
Western cum Anglo-Saxons US & UK Hidden Agenda in the Shangrila Dialogue

 The present form of Shangrila Dialogue needs to be reformed and changed to suit the correct stance and rightful geopolitical background of the countries of the South. It is of paramount importance to dispense with the usual appointment of a moderator from a European country albeit an Anglo-Saxon British or American. This is to prevent the hidden biasness of the Western moderator  whose natural pro West stance will result in his dexterous steering the dialogue in favour of the West especially the Anglo-Saxons countries of United States and England. There are ample highly qualified intellectuals from many countries of the South in Asia, Africa, Middle East , ASEAN and Latin America to be selected to take the post of the moderator. Singapore is able and capable of funding the Dialogue entirely on its own. If Singapore needs sponsors or co-sponsors then get them from ASEAN or Asian countriesor for that matter from Africa, Latin America and Middle East Arab countries. Dispense with sponsors from Western warhawk companies like Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Northrob Grumman which are owned and operated by the Paragon Military Industrial Complex. They are in turn owned and operated by the Deep State of the Rothschilds Illuminati Cabal, the Zionist Jews and other huge American corporations and conglomerates. In accepting these American warhawk companies as sponsors  it will inevitably result in ASEAN countries being beholden to US and the Western countries.

In every Shangrila Dialogue the US military representative speakers will inevitably talk about security per US and Western interests while China and other ASEAN speakers will usually talk about common security and interests of every country in the region and the world. What does this show? It shows that the US and the West are only selfishly concerned with their own security and other countries security are of no concern to them. They have always been concerned with America first or US and the West first while other countries of the South are of no significance to them except to serve them as they think fit. It is a horrific racial and white supremacy attitude in which the free world must show them to be wrong and out of step with the present world geopolitical perspectives.

Either change and reform the perspectives of the Shangrila Dialogue so that it   cannot be used  by the US and the West as a platform to psycho and demonize   China and other non-pro US/West countries or otherwise disband it and take it down if it cannot  be reformed to serve a useful purpose.


Wednesday,5th June, 2024

Tuesday, 4th June, 2024


  1. Shangrila Dialogue is simply an echo chamber for pro-US countries like Singapore.

  2. Singapore doggie of the UAssA.

    Woof woof!


  3. The organizer of the dialogue is IISS (US/UK institution) & sillyporean money. So what do you expect. For the papies it is just another form of enhancing it Ego & to tell the world it can punch above it weight. Whether the dialogue (talk cock session) had any good/bad outcome it not papies concern. Too bad, snakemugan didn't ask for a drug test on Clownlenky. Otherwise we all might have a big surprise...haha

  4. Time to change all the world bodies and keep them neutral and not be the mouthpieces of the Anglo-Saxon Whites.

    I think humankind ought to take a long hard look at all the history that were written by the Whites, to honor the Whites and for them to use against the colored races.

    It is really preposterous that they claim discovery of this and that country when Natives were already settled there before they came, maybe for thousands of years earlier. North America belongs to the Native American Indians long before the Whites set foot on the continent, and they claimed they discovered it. What a load of crap!

    It is so sad that Natives of most countries like North America and Australia were exterminated to near extinction, without the ability to fight back and reclaim their land. All at the hands of heroic cowboys and barbaric troops and White convicts. Australia was used as a 'penal colony' and dumping ground for White criminals from the UK, and they probably massacred the Aborigines.

    China and India were perhaps lucky that no Anglo-Saxon Whites could claim to have discovered them. How could they when both nations already existed as civilizations long before the Whites showed their faces.

  5. IISS is an Anglo Saxon setup. Singapore is only a tea boy. Tea boy has no say. This is why the two Mickey Mouse were invited to make keynote speeches as if they are VIPs and the audience had to listen to their rubbish.
