
Philippines, the most powerful military state in Asean...and the world

 Mickey Marcos has sent a warning to China in the Shangri La Dialogue, that if a Pinoy is killed while trepassing Chinese islands or provoking the Chinese Coast Guard, it would be war. Yes, Mickey Marcos said it to an audience of defence ministers and top military officers of the world. He meant it, he meant business. China must be peeing in its pants and would not dare to do anything to the Pinoy provocateurs any more.

No country in Asean would dare to declare war on China, a super power. So the Philippines must be the most powerful country in Asean, militarily, to do so. Even the USA, the most powerful country in the world, would not dare to declare war with China. So the Philippines must be more powerful than the USA.

Mickey Marcos would not be saying this in front of an international audience without any basis or under the influence of drugs. He is not stupid right? He must have taken into consideration the military power of the Philippines vis a vis China, made a serious assessment, and concluded that the Philippines can win, like Comedian Zelensky did against Russia. So it is freedom to trespass and to provoke China with Mickey Mouse antics in the South China Sea. And if China retaliates with water cannon, this is the only weapon China has, and killed a Pinoy, then the Philippines would launch a war with China to thrash China.

Caveat, Mickey Mouse always think it is acting in a cartoon show and will be the most powerful character and win against all odds.

PS. China warned Mickey Mouse not to play with fire. China is preparing for a war with the USA and did not want to kick the ass of Mickey Mouse if it can avoid it.


  1. There are lots of theories going around. The 'theory of Ukraine winning the war' against Russia over the last two years. The 'theory that the Russian Ruble will turn to rubble and Russia will collapse' two years ago. The 'theory that the USA economy is solid, jobs growth also solid, Wall Street shooting up is also solid'. Only those who put up those theories will believe in their own theories.

    And that applies to Mickey Marco Jr. Who does not know that his posturing is all about the USA holding up his backbone and touting its solid backing behind his bravado. But that backing has still not been proven yet.

    Only when the shit hits the fan will we know how solid that backing really is. Is it going to be another Vietnam that sent the big rats scurrying? Will it be another Afghanistan when the big rats left their Afghan supported Government collapsing like a house of cards?

    China is anything but small and weak. And for a mouse to threaten a big country like China is what the Chinese call 'No big no small' indeed. And do not accuse China of bullying should China try to eradicate the mischievous mouse.

  2. Hi All

    Mickey Marcos is dead desperate that all his Father's and his Hidden Wealth in the hands of the UAssA would be banana currency when they kaput or devalued soon when the BRICKS hits them hard

    So he had to drama a bit on the lives of his millions Filipinos just to threaten China.

    Bidamn's handed him a script and said loudly to Xi.

    We had also arranged for you to give a keynote speech in Sinking Land Shangri-la GILA Dialogue purposely to spurn the Chinese.

    Also your compatriot Zelenskky be there.

    He shall visit you also in Philippines and shall brief you how to take all the bombs and missles from China.

    We shall give you a blue print and photos and videos of how your Philippines would look like Urukiane when China unleashed their bombs and missles on you.

    No fears for not you die only your foolish dafts.

    Then we can joined hands and hideout some where where we could enjoy our wealth and lives.

    Don't know whether that time our monies maybe lower value than Timbuktu.

    Aiya don't care lah we have million dollars sign notes at one peso we pretend to be rich.

    Anyway we shall have our companion and compatriot that ASEAN Tua Sen Shangri-la Sinking Land also to join us.

    They shot their own feet by following their Masters orders to sanction Putin.

    Putin also said they unfriendly country so they also cannot join BRICKS to throw at us.

    Also they kena conned send their what's Ann or Sim to the Fiasco Swiss Summit.

    Now still have not prepared foe the demise of the UAss$$$

    All their so called Wealth when UAss $$$ Collapse they be Chao twai aka waste paper and be even lower than the Ringitt.

    1000$ to 1 Ringitt.

  3. The current Sino-Pinoy elevated tension is very understandable from the frozen-in-US Marcos ill-gotten family wealth perspective. The Pinoy FM is Marcos' cousin.

  4. Marcos Jr should know his position and not try to be heroic. We know the USA is prodding him on, but it is safer for him to know his limits.

    Even South Korea, knowing that using threats against the North will being no gain, never talk about war due to one dead South Korean.

    Marcos Jr is behaving more and more like a gangster. We know he has the Mafia behind his back, and he is acting tough.

  5. Philippine troops accused of cutting Chinese fishing nets near disputed shoal

    State media report claims military personnel stationed on grounded warship damaged and removed nets placed by Chinese in latest flare-up over Second Thomas Shoal.

    1. Chinese Coastguards reported that the Pinoys were aiming their guns at them which they denied.

      Now the UASSA adding fuel to the fires wanted to send their CoastGuards vessel to confront the PRCs.

      Hello why China needed to have control of these nine dash line islands etc.

      It's because of the UASSA constant provocations towards their Mainland and Taiwan.

      Xi once told that Blackie Osama to demilitarised the South China Seas and this Scoundrel do not want as they wanted to provoke China in the long term.

      If they agreed to demilitarised the South China Seas you think the PRCs so free and wasted so much monies and resources to build all these defence islets and islands?

      Also wasted their fuel to come all the way to your Scarborough Shoals and etc to monitor you imbeciles ah?

      You can fish and come for your picnic and sieatsa how times you want their Coastguards better stay in Hainan Island and drink TsingTao beer.

      Tell your USssA scoundrels to stop their provocations and they shall let you all do what's you like

      That's also applied to the Imbeciles Vietnamese Mats and Others.

    2. Here also China could be your Big Mountain of Military Defence in the case the White Barbarians wanted to makan or eat you.

      You all imbeciles don't want ah!

      One by one the UASSA asked you to bend down, you disobey they shall smacked you, you know or not?

      We had one Asian Giant to jaga and watch over you, you all so stupid don't want ah.

      Got hear China's Admiral's Speech or not?

      Telling the UAssA NOT to cause troubles in this Region.

      Meaning all of us. He warned them on behalf of us and you so stupid want to lean to their side.

      Tell them don't be kwa lan.

      We don't want troubles but we not scared of troubles.

      Forget your wealth as hold by them. They dirty scoundrels won't give you back.

      They already gian png. Aka harder for monies.

  6. Mickey Marcos was probably advanced a million of his father's stolen wealth by his master to say that. Still a loooong way to go to get it all back.

  7. Another uprising is coming to the Philippines when Mickey Marcos pushes for war with China. This time the Pinoys would finish off the Marcos family for good, never to return to the Philippines again.

    For his selfish interests of a few billion dollars, he is compromising the independence and sovereignty of the Philippines and the lives of Pinoys.

  8. Another coup in the Philippines will not do any good in relations with China. The Philippine Military is corrupted throughout the ranks and the country is clearly a vassal state, beholden to the USA. How Marcos Jr could still be elected despite the massive people's revolt against his father, and the massive corruption and wealth stolen by his family tells us a lot about the mentality of the Philippine people. Very rich Pinoys that used to be adorned with favors and support from Marcos Snr are behind all this, hoping to get favors from the Marcos family's return to power.

    Unlike his father, an army man, Marcos Jr has no hold over the Philippine Military leaders, and he has to do what the USA wants him to do, using the Philippine Military to put pressure on him. Marcos Snr himself was no more than a stooge from a 'regime change' event, put in charge of the Philippines by the USA, which is why he was able to hold on to power for so long, pandering to the wishes of the USA and plundering the country.

    The Philippines is a hub for military coups, like in Thailand. At least in Thailand there is the Thai King keeping an even hand over things, and even the Military leaders have to listen to him to a certain extent. The Philippine on the other hand is long like the wild West, with no real leaders leading the country and no Sovereign hand holding it together. Most leaders over the last couple of decades are corrupt and many are inept.

  9. MIckey Marcos Jr is trying to be another Zelensky, by continuous provocation against China, to start the war in this region.

    The USA is now talking about providing coast guard vessels to the Philippines to counter China. Do we see a pattern emerging? I remember Biden already promised US$15 million for each ASEAN country to buy coast guard sampans. That was a slow start, but do not be fooled, guys. He is now taking it a step further, knowing that coast guard sampans cannot work against Chinese warships, only against smugglers, and even they have more sophisticated vessels than sampans. And so, the upgrading continues until maybe nuclear submarines stage.

    Prodding the Philippines to elicit a response from China so that they can step in to escalate the situation is the modus operandi of the USA, all taken from their playbook that everyone knows.

    Now, Mickey Marcos Jr is getting more militant knowing that his master is providing resources for him to confront China. Soon, Mickey Marcos Jr will be even more hostile towards China in order to be given missiles, nuclear submarines and nuclear weapons by the USA and the West on the pretext of countering China and protecting the Philippines.

    It works the same way as in Ukraine. NATO opened their invitation to Zelensky to join the bloc, so that the bloc, which includes the USA, can deploy missiles and even nuclear warheads to threaten Moscow. This was the 'Red Line' that Putin warned NATO against crossing. But Zelensky, under prodding by the USA and the West continued to test the boundaries by trying to decimate Russian speaking residents in the Donbass region. The rest is history.

    Are we on the verge of another Ukraine in ASEAN? Quite possible when Satan has its eyes on destablizing the region.

  10. Mickey Mouse are delirious playing its role in cartoons.

  11. If the Pinoys keep quiet, nobody knows they are stupid. Now they are not only looking stupid but silly.

    Don't even have a decent boat and want to go to war with China!

    Stupidity has no cure.

  12. Marcos must have told laolan wong, if sinkieland dont support pinoy.he will order all pinoy in sinkieland to return home. Think of what will happen to sillyporean..no maid to serve/cook meal for ministar..or take their dog for walk..health care sector/retail/hotel services all will come to a standstill. That y marcos dare to poke the panda in sinkieland

  13. Marcos Jr can bring home all the maids and nurses from Singapore to Philippines to serve as comfort women for more GIs flooding the country.

    With so many Filipino women working overseas, there is a shortage of comfort women to serve the USA army. But today, Singapore has found more sources for maid recruitment. Pinoy women were the maid pioneers, and credit must be given to the Philippine Government, LOL.

    Suffice to say, did or did not Singapore also provide jobs for Philippine workers when their chips were down? Is the Philippines going to follow the USA by being ungrateful to China for all the cheap products they enjoyed for decades and turning around to accuse China of using slave labor to produce them? Is the Philippine going to follow the USA playbook?

    Another snake biting the hand that feeds it, after enjoying the benefits.
