
To have peace first get rid of Rothschilds Illuminati Cabal, Zionism and Wall Street Rogues and Scoundrels.

  If the world wants to have  peace and harmony it is essential for the divine to destroy the Rothschilds Illuminati Cabal, Jewish Zionism, the Wall Street Rogues and Scoundrels and CIA. They are all interconnected and inter-related evil satanic organisations and together they form the Deep State, the Shadow  Government and the real power and authority behind the United States governance and foreign policies. They also own and run all the war industries under the Pentagon Military Industrial Complex.  The people behind these organisations are irrational brutal blood thirsty killers with no conscience at all and they grow exceptionally rich by the hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars through fraud and deception and through subterfuge by ways of creating permanent  wars, coups and turmoils, drug and heroine trafficking and trading and market manipulation.

The Rothschilds Illuminati cabal is like a giant octopus with tentacles spreading across a wide range of business, trading and commercial corporations, huge giantic conglomerates which include the Stock Exchange, banking and finance, real estate and insurance.  According to reports the Rothschilds Cabal has accumulated a wealth of over 500 Trillion dollars in reserves in their coffers, mostly through illegal and illicit operations. It seems the Royal Family of England is a member of the Rothschilds Illuminati Cabal, and it too has an accumulated reserves of a few hundred billion dollars in the safety vaults of the Bank of England.

Their operations affect every citizen's life. The unwholesome fact is that they exploit the workers to the last drop of their blood. They recoup all the huge profits and pay the workers the barest minimum wage and through deception and manipulation they hardly pay any tax at all.  They are actually both international and national robbers and plunderers.

The Wall Street business tycoons which constitute part of the one percent US elitist society have sole monopolies of the banking and stock exchange markets.They are both the regulator, operator and manipulater of the Stock Exchange markets. Whether the stock market is up or down they are sure to end up as winners with profits by the tens or hundreds of billions of dollars. They are actually financial highway robbers and like the Rothschilds they hardly pay any tax. They not only rob the American people but because the tentacles of their financial and stock market operations extend to all countries of the world they also tend to devastate the economy and financial well being of other countries.

The Rothschilds Illuminati Cabal, the Zionists, the Anglo-Saxons Wall Street rogues and scoundrels have very close connections with the CIA and the Pentagon Military Industrial Complex which serves as their instruments for carrying out their orders to create wars and turmoils where and when necessary both for regime change and for arms sales for profits as well as to extend the Anglo-Saxons long arm jurisdiction of extraterritoriality over other countries.

As these organisations constitute the Deep State shadow government they are also the authority behind the curtain ordering and  empowering the US government to engineer wars, to carry out trade wars, tariffs and sanctions, cyber and space war, semiconductor and computer chips sanctions. 

In the US the Zionist Jews have established themselves firmly as leaders in politics, in big business corporations and at the same time infiltrate strongly in all departments of the US government especially in Foreign Affairs, Defense, CIA, Judiciary and High Courts and the Legislature and manage to wriggle themselves into positions of power. Many of them also by deception and fraud manage themselves to get elected as leaders in Congress, The Senate and The House of Representatives where they have preponderance in decisions favouring the Jews and the illegal state of Israel. The Zionist Jews are very deceptive, unreliable and untrustworthy. They are always plotting and scheming against other people and countries. Together with the evil Anglo-Saxons they post a great danger to mankind and the world.

Besides  another despicable villianous acts of the Anglo-Saxons  is to assassinate other countries' leaders like presidents, ministers and other significant government personnels who are opposed to American hegemony. The countries of the South headed by BRICS under the leadership of Russia and China should put a stop to that or at least take similar counter measures against the US and UK.

Thus for the world to have real peace and harmony it is necessary to destroy completely the Rothschilds Illuminati Cabal, Jewish Zionism, Wall Street rogues and scoundrels, CIA and Pentagon Military Industrial Complex. Russia, China, Iran, DPRK and countries of the south should have no qualms organizing saboteurs in the manner of CIA to assassinate their demonic leaders and blow up their institutions. The free world got to let the West and the Evil Empire know they can't have it their way without impunity. From now onwards it will be a tit for tat and they will be made to taste their bitter medicine.

The West and the Anglo-Saxons United States and UK are led and ruled by lawless rogues and scoundrels, scums and hoodlums, psychopaths and insane people who have no conscience and who have lost the faculty of reasoning and are bent on wars and killings. The native Americans have warned us that white men speak with fork tongues and can never be trusted. So the free countries of the South in Africa, Asia and Latin America should stop having talks with them but be prepared to struggle and fight them to the end and to ultimately destroy them and eradicate them permanently from this earthly world.


Thursday,6th June, 2024


  1. That is why de-dollarization needs the support of every country that wants to escape the control by these rogues over their lives. No two ways about it. The more countries joining BRICS the better the chances of having a fairer and balanced world for everybody. No country should ever be allowed to print money without consequences, as a global reserve currency issuer and exporting inflation to all around the world.

    The agenda is not to kill the US$ hegemony immediately but marginalizing it strategically and preventing it from doing further harm to the rest of the world, by providing an alternative to prevent these rogues from exerting total global control. If it can be destroyed, so much the better.


  2. The Rothschilds Illuminati Cabal, the Zionist, the Deep State and CIA are all Lucifer's agent of death. The Divine must send all its angels to round them up and send them to what the Chinese describes as the Eighteen Hells of Fire where they will be tortured and burnt to ashes.

    Sheng Chong Hwa
