
Piyush Gupta, new citizen, top talent to take care of a park

“On what grounds?” – Singaporeans question Mandai Park’s decision to appoint DBS CEO as board chair 
ByJewel Stolarchuk

 The recent appointment of DBS Group CEO Piyush Gupta as the new board chairman of Mandai Park Holdings has ignited a wave of skepticism and criticism among Singaporeans online. Many are questioning the rationale behind the decision, expressing doubts about Mr. Gupta’s suitability for the role.

The above is from theindependent.sg. More comments available in theindependent.sg.

No talent Singapore is indeed a very lucky country. Look at equally no talent USA, another country that has no talent and depending on foreign talents to fill its top positions in the govt and private sector. The Americans are now left with a D grade scoundrel and a half dead walking zombie to choose from as their next president. At least Singapore can choose from all the foreign talents it brought in to replace the daft Singaporeans.

And Piyush Gupta is about the best foreign talent in Singapore now. He is a man of all talents and his appointment as Chairman of Mandai Park, while he is the CEO of DBS, say it all. He would soon share all his banking expertise on how to make money for the Park. I am not sure Mandai Park includes Mandai Zoo. If it does, Ah Meng could soon become the brand Ambassador of DBS to earn extra income for the Zoo.

By the way, Piyush is now a Singaporean, not a foreigner. So he is now part of the Singaporean core. If we can replace the Singaporean core with more Guptas, Singapore will shoot to high heavens as the city state with the most talented locals, no more called no talent Singapore.

At the way Piyush is rising, he is looking like a potential PM or President material. Daft Singaporeans believe in meritocracy. I am not sure if this is a contradiction. Talented foreigners are always prized over daft Singaporeans for top appointments. And daft Singaporeans love this, as a good thing. And the govt is not going back from this policy. They are going to bring in all the foreign talents money can buy to make Singapore a smart city with daft Singaporeans. Don't worry, trust them. It must be good for daft Singaporeans. The govt said so. Just wondering when would daft Singaporeans become Red Indians.

On a sadder note, what to do when they can't even find a daft Singaporean good enough to be Chairman of a park. It is a park, not a bank, not a chicken rice stall! And they need a top talent for the job.

What do you think?


  1. This is the way papies reward it kakilang when they are near retiring. Give them part time position in glc before they move from their full time job. So no need to be surprise ,when the holyjinz can loose money in ST & yet promoted to head Tomasick..a 90yrs old can collect mp & pension pay without the need to discharge his duty.

  2. NTUC also. Bombay Uni . . .

  3. Indians can talk till the cows come home. Talk is cheap. These talkers often fall flat on their faces once in the job. Then, they'll say they need more experts and bring their village and their dog in. The cycle then continues. Sad but true.

  4. How many more mistakes can Singapore make before the vulnerable island succumb to the follies of its own making.All that I learn from history is that the Guptas were warlike militant warriors who came from the north and invaded southern Indian states. In the case of Singapore the Guptas are willingly invited and welcomed as Trojan Horses to reap the wealth of Singapore via DBS which was founded and fully funded by Singaporeans and making huge ever increasing annual profits even before the Gupta wolves came along.

    It befuddles me and Singaporeans are confused as they really do not understand what the so-called intellectual politicians are thinking of. That the red dot will eventually slide to decadence and failure is assured if wrong policies and decisions are continued to be made.

    Yang Tai Chung

  5. Would Lawrence be the last Chinese PM?
