon Americans intend to lure China into a war over Taiwan hoping thus to contain and destroy China through their planned subterfuge warfare.

Though China is very patient and still hopes to unify with Taiwan through peaceful means but if however it is forced and obliged to unify with Taiwan through force then China must without fail ensure the quick and swift destruction of Japan and the United States with lightning strokes.

The native Americans warning that 'White men speak with fork tongues and can never be trusted' is always true and must be heeded. The United States and its Western allies in many of its treaties with China recognize that Chinese people on both side of the Taiwan Strait are one people belong to the same China in which its legal government is the People's Republic of China ( PRC ) as recognized by the United Nations Organization and by over 180 countries, yet instead of fostering peace among the Chinese on both side of the Taiwan Strait the United States reneged and went on to supply heavy arms to the Taiwanese Chinese traitors in the DPP hoping to get Taiwan secede from mainland China. The least US should do is to stop interfering in Chinese internal affairs. China has been very patient tolerating all the bluffs and nonsense from US and its allies. But tolerance has its limits. Should a war break out in the Taiwan Strait China will and must bring the war to mainland America via its hypersonic bombers, missiles and rockets and its hundreds of nuclear armed submarines. Hopefully with prior agreement and consent China can attack and bomb the United states from Cuba, Venezuela, Jamaica and Bolivia.

Let's hope the Taiwanese Chinese will wake up to the danger of US, Western and Japanese evil diabolical plots against the Chinese people and be sensible to unite with motherland China in a peaceful manner so that China need not take drastic action to unite with Taiwan by force of military means.


Friday, 28th June, 2024


Anonymous said...

No way will the USA hope to win the war against China. The USA will also need to consider what part Russia or North Korea will play in any conflict with China. That is the unanswered mystery that the USA ultimately fears. Moreover, China's military expansion has been much faster and stronger by the day. As many commented, the USA's window of opportunity to win the war against China is already over.

The USA's military still depends largely on China for its ability to manufacture its weapons system without relying on supply chains from China. Even semiconductors for its aircraft carriers, fighter jets, missiles and drones have to depend on China, which is indeed really surprising for most people, amidst the talk of USA sanctioning China in chip development. Who is kidding who? China could literally stifle the USA's Military Industrial Complex in the event of a hot war. Then what can the USA do after exhausting its stockpile of weapons which it cannot replace?

But of course, the USA will not reveal to its citizens the real situation, preferring to deny and hope all problem just fade away. Just like the homelessness and drug problems.

Anonymous said...

It's time for China to be on the offensive against the West led by the neurotic Anglo-Saxons US and UK on all fronts in the various aspects of political maneuvering, diplomacy,counter propaganda, information and direct aid and assistance to states and countries resistance to force US and Western rule like Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Diego Garcia, Guam, Texas, California, Colorao, New Mexico, Northern Ireland, Wales,Yugoslavia, Catalonia, Greece and some states in Africa still under France, UK and US control; sailing warships to East Coast and West Coast of United States, Mediterranean Sea, Baltic Sea, North Sea of England and Scandinavia and the Caribbean Sea and last but not least carry out intense hybrid warfare against US and its allies.

China, Russia, Iran, DPRK and BRICS must prepare to win the last and final battle on earth against the satanic Anglo-Saxon America and its pack of moronic allies.

Lee Tai Chong.

Anonymous said...

Formosa will eventually go back to its original owner, Mainland China. In the aftermath when PLA enters the island, a lot of work needs to be done. Such as identifying traitors among the population who are stubbornly pro-brutal Japan and pro-USA and pro-independence. I think DNA testing is required to find out the percentage of Taiwan ren have Japanese blood. I heard that Lee Teng Hui was Japanese but used a Chinese name for his political aspirations. I think the PLA need not be hesitant or squirmish about "collateral damage" - protecting and preserving the power of the CPC and the existence of Mainland China is of the most prime importance. Having to sacrifice some lives who stubbornly want to vote for DPP is truly unfortunate. May the CPC rules China for the next 10,000 years. So what you are Communist? It's already obvious to the whole world China have the most excellent governance in the history of mankind.


If China is forced to attack Taiwan their first act will be to destroy Taiwan's airports -- making those expensive American F16's worthless -- and creating a no fly zone. The second action will be secure the island by cutting its access to communications and access from the sea. Taiwan expects the U.S. to come to its rescue. But really, all they have to do is look at Ukraine to know that will not happen.


I'd decapitate the loudmouth greeners and the spineless greenery will succumb meekly. The rest of the Chinese Taiwanese and indigenous will rejoice and express their liberation from green coercion.

Global Times Netizens Comments
Posted by Southernglory1

Anonymous said...

Mobeen •

The West will do its best to provoke a crisis in Taiwan Straights. This is a deliberate ploy to stop the rise of China. Unfortunately, separatists in Taiwan are playing the tune of Western imperialists at the detriment of people of Taiwan. I hope better sense prevails in Taiwan


Those 60% of Taiwanese who voted against the DPP also voted against American influence & destructive tactics & debts created from having weapons transferred _ They also voted against provocative transits thru the Taiwan straits by foreign navies [ America - Canada - Australia ] _ The 60 % are also against a deeper military connection with Japan and oppose US political delegations visiting Taiwan causing the Taiwanese people troubles they would rather not have _ 60 % said NO to Taiwan independence _ 60 % said NO to sanctions against the mainland _ 60 % said " Hong Kong is now stable " and the interference of destructive foreign forces has been stopped bringing peace and prosperity _ 60 % said " We know we have been misled by the DPP " _ 60 % said enough is enough _ 60 % now want better relations with the Mainland _ 60 % want the US to stay out of their affairs _ 60 % want peace _ 60 % chose to no longer live in fear of war created by the DPP _ 60 % want China's help with cost of living.

Global Times Netizens Comments

Posted by Southernglory1

Anonymous said...

With the new law on traitors and separatists, Lai Ching Te and his gang would be arrested when they leave Taiwan and repatriated to China for treason.

Anonymous said...

Lai Ching Te had only 28% of Taiwanese voted for him or supporting him.

He had 40% of votes in the election. But only 70% of voters voted.
Thus he got only 40x70 = 28% of the Taiwanese voting for him, no 40% of Taiwanese.

This is less than 30% of the Taiwanese supporting his pro independent move.

Anonymous said...

Old TW boomers yearn of the good ole days of Japanese occupation. Like many English educated Sinkie yearn for the good ole British occupation.

Don't forget TW has been infiltrated by stay behind Japanese that changed name to Chinese despite being Japanese descendants. Add those TW collaborators who are still pro Japanese.

They have infiltrated & dominated political parties, civil service, businesses to influence the "independence" movement which is to be either a vassal of Japan or better still to be absorb back into "motherland" Japan.

These are the true traitors of TW.

Anonymous said...

Beijing had just passed a law stipulating the death sentence for Taiwan secessionists. Xi Jinping should adopt a playbook to assassinate leaders of Taiwan secessionists. That would avoid a bigger war and more loss of lives.

Virgo49 said...

The Taiwanese separaties now feared for their lives with China's law of Death Penalities.

Red Alert not to go to China and also avoid traveling overseas.

Why now so scared ah?