
Deluded West does not have a choice. Democracy vs Socialism is dead

 The deluded West does not have a choice. Democracy vs Socialism is dead, and the mantra no longer works. But then democracy has been seen to have lost much ground to socialism. So, what else can they do? They invented the 'Rules Based Order' hubris to hijack the UN recognized International Law, so that they can continue to do what they used to do without looking stupid.

The USA and the West continue with destabilizing countries, terrorizing weaker states, forcing smaller states to support them with their 'either with US or against US' ultimatum, using imaginary threats to form alliances to look after the USA's interest are all being done. And the new weapons they are using are human rights, fake freedoms that do not even exists inside the USA itself, the oft repeated mantra of protecting democracy from what I do not know, and even trying to use issues like LGBTQ to help promote their agenda. Since the end of the Vietnam War and the breakup of the USSR, socialism has never been used as a force to destroy democracy as what democracy tried to do to socialism earlier.

The Global South countries of Africa, South America and South Asia have no time for such nonsense, as all they want is infrastructure development for progress and lifting people out of poverty. And the BRI provided that opportunity which they looked up to. They know what to do to get rid of Dictators that colluded with the West to destroy the country.

The USA and the West can continue to wallow in their corrupted way of life and denying others the road to progress. But that cannot be stopped when these countries know there is a way out of their misery. China was and is the beacon of hope that they can see with their own eyes.

And the USA and the West wants to keep China down from being a beacon for the Global South. They still want to promote themselves as the beacon that the Global South and others must follow.



  1. The USA and the West never wants to tout their favorite mantra about how good the democratic system is versus socialism today. They already lost the plot and the moral high ground.

    The collapse of the USSR gave the USA and the West the ammunition to justify their claims that democracy triumphs socialism. The collapse of the USSR was the high point of their boasts, and they are still harping on it. But it all came crashing down, like a house of cards, with the rise of China.

    How could Socialism be working so well for China, while the decadence and obsolescence of democracy is laid bare for all to see and resulting in all the ills of the world? It was never meant to happen. Oops, let me point out that democracy does work very well in one area, which is enhancing the wealth of the top 1% in the USA and in every democratic country. Is that what the rest of the world wants with a democratic system?

    Imran Khan of Pakistan was one leader that saw the advantage socialism displayed for him to see in China and he openly admired and wanted to follow. And he was the victim of a regime change orchestrated by the West. He was fortunate not to end up like Saddam Hussein or Gaddafi.

    Now dementia Joe and the West call Xi a dictator, not a communist ironically. When a Dictator is doing everything to uplift the people under his watch, is that a bad thing or still a bad connotation with the title of Dictator? Instead of having so-called democratically elected leaders that are helping the top 1% to enhance their wealth, rather than helping the homeless, improve the country's infrastructures and eradicating poverty.

    What then is the point when all those they elected are just thinking of wars, countering others, instigating regime changes, throwing hard earned money of taxpayers into black holes, assassinations of opposition forces and sabotaging other country's wish to progress.

    God never meant to tell humans to engage in forever wars. Not under my religion. But George W. Bush claimed God talked to him directly and asked him to attack Iraq. That was really loony and mentally sick claim by a leader. Only in the USA!

  2. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/05/europe/putin-russia-western-nations-ukraine-intl-hnk/index.html

    Putin warned the West that he shall supplied weapons to other countries that needed them.

    Wah Bravo

  3. Why the Americans and West can be selling and supply weapons to all their gangsters but Russia and China cannot?

    Why America and Europe can supply arms and weapons to Ukraine to fight Russia and others not allowed to supply the same to Russia to fight Ukraine?

    Russia is now as good as fighting a war with the Ukrainians, Americans and the West combined.

  4. Why does the useless UN say nothing about the hypocrisy of the USA and the West?

    The USA is even using their own 'Rules Based Order' hijacking the UN Rule of Law. It is time the UN be disbanded.
