
Ursula Leyen - Russia using recycled chips from washing machines to fight NATO forces ...and winning

 Ursula born the Liar is claiming that Russia is using recycled chips from washing machines to be used in making their missiles, drones and other weapons. This is another desperate propaganda piece invented by the West in addition to earlier claims that the Russians have no more weapons and are just fighting with shovels.

Just recently, they were accusing China of providing chips to Russia to enable the Russians to produce weapons non-stop. If that is so, why would the Russians be using recycled and outdated chips for their weapons? The USA wanted to resort to using this accusation to punish China for helping Russia.

If the Russians are indeed just fighting with shovels, why is there a need for them to have to recycle washing machine chips to be used for weapons? If Russia can fight and still win with shovels, what is she talking about?

The clowns in the EU are running short of ammunition to fight Russia and are just resorting to more sanctions against Russia. Did the more than 16,000 sanctions imposed on Russia achieved anything concrete so far? The only achievement so far is that the EU basically committed economic suicide after imposing all those sanctions.

Ironically, those in the know are aware that the EU is still buying Russian oil mixed with others from India, China and Saudi Arabia. And the latter three are laughing all the way to the bank, marking up cheap Russian oil to be resold to the EU into a highly profitable business.

Hope they are not placing all those gains in Western banks that may be confiscated when the USA starts claiming those profits violates their sanctions and must be seized. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi All,

    Now the Western Barbarians are speculating the coming trip of Putin's visit to the North Korea.

    Dead scared and nervy!

    For too long they been in cahoots to bully and hassled Kim.

    Now they are dead worried as they knew Kim don't give a damn what's nonsense the United Nonsense Resolutions as they also defied so many of the UN Resolutions.

    Kim might even want to send their kamaizake soldiers to Russia as just next door.

    Or even more weapons as theirs Now also tok kong.

    Last time the South Koreans, Convicts Aussies and many others can joined the UAss and fight the Vietnamese where its nine of their business and also no such No Action Talk Only Pact, why now the North Koreans cannot fight for Russia?

    Also so many of the LGBT socalled Mercenaries also fought in Urukiane, the North Koreans cannot join in the fun and parry ah?

    They dying to show their might as been bottled up for too long.

    The Americunts and the Soutu Koreans won't dare to fight the North Koreans Now as they are all in shits.

    China is standing aside laughing away.

    Thank you Putin for shouldering the buffers for us.

    Also your warships to Cuba to teach them as what's they been doing to us in the past by provoking us.

    Just take your time and let us further strengthen our Forces and we collapsed them by their economy with our allies in the BRICKS, oops BRICS.

    Bricks to throw at them.

