
Arrogant and stupid Americans made to eat humble pie

The Americans vicious lie that Chinaman are stupid and good only to be cooks and laundrymen has now revisit the arrogant and conceited Americans, slapping them right in their faces. Having demonised the Chinaman, condemned them to be coolies and low skilled jobs by their racist rules of law, and over a century, believing that this was true, the Americans now have to look up the ladder for knowledge and skills, only to smell the Chinaman's backside from below.

In the 1990s, the Americans made two condescending decisions, to block China from joining the International Space Station Project, and to pass a law forbidding Americans to cooperate with China in Space Exploration and Discovery Projects for two reasons. One, Chinaman are stupid and has nothing to contribute. Two, to block Chinaman from acquiring space technology from the Americans.

These decisions were the peak of American conceitedness, and very mean, that the Chinaman were not fit to work or cooperate with the Americans in space technology and exploration. Now the Chinaman has the last laugh, laughing all the way to the back of the moon with their moon rovers. China at this moment has 4 moon rovers running around the moon. The Americans have none and failed in the last attempt to put a rover on the moon.

And now the whole world is questioning whether the Americans actually landed on the moon more than 50 years ago and now behaving like a kindergarten kid, unable to even build a rocket to take their astronauts just to visit the International Space Station, a fraction of the distance to the moon.

To add to the embarrassment, the Americans are begging the Chinaman for a sample of the moon rocks from the back of the moon, despite still being forbidden to cooperate with China under the racist Wolf Act. How thick skin can the arrogant Americans be, even hurling threats that China must share its knowledge and moon rocks with the Americans now!

China's space technology is now so much superior and advanced than the Americans. And NASA is nothing but a shell, still harping about its moon landings in the 1970s and with nothing else to prove and even with its budget chopped to a meaningless sum, only for administrative upkeep, not enough for any serious space exploration and development work...because it was not deserving of any real funding.

China is now falling back on the Wolf Act to remind the Americans that cooperation with the Americans violates the American Law...unless the Americans repeal this Act. And what if after the Americans sheepishly repealed this Act, China copied the arrogant Americans and pass a similar act to forbid cooperation with the Americans on space projects? 

Now, won't that be sweet?


  1. Did the Americunts really landed on the moon?

    Recently their pioneer so called Astro Nut had died.

    Aiya should have breathe the last word that its all a hoax!

    If really been the Pioneer to land on the moon by now so many decades should be more and more advance and landed on Mars or Pluto.

    Why now also cannot launch a space craft into space?

    Lies and cheats always catch up with you in a MOT.

    Their BS one shot in Hollywood ah?

    Some scientists said that their photos looked fake as many can point out many scenes that do not really resemble the supposed scenes on the moon

    The shadows and the atmosphere is NOT Right!

    Now asked for moon rocks? Thought they brought back on their claimed trip?

    Brought back Moon Shits ah?

    Moon Rabbit's shits?

    Remember their favourite phase:

    "We lied, we cheat, we stole and also we Bullshits"

    Laughing away.

    No such words of shame, impropriety and all human behaviours in our barbaric genes.

  2. Their photos were too perfect to have been taken by amatuer astronauts with fingers in two inch thick gloves. Even professional photographers today may not be able to take such good pictures. 1969 photography technology were very much manual processes. The more perfect were the pictures, the more they were taken in perfect Hollywood studio conditions by professional hollywood photographers.

  3. In a bid to sow doubt about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and other life-saving aid that was being supplied by China at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, the US military launched propaganda efforts that morphed into an anti-vax campaign.

    The Pentagon also used a combination of fake social media accounts on multiple platforms to spread fear of China’s vaccines among Muslims at a time when the virus was killing tens of thousands of people each day.

    A key part of the strategy: amplify the disputed contention that, because vaccines sometimes contain pork gelatin, China’s shots could be considered forbidden under Islamic law.

    A senior US Defence Department official acknowledged the US military engaged in secret propaganda to disparage China’s vaccine in the developing world, but the official declined to provide details, according to Reuters.

    Briefed on the Pentagon’s secret anti-vax campaign by Reuters, some American public health experts condemned the programme, saying it put civilians in jeopardy for potential geopolitical gain.

    All the Chinese vaccines were approved by the World Health Organisation.

  4. Breaking News!

    The self deceiving Americans are playing with fire, risking the lives of their astronauts in an ageing space station that has outlived its working life, and should have been retired 4 years ago. But because of American pride, they cannot be seen to have no space station when China has one up there. So they recklessly extended the life of the ISS, when the parts are about to break apart or already breaking apart. Everyday on the ISS is a life threatening moment.

    Now, with 2 American astronauts due to return to earth, NASA and Boeing took another reckless decision by sending a spacecraft, Starliner, that has several unresolved issues to the ISS to bring them back. And to make matter worse, they sent another two new crew to the ISS in the Starliner. Can you believe that?

    Murphy's Law struck. The problems of the Starliner, deemed to be minor, broke out. Many leakages of helium gas were discovered. Now this spacecraft is as good as unserviceable, cannot bring the two astronauts back, and two new astronauts stuck in the same precarious situation.

    The Americans need emergency help. Only Russia and China have the capability to do so. Would Russia and China, both under daily attacks from the Americans, to be destroyed for good, be stupid enough to lend a hand? America and Russia are at war. China is forbidden by the Wolf Act from working with NASA.

    The best thing to say, good riddance. Karma is a bitch and will bite sooner or later. The lives of at least 4 American astronauts in the ISS are now hanging on a string, in space.

    Maybe Elon Musk may be able to help, if he still has a serviceable rocket ready for launch.

  5. Apology for out of Topic

    Today's Shits Times Regularitng Parrot Aw Cheng Kiat, another banana had try to disassociate with China and saying leaving a bad taste in his mouth when misunderstood by some imbeciles that the SinkiesLAND goalkeeper is trying to help China qualified for another round in the World Cup tournament.

    We knew that the goalkeeper Hassan is playing hard for Singapore to save some water face for the handgun masturbating useless players from been slaughtered further by the Thais

    The PRCs are just appreciating that because the goalkeeper kept the Thais at bay with only a humiliating loss of 3-1 that China survived another round of qualifications.

    The PRCs are just been appreciating and in just gestures support Hassan by patronising his stall and gave some monies as ang pows for appreciations as in our Chinese cultures.

    These imbeciles too much westernised ate too much and drank too much Whites urine and shits seemed to be ashamed of the PRCs gestures thinking significantly that we are also as PRCs helping China to qualify.

    These Sinkies are paranoid and sensitive that to be associated with China is a damn catastrophe and is catastrophic thinking that to be associated with China is what's the Western Barbarians had brainwashed and tarred the PRCs are terrible and agressive beans out to slaughter the World.

    One also said we are unique in our own Sinkies way that are different from the PRCs.

    Yes unique only good for hawking and Servile industries workers.

    No talents in any innovations that are going to take you all for survivals the next future years.

    Don't want to say how many years as could be doomed even by next.

    What's wrong with associating with the PRCs?

    You Chinkee are from there.

    Those who forget their roots are lost.

    Anyway no eyes see as SinkiesLAND be also in the group of the Western countries that are going to the Skunks.

    1. Just to add and today our SinkiesLAND Rep in the summit told Russia to stop their hostilities.

      Hello,who is the one who is provoking Russia into this conflict?

      Endangering their Security!

      If a country were to endanger Singapore's Security and we fought the Culprit and Culprits are we be hostile?

      Don't get Rap by the Russians SinkiesLAND Rep.

      My kai kian hoh!

  6. Wah piang even Young Sinkies are also in a way saying that the PRCs are uncouth peoples.

    She in China said that she cleared her tray after her food and the PRC waitress was impressed by her act.

    Please lah you think that by doing so you are gracious beans ah?

    Sinkies are been subjected thru fears of been punished that they are all doing thus.

    So you all think that the PRCs are cannibals still in cave men age.

    Hello they had 5000 over years of existence and history.

    SinkiesLAND just sixty odd years that why you still training to be so called gracious.

  7. The parents and forebears of Chinkee Singaporeans were Chinese, came from China. The Chinkee Singaporeans are Chinese by race. Unless they claim that their fathers and mothers are angmohs or chap cheng or boh cheng.
