
Saudi Arabia and MBS under threats by the American gangsters to renew the Petrol Dollar Scam

 With Saudi Arabia's move to sell oil outside of the US$, the days of USA freeloading is going to be over for good. This is a very disastrous move by Saudi Arabia against the US$ hegemony. When countries are able to buy oil outside the US$, the usage of the US$ is going to decline very much faster than anticipated. The de-dollarization tsunami is on its way.

In addition to this, BRICS is setting up its own 'Energy and Commodity Exchange' that will promote energy, mineral and agricultural trade among its members, setting their own prices outside the control of the West and conducting trade outside of the US$. With many BRICS member countries controlling vast energy resources, mineral reserves and agricultural outputs, the implications are immense.

Russia, Saudi Arabia and UAE controls vast oil and gas reserves. With non-BRICS countries like Venezuela and Iran being themselves also oil rich countries and about to join BRICS, the total trade in energy among BRICS countries is enormous.

Russia and Brazil are already agricultural giants in global production of grains that will be making another huge dent in the usage of the US$ when trade among members is being carried out outside the US$.

Global reserves of minerals from Africa are another area that BRICS will control as more African countries join BRICS. China is already the main player controlling the extraction of raw materials in Africa.

The USA and the West can continue to downplay the effect that this will do to the US$ hegemony. The US$ may still continue to blissfully dominate global trade today, but the tipping point is on the way and a de-dollarization tsunami is close at hand, an event that is not been seen before.



  1. The Arabs came from an advanced ancient civilisation. They are as intelligent as any civilisation, but oppressed by the Whites, like China, for centuries. China has broken free from the white men's clutches. The Arabs would be next.

    Saudi Arabia's big move not to renew the Petrol Dollar Scam is a very bold decision that threatens the lives of their top leaders. MBS could be killed like Saddam and Gaddafi. But he is standing firm. A very brave Arab leader worthy to lead the Arab world. Beware, the American terrorists would not take no for an answer.

    Can't say the same to the non Arab Muslim states. Some are dying to sleep with the Americans, flirting with the Americans, despite what is happening in Gaza and to the Palestinians.

  2. MBS is strongly advised to turn down all invitations from the Americans, not to visit their military bases in Saudi Arabia, not to visit USA, not to visit Europe or American crony states...for his own safety.

  3. Just follow the Ibrahim Tagore's style ordering the Americunts to vacate their bases.

    Tell them go and fark spiders.

    Have Russians troops in and drive them out.

    That's the Safest.

  4. A total of 34 willing accomplice states joint the Americans in the invasion of Iraq using fake information and lies of WMD produced by the Americans and the Brits.

    Every one of the 34 states plus the Americans are guilty of war crimes against Iraq and Iraqis. Iraq must take up the case to the UN, ICC, ICJ, to punish all the invading states and demand compensation for an illegal war and the murder of their leader, Saddam Hussein, destruction of Iraq and death and wounding of millions of Iraqis.

    The crime against Iraq and Iraqi people must not be fallen on deaf ears. The criminals must be brought to justice and pay for their crimes.

  5. Many third world leaders are voluntarily walking into the room of the Americans and say, please screw us. We are stupid and loved to be screwed by the Americans and the West, for colonising us in the past and looting our countries and massacring our people.

    Those were the great things done to us and we deserved to be ruled and massacred. We are asking for more.
